What should be eaten after embryo transfer and what abstinence is the question posed by most infertility mothers. Because if you have a reasonable diet, it will help you conceive and develop better. Here is a summary of some foods that you can refer to.
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The role of nutrition for women after embryo transfer
The embryo transfer is considered the most important stage in in vitro fertilization. During this time, all gestures and activities of mothers affect the embryo formation.
The first stage after embryo transfer is the same as those in normal pregnancy, so now is the time when the organs and nervous system begin to take shape. It also takes nearly a week to accurately determine a successful conception and ensure the embryo attaches to the mother’s uterus.
Therefore, a scientific and appropriate diet is essential for mothers at this time. Mothers should pay attention and consult a doctor to build for themselves a reasonable diet for the best process of conception after embryo transfer.
What should be eaten after embryo transfer?
After embryo transfer , nutrition makes an important contribution to good embryo attachment and increases the likelihood of success during conception. Therefore, doctors always recommend a diet exclusively for mothers when applying this method.
1. Unsaturated Fat
A study at the European Association for Reproduction and Embryology has found that eating a lot of foods containing unsaturated fats increases your chances of having a baby up to 3 to 4 times. Especially for mothers who are in the stage of IVF IVF.
During this time, due to the need to take many drugs and continuous treatment, it will make the body, especially the mother’s stomach and intestines weaker than normal. Therefore, the supply of unsaturated fats such as almonds, cashews, peas, peanut oil, fresh butter, lean meat, … is extremely good for conception.
However, the amount of body fat you can consume is different for each person, so you should not overdo it to avoid damaging the embryo.
2. Carp porridge
Carp porridge is a familiar dish for pregnant mothers. According to folklore that when pregnant mothers eat carp porridge, the baby’s skin will be white, pink and smooth. In addition, carp porridge is also much support for mothers after embryo transfer because of its good embryo-keeping effect.
Besides, medicine has also confirmed that, in carp there are many substances supporting the health of both mother and baby such as protein, calcium, vitamins B1, B2, …
After transferring embryos, pregnant mothers should eat carp porridge 2 to 3 times / week to support the conception process. In order not to be bored, pregnant mothers can change many strange dishes such as braised carp with melon, tomato sauce, …
3. Beef
Beef contains high levels of protein to help reduce the risk of overactive eggs affecting the development and formation of embryos. In addition, beef also belongs to the group of high-protein, low-fat foods that support the body’s health a lot. Especially mothers who have just undergone ovarian stimulation should supplement this food for a healthier and more stable body.
4. Chicken eggs
Not only after transferring embryos, but mothers should also add eggs to our previous chicken to ensure the necessary nutrients for the body, to support the maintenance of health for the next stage.
Chicken eggs contain a lot of nutrients and vitamins that are useful for the body. Eating 2 to 3 eggs each week will help the body strengthen the body, support to increase the ability to conceive for the mother.
5. Types of fruits
Fruits are always full of natural nutrients, many vitamins that support health and help increase the body’s antibacterial ability a lot. Not only after transferring an embryo, but even before that, you should also provide your body with the necessary amount of fruit each day. This will help the body prevent diseases and support a healthy pregnancy.
Especially after embryo transfer, mothers should not ignore nutritious fruits to help the fetus develop healthy and increase resistance for children.
The fruits after transferring the embryos you should eat are:
- Orange : With a high content of vitamin C, oranges are capable of boosting immunity for both mother and baby. This is also a fruit that you cannot ignore after transferring an embryo.
- Avocado: This fruit also contains many essential nutrients such as vitamin B, potassium, … very good for mothers after embryo transfer. In addition, avocado also contains a fat amount that makes it easier for the body to absorb other nutrients.
- Ripe papaya: has a lot of calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, … to help provide nutrients to the fetus very well. The special thing is that this fruit does not have much starch so when mothers eat it, it does not affect weight.
- Apples : Mothers should eat apples after meals to help supplement the best nutrients for the body.
- Pomegranate : When eating pomegranate, pregnant mothers will limit conditions such as dizziness, fatigue, anemia after embryo transfer. In addition, pomegranate is also a fruit that supports blood circulation very well for the body.
- Kiwi: This is considered as a “golden fruit” for the health of pregnant mothers. This fruit has more than 80 nutrients that are beneficial for mother and baby, helping to prevent the risk of birth defects for children.
- Fresh lemon: In lemons contain a lot of nutrients such as magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, vitamin B6, vitamins A, C, … support blood pressure to be maintained stably, limit internal bleeding, enhance very good blood vessels.
In addition to some of the fruits mentioned above, mothers should also supplement and choose the right ones for themselves to have a scientific and plentiful diet menu, good support for later conception. when transferring an embryo.
6. Eat plenty of green vegetables
For mothers after embryo transfer, if they want to form a scientific diet, vegetables are indispensable in their daily meals. Vegetables contain a lot of nutrients that are good for pregnant mothers and normal people. Some vegetables that mothers should add during this period such as:
- Leafy vegetables, flowers : Some names for this vegetable are mentioned as choysum, water spinach, broccoli, amaranth, mustache, watercress lettuce,….
- Vegetables and fruits: This is an indispensable food for mothers after embryo transfer because it provides an essential amount of quality and ensures daily nutritional needs for mothers. You should add some fruit and vegetables such as zucchini, bell peppers, pumpkin, tomatoes, …
- Root vegetables: This vegetable contains a lot of beta carotene, high mineral content and microatmin to help nourish the body perfectly. Some types such as sweet potatoes, carrots, lotus roots, … are the safest and best food for mothers.
7. Drink enough water
You should stay hydrated every day. This helps the body to be better purified and detoxified. For women, after transferring embryos, you should add more fresh milk without sugar, fruit juices such as oranges, apples, lemons, … to help strengthen the resistance and support the body to avoid pathogens. due to the influence of weather and environment.
After embryo transfer should abstain from anything good for conception
However, after transferring an embryo, you should eat a variety and supplement with many nutrients to help you conceive. However, you should also stay away from certain dangerous foods that can interfere with pregnancy.
- Drinks such as wine, beer, coffee, soft drinks, carbonated water, milk tea, … these types of water have a negative effect on your body and your health.
- Hot, spicy foods: These foods run the risk of constipation. During this time, mothers should limit eating instant noodles, spicy noodles, … This is also one of the causes of fetal loss after embryo transfer, so mothers must pay attention and avoid these foods. .
- Limit pickles such as salads, pickles,….
- Do not eat some hot vegetables like laksa leaves. This will easily lead to blood loss in pregnant mothers.
- Do not eat raw foods such as raw seafood, raw salmon, … and abstain from fried duck eggs.
- Do not drink ice: Limit drinks with ice or on sidewalks to avoid causing throat infections.
- Stay away from foods that can cause miscarriage such as raw papaya, cheeks, fresh coconut water, bamboo shoots, bitter melon, …
Above is a synthesis of foods to answer the question “What should we eat after embryo transfer and what should be good for conception?”. Hope that readers will have information to choose and build yourself a suitable diet.