The purulent rash causes itching and discomfort for children. So when the baby has a purulent rash, what should I do? The following article will help parents equip themselves with useful knowledge to protect children’s health.
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What should a baby with a mother’s purulent rash?
Most children with heat rash is due to clog pores in the long run. When the weather is hot, the body will sweat a lot, causing small pink pimples on the skin. With constant itchiness will cause babies to scratch itchy hands. This will be very easy to hurt, scratch, and inflame the child. In addition, the baby will be very susceptible to high fever, pus at the site of the rash. Here are some guidelines to help mothers control purulent rash in a baby.
1. Do not apply baby powder
Many mothers love their children with itching and pus and have applied baby powder. However, this method is completely wrong. The powder applied on the skin is very easy to clog pores, making the skin more prone to squeezing and more rash. Besides, if the baby’s skin is scratched or pus, the risk of infection and skin irritation is very high. In addition, powdered powder also affects the child’s respiratory system.
2. Do not use topical steroid creams
Topical creams containing corticosteroids are easy to seriously affect the sensitive skin of children. Therefore, mothers absolutely must not use topical creams containing corticosteroids to avoid irritation, varicose veins, skin infections, … Ideally, mothers should prioritize using products of origin. from natural herbs to ensure your child’s safety.
3. Clean skin clean
In fact, many mothers make the mistake of caring for their baby’s skin when it has a rash. When babies sweat a lot, if they do not dry in time, they will quickly create conditions for bacteria to quickly become active, especially in unhygienic positions such as groin, armpits, neck, … Therefore, mothers should clean skin daily for children to ensure the skin is well ventilated and clean.
4. Do not use leaves to bathe your baby
Mothers are not allowed to use different kinds of leaves for children to bathe their babies such as green tea leaves, soil, bitter melon, … without any instruction from a specialist. These leaves can contain a lot of dirt and bacteria, easily attack a child’s skin. In many cases, parents do not prepare bathing leaves thoroughly, leading to unfortunate consequences, affecting the health of the baby.
5. Give the child enough fluids
Most babies develop a purulent rash due to damage from deep within the skin. Children often show signs of exhaustion, vomiting continuously, and a fast heartbeat. Mothers should give children enough water to ensure the health of the baby, maintain moisture for the skin. At the same time, drinking water will help the skin before the damage caused by purulent rash. Some fruit juices contain vitamin C which is very good for the health of children.
6. Add nutrients
In the daily diet, mothers should add essential nutrients to their baby. Especially foods containing vitamins from green vegetables and fruits. At the same time, you should not give your child spicy, hot foods that easily irritate the skin and make the purulent rash worse.
7. Get your child examined
When you realize that the child shows signs of purulent rash, the redness appears much causing swelling and pain, parents should quickly take the child for early examination and treatment. In particular, cases where young skin is oozing, oozing pus need to be more carefully protected from bacteria attack. In addition, you should soon bring your child to see a doctor when he has signs of a fever of 37.5 degrees C, swollen lymph in the neck, armpits and groin.
8. Do not squeeze pus on the skin
The purulent rash conditions seriously affect the baby’s skin. Parents should not arbitrarily squeeze pus on the skin. This action can make the child’s skin very susceptible to infection and bleeding, creating favorable conditions for bacteria to quickly attack the baby’s skin. Ideally, you should trim your child’s nails to avoid scratching the itch and causing scratches on the skin.
9. Clean the living room
This is essential for babies with a purulent rash. The child’s room is clean to avoid dirt and bacteria that can damage the skin. In addition, a healthy living environment will create favorable conditions for the baby to develop comprehensively, ensuring safety for the child during the treatment of herpes rash in children .
10. Wash clothes and dry in the sun
Mothers should clean clothes for babies and dry them in the sun. This will help kill the bacteria that cause disease and avoid damaging the baby’s skin. Clean clothes help your baby feel more comfortable and comfortable. In particular, you should choose clothes with good absorbency to help reduce itching and discomfort.
Above is some information to help mothers know: What should a baby with a purulent rash? The rash cannot go away on its own if the parent does not get the treatment done in time. If the condition lasts for a long time, it will make the baby itchy, irritable, loss of appetite, weight loss, and severe physical weakness. Therefore, if your child has a purulent rash, mothers should pay attention to the health and protect the baby’s skin.