Vitamin Enat 400
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Vitamin Enat 400 oral tablet is used to treat and prevent vitamin E deficiency. In addition to its health benefits, it also improves the health of the skin, nails, and hair and slows down the aging process.

Vitamin Enat 400
Vitamin Enat 400 is a supplement providing vitamin E with 400IU content

Introduction of oral vitamin Enat 400

Vitamin Enat 400 oral tablet is a pharmaceutical brand of Mega Lifesciences (Australia) produced in Thailand. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that is able to protect and repair free radical damage cells. This vitamin is essential for the body and the health of the skin, nails, and hair.

Some information you need to know about Vitamin Enat 400:

  • Drug name: Vitamin Enat 400
  • Category: Vitamin and mineral supplements
  • Dosage form: Capsules
  • Main ingredients: Vitamin E 400IU
  • Packaging: Box of 3 blisters x 10 tablets, box of 5 blisters x 10 tablets
  • Producer: Mega Lifesciences (Australia)
  • Made in: Thailand
  • SĐK: VN-15978-12

The main ingredient of Vitamin Enat 400 oral tablet

Vitamin Enat 400 oral tablet contains the main ingredient vitamin E 4000IU (in the form of d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate). Vitamin E is an oil-soluble vitamin and holds many important functions for health, especially brain health, blood vessels, reproduction, eyesight and skin.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells and repair damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are molecules produced when exposed to toxic substances, radioactivity, tobacco smoke, during the breakdown of food, and are the cause of chronic diseases.

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The oral pill contains vitamin E as d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate

Natural sources of vitamin E are found in many foods such as beets, chestnuts, spinach, avocados, almonds, olive oil, broccoli, … provide enough vitamin E that the body needs. At this point, you can take Vitamin Enat 400 or other vitamin E supplements.

The use of vitamin Enat 400

Vitamin Enat 400 provides 400IU of vitamin E in each capsule. The product is used for the treatment and prevention of vitamin E deficiency.

The adequate supply of vitamin E helps the body to be healthy, anti-aging, reduce free radical damage, protect cells, improve overall health, skin health, hair and nails.

Objects of use

Vitamin Enat 400 oral tablet is suitable for the following subjects:

  • People with vitamin E deficiency
  • Pregnant women do not get enough vitamin E through the diet

Do not use oral tablets for people with reduced prothrombin due to vitamin K deficiency.

Instructions for using Vitamin Enat 400

Vitamin Enat 400 oral tablet is used orally. The drug should be taken immediately after each meal to ensure vitamin E is well absorbed and metabolized.

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Use 1 capsule of Vitamin Enat 400 / time / day or as directed by your doctor

Recommended dosage:

  • Use 1 capsule / time / day
  • Or can be used as directed by your doctor

Note when using Vitamin Enat 400

Vitamin Enat 400 has the effect of preventing and treating vitamin E deficiency. However, Vitamin Enat 400 oral tablet is medicine, not TPCN. So before using, readers should pay attention to the following issues:

1. Caution

Vitamin E can cause blood clotting disorders and increase clotting time by antagonism with vitamin K (the vitamin responsible for anticoagulant production). Therefore, it is necessary to stop using the drug at least 1 month before surgery and only use it again when the health has been restored.

Pregnant and lactating women can use Vitamin Enat 400 oral tablets. However, if not absolutely necessary, pregnant women should provide vitamin E to the body through diet instead of supplements and tablets. drink support.

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Only use Vitamin Enat 400 oral tablet for about 2 months or as directed by a specialist.

To limit prolonged bleeding caused by using vitamin E, increase the intake of foods containing vitamin K such as basil, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, mustard, parsley, …

2. Side effects

Vitamin Enat 400 oral tablet almost did not cause side effects at therapeutic doses. However, if used in high doses, the drug can cause some side effects such as:

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The drug can cause some side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, upset stomach, …
  • Tired
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Headache
  • Mild rash
  • Diarrhea
  • Discomfort in the stomach
  • Cracked tongue

There are very rare cases of side effects when taking Vitamin Enat 400 supplements. However, if you notice unusual symptoms, you should notify your doctor for advice on how to handle them.

3. Drug Interactions

Vitamin E in the Vitamin Enat 400 oral tablet can interact with many drugs. Therefore, when using, should avoid combining with the following drugs:

  • Anticoagulants, blood thinners Indandione and warfarin: Vitamin E enhances the effects of these drugs based on the antagonistic mechanism of vitamin K leading to a decrease in blood prothrombin.
  • Aspirin: Concomitant use with Vitamin Enat 400 can increase the effect of anti-platelet aggregation and cause prolonged bleeding.
  • Neomycin: This drug reduces the potency of vitamin E.
  • Sucrafate: Interfering with the absorption rate of vitamin E in Vitamin Enat 400 oral tablet.
  • Colestipol, Isoniazid and Cholestyramine: These drugs decrease the absorption of Vitamin Enat 400.

Vitamin Enat 400 good?

Vitamin Enat 400 oral tablet is a supplement that provides vitamin E with 400IU content for the body. Tablets are effective for preventing and treating vitamin E deficiency. In addition, providing enough vitamin E for the body also improves cardiovascular health, vision, promotes brain activity and nourishes the skin skin, hair.

However, Vitamin Enat 400 is a medicine and should be used only when clearly needed. Instead of overusing supplements and oral supplements, you should take vitamin E through your diet to minimize unwanted effects and give long-term effects.

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How much does Vitamin Enat 400 cost? Where do you buy it?

Vitamin Enat 400 oral tablet costs 99,000 VND / box of 3 blisters x 10 tablets. You can find the drug at pharmacies and some retail stores nationwide. However, before use, you should talk to your pharmacist for specific advice on dosage and some issues to note.

Some questions related to Vitamin Enat 400 oral tablet

Vitamin Enat 400 can treat acne
Vitamin E Enat 400 can treat acne?

1. Vitamin Enat 400 can treat acne?

Vitamin Enat 400 can treat acne is not a problem many women are concerned about. With powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, vitamins in oral tablets can restore the protective barrier, reduce inflammation in acne and support increase skin resistance.

Therefore, Vitamin Enat 400 oral tablet can be used to treat acne if prescribed by your doctor. In case it is not necessary, you should treat it by cleansing the skin and using an acne cream containing antibacterial, anti-inflammatory active ingredients.

2. Is taking Vitamin Enat 400 harmful to the ovaries?

Vitamin Enat 400 oral tablet provides abundant vitamin E content for the body. This vitamin has antioxidant effects, nourishes the skin, hangs and inhibits free radical damage. In addition, vitamin E also plays an important role in female reproductive function.

Therefore, taking Vitamin Enat 400 is not harmful to the ovaries as many people believe. However, there are no specific studies on how using vitamin E can improve fertility for women with gynecological problems such as polycystic ovary syndrome, fibroids or ovarian cysts. .

Vitamin Enat 400 is a supplement that provides vitamin E for cases that need the prevention and treatment of vitamin E deficiency. Although it is a supplement, to ensure safety, you should consult your doctor before using oral tablets.

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