Smecta is a medicine produced by the French company Beaufour Ipsen Industrie. The drug works to support the treatment of acute – chronic diarrhea as well as the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome in adults and gastroesophageal reflux disease in infants.
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What is smecta medicine?
Smecta is a diarrhea medicine with its original name Diosmectite. Diosmectite is a natural magnesium and aluminum silicate that acts as a coating on the gastrointestinal mucosa that is effective in treating a number of digestive tract diseases, including acute – chronic diarrhea and gastrointestinal infections. run.
The drug is a pharmaceutical product produced by the French company Beaufour Ipsen Industrie. The drug is not only indicated for the treatment of diarrhea but also helps to improve the pain caused by diseases of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Currently, the drug has been imported and widely distributed in Vietnam.
Information of the drug Smecta
- Original name: Diosmectite
- Brand name: Smecta®
- Category: Medicine for diarrhea
- Drug group: drugs of the gastrointestinal tract
- Manufacturer: Beaufour Ipsen Industrie – France
- Registration number: VN-4737-07
- Dosage form: Powdered medicine
- Specifications: Box of 30 x 3g
Ingredients of the drug Smecta
The drug Smecta that contains the active ingredient Dioctahedral smectite has a layered structure and a high mucus. This active ingredient is used to coat and protect the digestive mucosa.
The drug also interacts with the glycoprotein of the mucus to increase the tolerance of the gel layer on the mucosa when attacked. Along with the impact on the gastrointestinal mucosa barrier and high adhesion ability, Smecta can protect the digestive mucosa.
The ingredients in Smecta include:
- Sodium saccharin 0.07g.
- Vanilline 0,04g.
- Smectite intergrade nature beidellitique 3g.
- Glucose monohydrate 0,749g.
- Powder and excipients just enough.
The use of Smecta
Smecta drug works by the mechanism of penetration correlated with the mucous membranes forming a protective armor layer to protect the intestinal tract and prevent bacteria from invading. Therefore, the drug offers the following uses:
- Treatment of acute and chronic diarrhea.
- Treatment of symptoms of diseases related to the stomach, esophagus, duodenum and colon.
- Help create stools, reduce the amount of stool produced to help reduce the time sick people have diarrhea.
- The drug does not cause a contrast effect, does not change the color of the stool, does not change the physiological transit time in the intestine if used in normal doses.
- The drug protects the digestive system very well thanks to its high adhesion and impact on the protective film.
- Smecta is prepared in the form of a powder, oral suspension and rectal suppository.
- Accelerates the recovery process in acute diarrhea, improves stool stools, helps reduce stool excretion and shortens diarrhea time.
- In the case of acute diarrhea due to diet, food poisoning, intestinal infection or drug side effects, Smecta is used to reduce symptoms of diarrhea or vomiting, …
Subjects using the drug Smecta
Smecta drugs can be prescription or over-the-counter without a prescription. The drug is indicated in the following cases:
- Acute diarrhea in adults and children.
- People often suffer from abdominal pain due to diseases related to the digestive tract.
- Children and adults have acute – chronic diarrhea due to a number of causes such as food poisoning, infection, and inadequate diet.
Contraindications to the use of Smecta
In addition to drug users, some of the following cases should absolutely not use the drug because it will lead to serious consequences such as:
- Known hypersensitivity to Diosmective or any ingredient of the drug.
- Fructose intolerance due to the presence of glucose and saccharose.
- Severe dehydration. Because Smecta is too strong to absorb water, it can cause severe dehydration for the patient.
Instructions for use of Smecta
To use the drug also depends on the disease status, health and age of the user. Specifically:
1. Usage
- Dissolve the pack with 50ml of boiling water to cool
- When used for children, it can be mixed with foods like porridge or soup.
- The best time to take it is after a meal and away from other medications.
2. Dosage for children
- For children under 1 year old: Use 1 pack per day.
- For children from 1 – 2 years old: Use 1-2 packs per day.
- For children over 2 years old: Use 2-3 packs per day.
3. Dosage for adults
- Each day use an average of 3 packs.
- If diarrhea is acute, the patient can increase to 6 packs per day.
Side effects of the drug Smecta
Although Smecta diarrhea medicine is quite benign, it is still unavoidable with some side effects for some cases such as:
- During use, the drug can cause gas, bloating.
- Overuse can cause constipation.
- Reduces the feeling of wanting to eat due to bitter mouth.
- In some cases it can cause nausea and vomiting several times a day.
- Appearance of cases with hypersensitivity reactions including symptoms such as rash, urticaria, pruritus, angioedema.
Smecta drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation?
During pregnancy, women are very susceptible to gastrointestinal problems, including diarrhea. According to the information that the manufacturer prints on the package, the drug can completely be used for pregnant and lactating women by:
- The drug has a completely natural composition, helping to eliminate toxins from the body.
- The ingredients in the drug are very benign, only work for the digestive tract, so they do not adversely affect the mother and the fetus.
- The drug has a pleasant taste and is easy to drink, and does not cause nausea in pregnant women. Small doses will not affect the intestinal tract.
- Smecta has ingredients that help protect the stomach lining. Helps to restore, soothe and eliminate the irritating effects of hydrochloric acid, bile acids, body excretion, pathogenic gases.
However, during pregnancy, if you encounter severe acute diarrhea or prolonged diarrhea, pregnant women should visit medical facilities to examine and determine the specific cause to prescribe a way. the most exactly.
Is Smecta an antibiotic?
Smecta is a drug of the gastrointestinal tract and is prepared in the form of a powder. The drug is used to treat diseases related to the stomach, duodenum, esophagus, acute diarrhea – chronic in children and adults.
In addition, the drug is also effective in relieving pain caused by the stomach, colon, and diarrhea effectively. Therefore, this is not an antibiotic. Therefore, if you intend to use the drug, you should consult your doctor to know how to use the correct dose and dosage.
In addition, in the course of using the drug, if there is any unusual phenomenon, you should immediately report it to your doctor for timely measures.
Drug interactions of Smecta with other drugs
Smecta works by mechanism to create a covering film to cover the lining of the digestive tract and prevent the adhesion of factors that cause diarrhea. That is the reason why medications can alter the way some other drugs work.
Besides, the structure of the active ingredient diosmectite in Smecta is capable of absorbing other drugs and excreted if used together.
Therefore, before using Smecta, the patient should make a list of the medicines you are using for the doctor or pharmacist. To ensure safety when using, you should not arbitrarily take the drug, stop or change the dosage without the permission of your doctor.
Treatment for overdose – lack of dose
In case of overdose or overdose, you should treat as follows:
- For overdose: Need to notify the doctor immediately or can go to the nearest medical facility to check.
- In case of underdose: The missing dose should be supplemented as soon as this is realized. Absolutely not double the dose in one dose because it will lead to overdose.
How much does Smecta medicine cost?
Smecta drugs are currently being distributed in the market with prices ranging from VND 110,000 / box x 30 packs. Strawberry-flavored Smecta for children is priced at VND 60,000 / box x 12 packs.
You can easily find Smecta at retail pharmacies nationwide. When buying, you should talk directly with medical staff for advice on how to use and dose in the absence of a prescription from your doctor.
Before buying, you need to thoroughly understand the information of the drug such as: manufacturing company, registration number, manufacturing address, origin, expiry date and quantity. This will help you avoid buying counterfeit products that affect the health of yourself and your family. It is best to consult a doctor before using the drug.
Note when using Smecta
In the process of using Smecta, a number of things should be kept in mind as follows:
- For those with a history of severe constipation, it should be used with caution.
- During the use of the drug, if any results are found, the drug should be stopped as soon as it is cured to avoid the risk of constipation.
- Smecta should not be taken while taking other medications. Because the ingredients in the drug may be resistant to ingredients of other drugs.
- Absolutely do not give Smecta medicine to children with milk, but you can also mix Smecta with sugar water.
- An oral rehydration solution or oral electrolyte (ORS) should be used for children with acute diarrhea to avoid dehydration and electrolytes.
- For adults, during treatment should not skip rehydration and electrolytes if necessary.
- For children, if encountering unusual symptoms during the use of the drug such as: fever, refusing to eat, bloody stools, … should notify the doctor immediately.
- If you are using other drugs but intend to use Smecta, you should state what you are taking so that your doctor can advise the most appropriate. This will help prevent unwanted side effects from taking multiple drugs at the same time.
- Before having surgery, you need to tell your doctor about all the medicines you are taking including: prescription drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbs.
- Smecta drug does not have any indication for pregnant and lactating women. Therefore, before using, you should consult your doctor to weigh the benefits and risks of the drug.
- If there is diarrhea due to food poisoning or poisoning of harmful substances, the toxins should be removed from the body immediately.
- If you have acute diarrhea due to an infection, consider using the right antibiotic so that you can completely treat the cause.
- Glucose and saccharose-containing drugs should be not recommended for patients with impaired fructose tolerance or poor absorption of glucose and galactose, as well as in patients with a lack of digestive enzymes such as sucrose and isomaltase.
- Store the product in a dry, cool place, avoid moisture and should be kept at temperatures below 25 degrees C.
- The product should be kept out of reach of children.
Above has summarized all information about the drug Smecta that you can refer. To get the best results when using, you first need to learn more about the drug along with the instructions and instructions of a specialist to ensure it is safe to use.
Hopefully, through the information that the article has provided above will help you get useful knowledge about Smecta diarrhea medicine.
Reputable source ThuocLP Vietnamese Health: Smecta 3g Diosmectite drug to treat a number of gastrointestinal diseases
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Học vấn:
Tốt nghiệp hệ Bác sĩ đa khoa, Trường Đại học Y Hà Nội (2011)
Tốt nghiệp Thạc sỹ chuyên ngành Nội khoa, Trường Đại học Y Hà Nội (2013).
Qua trình làm việc và công tác:
2012 – 2014: Công tác tại Bệnh viện Bạch Mai.
2014 – Nay: Công tác tại bệnh viên ĐH y dược Hà Nội Khoa Nội tổng hợp-u hóa huyên ngành Nội Tiêu hóa.
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