In addition to applying treatment measures, eating properly will help reduce the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, while preventing the disease from coming back. So what should erectile dysfunction eat, what to abstain from? The following information will help you to solve this problem.
What to eat with erectile dysfunction?
Working pressure is great, using many stimulants, the effects of drugs … make erectile dysfunction in men increasingly common. The essence of the disease is that the penis cannot erect, or the time it takes for the penis to erect is not enough to perform the process of intercourse.
Although rarely dangerous to life, but it does significantly affect the sex life of the patient. This will lead to many other consequences such as making men lose their confidence, greatly affecting the happiness of the couple.
For treatment, patients can use medicine, traditional remedies or surgery. Besides, the daily diet also plays a very important role in improving disease symptoms. Not only that, but eating properly also helps prevent the disease from coming back. So what should erectile dysfunction eat?
Here are the foods that people with erectile dysfunction should eat:
+ Sea crab:
Regularly eating sea crabs will make the erection capacity and the size of the penis increase. In addition, this food also has the effect of nourishing the body, helping the body to be healthy to prevent other diseases.
+ Oysters:
This is a food that enhances the physiological effect, helps to treat male diseases such as: Dreaming, sperm, erectile dysfunction …
+ Abalone:
If you do not know what erectile dysfunction should eat, abalone is the perfect choice. Because this is considered a nutritious dish with effects: Kidney, increased gas, good for people suffering from depression. At the same time, abalone is also considered as a golden food in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, increasing vitality for men.
When it comes to foods for erectile dysfunction, we can’t help but mention fish. Eating fish, especially tuna and salmon, will provide the body with an abundant amount of arginine. At the same time, the composition also contains many amino acids. They are both hormone-producing substances, causing blood vessels to dilate. Therefore, the amount of blood to the penis will increase making the “boy” more erect.
Most types of seafood contain a good amount of zinc. Meanwhile, zinc is a mineral that stimulates the production of the adrenal hormone testosterone. Therefore, eating seafood from 2-3 times / week will help to overcome the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. It will increase the guy’s libido, prevent anemia and high blood pressure.
+ Garlic:
Not only used as a spice for many dishes, but garlic is also a medicine used to treat many different diseases. In particular, treating erectile dysfunction from garlic is also one of the effective measures.
In the composition of garlic contains many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances. Eating about 2-3 garlic bulbs per day will help stimulate men’s desires, support the treatment of impotence caused by illness or accident. At the same time, it helps to produce more healthy sperm.
+ Animal liver:
Animal liver is the answer to what erectile dysfunction should eat. Because in the composition of this food contains more glutamine. It has the effect of boosting the immune system, while at the same time stimulating libido in men. And yet, glutamine also reduces fatigue, treating depression for guys concerned about relationships or depression.
You may need: Medicines for erectile dysfunction that are overrated
+ Ginger and honey:
Ginger is one of the erectile dysfunction remedies that should not be ignored. One of the causes of erectile dysfunction in men is poor blood circulation. Meanwhile, ginger contains many active ingredients such as shogaol, gingerol, zingiberene. They all have the effect of stimulating the elasticity of blood vessels, increasing blood circulation.
Therefore, regular use of ginger will increase blood flow to the penis. This creates an erection for the penis during intercourse. In addition, ginger also helps prevent erectile dysfunction and other physiological ailments.
To increase effectiveness, should combine ginger and honey together in the following way: Peel ginger, wash, crush and squeeze the juice. Then add 2 tablespoons of ginger juice and stir well with a little pure honey. Taking this water to drink every day for a while will help improve erectile dysfunction symptoms. If you want to make it simpler, you just need to use a few slices of ginger to tea and drink.
+ Asparagus:
Similar to other foods listed, asparagus is also one of the most popular libido-enhancing foods. So, this is a good choice when you do not know what to eat with erectile dysfunction.
Since ancient times, people have known how to use asparagus to treat male physiological diseases by: Prepare a little dried asparagus root, wash it. Then, put them in a pot and boil with milk. Use this water to drink 2 times a day, applying it regularly will bring good results.
+ Carrot:
Carrots contain active ingredients beta – carotene, which are significantly effective in reducing the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. The guys can use carrots to prepare dishes or use them to squeeze into water and drink every day.
+ Saffron pistil:
Saffron pistil or saffron is one of the erectile dysfunction remedies that have been used since ancient times. Because saffron will help stimulate desire, relax the nerve, and can be used to support infertility treatment.
For guys with erectile dysfunction, saffron can be used by: Put a small pinch of product in tea or milk to drink daily. It will bring about good effects.
+ Dried fruits:
This is a good source of iron, zinc, potassium, protein. They work to support sexual function for men, helping to treat erectile dysfunction in men.
If you don’t know what to eat with erectile dysfunction, you can choose a banana. In ripe bananas contain a large amount of potassium, which is capable of controlling the amount of sodium in the body. Thereby helping to reduce blood pressure, increase blood circulation and stimulate the production of testosterone in men.
+ Dark Chocolate:
Guys should eat dark chocolate when having erectile dysfunction. This food will help increase blood circulation to the penis, reduce blood pressure, improve cardiovascular and increase blood circulation for the body. In addition, it also helps increase the erection for “little boy”, stimulating libido in men.
+ Spinach:
Spinach is a good source of sodium. It dilates blood vessels, increasing blood circulation to other organs, including the penis. Therefore, this is also a food to cure erectile dysfunction, help the penis erect for longer and longer.
+ Tomatoes:
Not only has the effect of beauty, eating tomatoes also helps the cardiovascular system be healthy. At the same time, tomatoes also stabilize the pumping rate, improve heart rate and increase blood circulation. This is because tomatoes contain lycopene. It helps speed blood circulation to increase and overcome erectile dysfunction.
With its rich vitamin E content, minerals and healthy fats, almonds are an answer for those who don’t know what to eat when suffering from erectile dysfunction. This seed helps to circulate blood better. Therefore, the symptoms of erectile dysfunction are also reduced.
+ Watermelon:
Not only is it a delicious, nutritious fruit, eating watermelon regularly also helps to improve erectile dysfunction. Because in the composition of this fruit contains L-citrulline and lycopene. They are compounds that relax blood vessels, improve circulation, and effectively treat erectile dysfunction.
+ Okra:
Like the above foods, okra increases blood flow to the penis, thereby improving the state of “in the upper and lower in no hearing” for men.
+ Pomegranate juice:
If you still wonder what erectile dysfunction should eat, you should drink pomegranate juice. This fruit has antioxidant properties, helps regulate blood circulation, reduces stress. Therefore it reduces the risk of erectile dysfunction in men.
+ Dates:
Scientists have shown that eating dates regularly increases men’s libido. For good results, eat about 3-4 dates combined with pistachios and almonds.
Erectile dysfunction should abstain from what?
In addition to healthy foods, there are things that people with erectile dysfunction should avoid. Because these foods not only take a long time to heal, they can also make erectile dysfunction worse.
In order to know what erectile dysfunction should not eat, it is necessary to determine the cause of the disease. From there, it is possible to identify the foods that should be avoided when experiencing this disease. As follows:
- Erectile dysfunction caused by kidney damage: People with this disease often have symptoms such as a lot of nocturnal urination, cold weather, and pale mouth. They need to abstain from cold foods such as snails, clams, mussels, squash, spinach, bean sprouts, bamboo shoots, tofu …
- Disease caused by negative kidney damage: Patients often sweat, hot limbs, back – pillow pain, craving for cold water. Therefore, spices such as pepper, chili, chives, ginseng, onion, garlic … are the answer to the problem of erectile dysfunction that should not eat.
In addition, when suffering from erectile dysfunction, men also need to abstain from the following foods:
- Stimulants, alcohol, carbonated drinks.
- Greasy, hot spicy food
- Processed foods, spicy foods.
- Don’t eat foods that are too salty or too sweet.
- Avoid the use of nutrient deficient vegetarian foods.
Additional information: List of reputable erectile dysfunction examination and treatment hospitals
Usually, erectile dysfunction will not significantly affect health and life. However, it detracts from the male character, and if heavy, it also reduces or disrupts the ability to have children. Therefore, men should not be subjective but need to visit and treat them early to ensure safety.