Is atopic dermatitis inherited?
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Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that is easy to recur. The disease often causes lesions in the folds, face, wrists, and even private areas. So, is atopic dermatitis inherited? Along find out details through the article below.

Is atopic dermatitis inherited?

Atopic Dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory and damaged skin disease that causes burning pain and discomfort. This can occur in any skin area such as face, legs, arms, abdomen, back, including genitals. They usually tend to linger and are very easy to recur.

Is atopic dermatitis inherited?
Experts believe that atopic dermatitis can be inherited between 60 and 80%.

Studies show that atopic dermatitis is strongly linked to genetics. The genetic rate of atopic dermatitis in each subject will also vary, specifically:

  • Where the mother and father are both sick: The child born will have a high rate of disease, accounting for about 80%.
  • Where only one parent gets the disease: The rate of the child is about 50-60%.
  • In the case of a family member who has atopic dermatitis but is not a parent: The child is born with a genetic ratio below 50%.
  • Twins with the same egg: The incidence of atopic dermatitis will be higher than that of other twins, 77% and 15% respectively.

In addition, people with psoriasis , asthma, allergic rhinitis also have a higher risk of atopic dermatitis than the average person. Therefore, these subjects need to take good skin care and health to prevent atopic dermatitis from occurring.

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Thus, atopic dermatitis is a disease that occurs due to a specific gene. This is a complex genetic pathology, with interactions between genes – genes and genes – environment has effects and biological roles of the disease. Therefore, atopic dermatitis is inherited depending on two large groups of genes:

  • The gene encodes for proteins in the epidermis.
  • The coding gene is for proteins with the immune function.

In particular, there is a mutation of the gene encoding Filaggrin, a protein that binds Keratin fibers during epidermal differentiation and is a factor that increases the risk of atopic dermatitis.

Studies show that Filaggrin mutation is one of the factors that increase the genetic risk of atopic dermatitis at a very fast rate and is related to lgE – an early-onset form of atopic dermatitis. If infected, the disease will prolong to adulthood and increase the risk of other diseases such as allergies, bronchial asthma, …

Besides genetic factors, atopic dermatitis is also very easy to recur when it comes to some risk factors such as:

  • Environmental pollution: With environmental pollution, exhaust gas, industrial dust, … is also very easy to cause some damage to the skin and form atopic dermatitis.
  • Sun: Regular exposure to the sun, the amount of ultraviolet rays will have the ability to penetrate deep into cells to disrupt skin structure leading to skin inflammation.
  • Allergens stimulants: Contact with cleaning chemicals, cosmetics, chemicals, … is also the cause of skin damage and increases the risk of atopic dermatitis.
  • Using dirty water sources: Constantly in contact with dirty water or containing harmful chemicals, bacteria, fungi, … is also very easy to damage the skin and lead to dermatitis.
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Notes for patients with atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis often tends to thrive in a short period of time and makes treatment difficult. Therefore, in order to control the symptoms well, the patient should pay attention to the following issues:

1. Develop an appropriate nutritional regime

  • Supplement foods rich in vitamins, antioxidants and important nutrients found in vegetables, roots, fruits, fruits, … to help restore skin, stimulate the healing process and enhance health. resistance to the skin.
  • Increase the daily amount of water for the body from 2 – 2.5 liters to help provide moisture to the skin, limit dry skin and effectively protect the skin. Alternatively, you can also replace the filtered water with fruit juices or fresh fruits.
  • Limit the use of foods that are prone to skin irritation such as: alcohol, cigarettes, eggs, milk, seafood, spicy, greasy foods or processed foods. Contains many preservatives.

2. Change the activity mode

  • Keep your skin moisturized regularly, avoiding dryness or flaking by using a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated during dry weather.
  • Protect skin by avoiding exposure to dust, dirty water, chemicals or allergens (pollen, dog hair, …).
  • If using skin care products, you should choose to buy products that are suitable for your skin and must have clear ingredients. Do not overdo cosmetics, especially for sensitive skin.
  • It is advisable to change scent and chemical soaps or cleaning products to mild ones that contain natural herbs as an ingredient.
  • Do not soak in the water for too long and during the shower should adjust the temperature so that the water is just right, suitable for the skin. Avoid taking a bath that is too hot, as this will make the skin more susceptible to dryness and moisture loss, causing irritation and peeling.
  • Choose loose, cool, and sweat absorbent clothes to avoid itchy skin.
  • Develop a scientific regimen by not staying up late, sleeping on time and getting enough sleep. Always stay positive, happy, and reduce stress to avoid getting worse.
  • Regularly bathing and cleaning the skin every day will help keep the skin clear. This will help reduce the multiplication and pathogenicity of the pathogens.
  • Maintain the daily exercise routine with gentle sports to improve resistance and fight infections such as walking, meditation, yoga, …
  • It is necessary to apply the right treatment for atopic dermatitis according to the doctor’s schedule. Absolutely do not arbitrarily change the dose of the drug because it will make the condition worse.
  • Do not arbitrarily use drugs for treatment of unknown origin or folk remedies without a doctor’s prescription. Because if you apply it voluntarily, it will make atopic dermatitis become more serious.
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Is atopic dermatitis inherited?
Maintain exercise routine to improve resistance and prevent atopic dermatitis effectively

Thus, it can be seen that atopic dermatitis has an inherited rate of about 60-80% and is easy to become chronic and difficult to treat radically. Therefore, if the condition is at the onset of a disease, it is necessary to go to the hospital for prompt treatment and to have an appropriate treatment regimen.


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