Prostate enlargement can be 5 times the normal volume
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Prostate enlargement is a 5-fold increase in size than usual. Let’s learn the cause of the symptoms and how to treat prostate enlargement.

The prostate gland is a small gland in the male genitals, about 2cm in diameter and 10-20 grams in weight, responsible for secreting white mucus that neutralizes the acidic environment of semen. is responsible for transporting semen.

1. What is enlarged prostate?

At birth, the prostate gland is as small as a pea and reaches a stable size in adulthood, but as it gets older, the prostate gland changes in size. Prostate enlargement means that the prostate gland is abnormally enlarged, causing discomfort for the patient in the area around the bladder, urinary tract. This is a common disease in older men, affecting the psychology and quality of life of the patient.

With an enlarged prostate, its weight can be 5 times the normal volume, up to 100 grams. However, the disease usually progresses silently, the body adapts to the disease, so the first signs are not paid enough attention, when the pain lasts, then go to the doctor, then there are many complications, Typically, chronic kidney failure, or even cancer.

The incidence of this disease increases with age, 18% of people with the disease are in their 40s, 50% in their 50s, and more than 90% by the age of 80. There is no association between prostate enlargement paralysis with social class, family background, blood type.

Prostate enlargement can be 5 times the normal volume
Prostate enlargement can be 5 times the normal volume

2. Causes of prostate enlargement

The main cause of prostate enlargement is due to a decrease in the hormone testosterone and an increase in estrogen, in addition to the following reasons:

  • Living in a polluted environment with many chemicals, bacteria, not clean body hygiene, penis accumulates many bacteria
  • Gen: Asian men have a higher incidence of the disease than white and African men.
  • Inherited: If there is a family history of the disease, there is a high chance of this disease.
  • Men suffering from obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, urinary tract disorders, endocrine diseases, thyroid diseases … are also difficult to avoid prostate enlargement in old age.
  • Have sex with a high frequency or masturbate a lot.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle, drinking a lot of alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Stressful and stressful life: Causes a great impact on men’s health, when stressed, the body seriously reduces the hormone testosterone, contributing to the increase in disease
  • Frequent urination, drink less water.
  • Eating in moderation: eating a lot of hot, spicy foods, fatty foods, saturated fat, in addition to not eating enough food, eating foods that are prone to welding, lack of antioxidants, Decreased male sex hormone testosterone.
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An unhealthy lifestyle increases the risk of disease
An unhealthy lifestyle increases the risk of disease

3. Symptoms of prostate enlargement

  • Difficult urination: When an enlarged prostate gland, the patient will have a feeling of difficulty urinating immediately, have to wait a while to be able to urinate, when urinating, there is no power and very little urine, sometimes causing cold burning sensation
  • Urinating many times: In this case, the patient cannot control the urine, the number of urination is doubled compared to normal, this phenomenon occurs during the day and at night, especially near morning
  • Intermittent urination: The urination is interrupted, the water jet doesn’t shoot as hard as usual but may leak out little by little, the cause is a stone in the bladder.
  • Incontinence: This is the uncontrolled leakage of urine, although the time to go to the toilet is not long apart, making men very uncomfortable and irritable.
Patients will have mild to severe urinary problems
Patients will have mild to severe urinary problems

Complications of the disease

The common feature of the disease is difficulty urinating, leading to a long time leading to an enlarged bladder or if the urination does not go away, bacteria accumulate in the bladder causing infection. If not treated promptly, it will cause the following typical complications:

  • Urinary retention, blood hematuria: the patient now feels unable to urinate and has severe pain in the lower abdomen, in severe cases may bleed when trying to urinate.
  • Urethra infection: Because urine cannot escape, it can cause infections that cause problems such as cloudy urine, painful urination.
  • Bladder stones: Due to severe infection, urine cannot escape, causing a stagnation in the body to form stones, causing urinary tract obstruction. In addition, stones contain many bacteria that, if left on, will cause more serious diseases.
  • Kidney failure: Urine cannot escape, so urine pressure increases, causing fluid retention, nephritis, dilated kidneys, and for a long time, glomerulonephritis, chronic kidney failure.
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Prostate enlargement, if not treated promptly, will lead to chronic kidney failure
Prostate enlargement, if not treated promptly, will lead to chronic kidney failure

4. How to treat prostate enlargement

Your doctor will do an anal or ultrasound examination to determine the extent of the disease. Then the doctor will test PSA to check for cancer and then will recommend the most specific treatment for prostate enlargement. Usually there are 2 main methods: medical treatment and surgical treatment.

4.1 Medical treatment

Taking alpha blockers 1

Using drugs to inhibit the enlargement of this gland, drugs for treatment are alpha 1 blockers that relax the muscles of the vascular wall, prostate gland, bladder thereby reducing urethral obstruction, helping the patient. easy urination.

These drugs include:

  • Alfuzosin
  • Terazosin
  • Doxazosin
  • Prazosin
  • Pamsulosin

These drugs do not have the effect of reducing the size of the urethra, but only enlarge the urethra, facilitate urination, but the drug causes the side effect of reducing blood pressure.

Use medicine to treat prostate enlargement
Use medicine to treat prostate enlargement

Anti-androgen drugs inhibit 5-alpha reductase

  • Finasteride (proscar).
  • Dutasteride.

The drug has side effects such as decreased libido, erection problems.

4.2 Surgical treatment

When the disease gets worse and cannot be treated with medicine, the doctor will prescribe it for surgical treatment. The following cases will indicate surgery:

  • Recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Bladder stones, bladder diverticulosis
  • Complete urinary retention after urethral catheterization
  • Recurrent hematuria
  • CKD
  • Severe insomnia affects daily activities

The current popular method is laparoscopic surgery through the urethra.

The popular method is laparoscopic surgery through the urethra to treat prostate enlargement
The popular method is laparoscopic surgery through the urethra to treat prostate enlargement

4.3 Natural treatment

Some remedies to treat the prostate gland from Vietnamese medicine

In Oriental Medicine, there are herbal remedies that are made from nature so they are completely benign, safe, effective, and have no side effects. Although the treatment time is longer, you can be assured that it will not affect your health.

Exercise 1:

  • 10 grams of single envelope
  • 10 grams of prince
  • 10 grams away from cryptocurrencies
  • 10 grams of burdock
  • 10 grams for the spirit
  • 10 grams of tri sample
  • 15 grams of biogenesis


  • Bring all ingredients in sharp color with 1 liter of water until about 450 ml is empty
  • Drink 3 times a day in the morning, at noon and at night.
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Using traditional medicinal plants to treat prostate enlargement has long but safe results
Using traditional medicinal plants to treat prostate enlargement has long but safe results

Exercise 2

  • 6 grams of paint from her, paint hatred
  • 9 grams of nostalgic painting, depicting, knitting packaging, ox socks, serving spirit
  • 15 grams of land, away from money
  • 30 grams of dried cordyceps


For all of the above ingredients in the color to drink daily, use 2 times a day until the disease is well.

This is a remedy for dysfunctional kidneys, patients with back pain, palms, hot feet, red tongue, hot people, and tinnitus.

Remedy 3: Use of Crinum latifolium L. leaves

Crinum latifolium L. contains alkaloids that help to shrink the prostate gland, in addition to reducing effects such as difficulty urination, incontinence, intermittent urination … Many studies show that using Crinum latifolium L. can reduce stimulation. size from 93.3% to 33.3%, if used continuously, after 2 months, we can regain the original size.

Method 1: 3 freshly washed crinum latifolium L. leaves, then chopped, then dry slightly yellow, cook for drinking water, drink for 7 days and then rest for 7 days, then drink for 7 days until recovery.

Method 2: 20 grams of Crinum latifolium L., 6 grams of licorice cord, 12 grams of precursor For all ingredients on a cup drink 1 ladder, drink 2-3 times a day

Method 3: 20 grams of royal virgin, licorice 6 grams, 10 grams of chicken intestine, 12 grams of grass roots, 20 grams of hemoglobin. For all ingredients on a cup drink 1 ladder, drink 2-3 times a day.

Crinum latifolium L. works to shrink the prostate gland
Crinum latifolium L. works to shrink the prostate gland

In addition to using medical and surgical methods, using natural remedies, attention should be paid to improving a healthy lifestyle and lifestyle that will help patients repel disease, improve resistance, and can become healthy.

Eat lots of healthy foods

Dark green vegetables such as spinach, kale, spinach, broccoli … tomatoes, berries, walnuts, almonds, seaweed, … are high in antioxidants, so works to protect this organ from the harmful effects of free radicals. Eating plenty of healthy foods is not only good for prostate enlargement in particular, but also good for general health.

Sports exercise

Regular physical exercise, exercise, muscle-strengthening exercises that promote the production of testosterone are a way to help the body healthy, fight disease.

Keep the spirit always happy and healthy

Stay away from stress, stress will help the body secrete substances that fight off disease. Research shows that when men are stressed, they will decrease male hormones, if this condition lasts long, it will affect their health.


A healthy lifestyle will help improve resistance against prostate enlargement
Healthy lifestyle will help improve resistance from which to fight against prostate enlargement

Above are the causes, symptoms and treatment of prostate enlargement. This is a common disease in older men and is not difficult to treat, but attention should be paid to improving lifestyle to prevent general illness and improve overall health, thereby leading to a life. healthy.


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