Acne is a common dermatological disease, which can occur in any person, which occurs due to a number of causes such as hormonal disorders, improper facial hygiene, environmental pollution. , the habit of staying up late … There are many ways to treat acne, one of which is the cure for acne with baking soda. Here’s how to properly use baking soda for acne that you can refer to.
Table of Contents
Baking soda’s acne treatment
Acne is one of the types of acne that is persistent, difficult to treat, easy to recur many times and takes a lot of time to care. To completely get rid of acne, besides following your doctor’s orders, you can apply home acne care methods with baking soda.
Baking soda is an amphoteric substance, the main ingredient is sodium hydrocarbonate (NaHCO3), often used as ingredients for baking, cooking. In particular, it also works to clean pores, exfoliate and reduce acne effectively. The reason baking soda is used a lot in beauty and has acne treatment is because:
- Baking soda is both alkaline and acidic, which can help balance skin’s pH. Meanwhile, one of the causes of acne is an imbalance in the skin pH, which causes bacteria to grow. When this problem is resolved, it will significantly improve and prevent acne on the skin.
- Thanks to its exfoliating effects, baking soda can remove dead cells along with dirt and sebum on the skin. Thereby helping the skin to clean, clear, clog pores, and prevent the development of acne. Therefore, using baking soda not only helps treat acne but also can aid in treating darkheads and blackheads.
- Most people with acne are oily, combination skin has an oily layer on the skin. Meanwhile, baking soda has the ability to absorb oil, so it can help get rid of pore clogging so that the skin is always soft and fresh without unpleasant greasiness.
- In addition, baking soda is also anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, reduces irritation of acne, inhibits and removes some bacteria on the skin thereby helping to protect the skin effectively.
How to treat acne with simple baking soda at home
Baking soda is a relatively inexpensive powder that can be easily purchased anywhere, and it also works great in skin care and acne treatment. Here are some simple, safe baking soda treatments that you can do at home:
1. How to treat acne with just baking soda
When you have acne, your face will feel a bit burning pain, discomfort, if you can’t hold it and squeeze it incorrectly, it will cause the risk of superinfection. If you are suffering from acne and the only ingredient for your skin care is baking soda, you can apply this method right away.
- Ingredients: 2 teaspoons baking soda, 2 teaspoons boiled water to cool
- Mix the 2 prepared ingredients to create a thick, slightly sticky mixture
- First, rinse your face with warm water, wipe it off so that your pores expand
- Apply a thin layer of the baking soda mixture with warm water to the affected area
- Leave it on for 10-15 minutes then rinse with warm water, then rinse your face with cold water
- Should persistently apply 2 times / week will see results.
Note: Baking soda should only be applied to acne-prone skin, not all over the face.
2. How to treat acne with baking soda with sea salt
Sea salt has high antiseptic properties, has the effect of killing bacteria, softening dry skin, balancing skin moisture, preventing skin from producing too much oil. Not only that, but salt also helps to exfoliate dead cells while enhancing the skin’s texture. Combining baking soda with sea salt can help kill acne and aid in skin recovery.
- Ingredients 25g baking soda, a little sea salt, filtered water
- Mix the baking soda with sea salt and water to create a thick paste
- Wash your face with warm water, and dry with a soft cloth to expand your pores
- Apply the prepared mixture directly to the acne-prone skin, massage gently for a few minutes
- After 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water, balance, moisturize skin with rose water.
- Persistently apply 1-2 times / week to see the effect.
3. Treat acne with tomato juice and baking soda
Baking soda contains ingredients glycoprotein and enzymes work to exfoliate, clean the skin surface. Meanwhile, tomatoes are rich in antioxidants, lycopene and vitamin C, which support the regeneration of dead cells, helping to produce collagen.
In addition, tomatoes also have the ability to balance pH, support repair, repair acne damage and help clean the skin, remove dead cells, shrink pores … Tomato baking soda mask has antibacterial and antifungal properties that help to quickly dry pimples, reduce the symptoms of redness and help fade dark spots, even skin tone …
- Ingredients: 1 tomato, 1 tablespoon baking soda
- Wash tomatoes, drain, squeeze water
- Mix 2 tablespoons of tomato juice with one tablespoon of baking soda
- Clean skin with warm water, pat dry with a soft cloth, then apply this mixture to skin
- After 5 minutes, rinse with clean water
- Do it 2 times a week to see an improvement in acne-prone skin.
4. Lemon juice baking soda mask
Lemons contain a lot of B vitamins, vitamin C, citric acid, phytoncides, and ascorbic acid, which have antioxidant effects, protecting skin cells from free radical damage to help brighten skin. In addition, lemons also have antiseptic effects, preventing the formation of acne. The combination of baking soda and lemon juice will have a remarkable effect in helping with acne treatment.
Although lemon juice is a good acne remedy, it is not suitable for people with sensitive skin. If the skin is sensitive and prone to allergies, it should be used with care because lemons are highly acidic.
- Ingredients: 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 2 teaspoons warm water, 2 teaspoons baking soda
- Mix the 3 ingredients well prepared
- Wash your face with warm water, apply the mixture evenly to the skin, massage gently for 10-15 minutes
- Rinse well with lukewarm water and then rinse through cold water to help tighten pores
- Persistently apply continuously 1-2 times / week to see the effect.
5. Recipe to treat acne with baking soda and honey
Honey has long been considered a “miracle” to help beautify the skin. Black … Because it contains many nutrients, honey helps balance bacteria on the skin, inhibits the anaerobic P.acnes bacteria (bacteria that cause acne) and helps remove sebum, dirt on the skin.
Using a baking soda and honey mask will help remove blackheads, tighten pores, remove keratinocytes, anti-oxidants, help reduce red inflammation and dry acne. Not only that, this mask also helps to clean the skin, reduce inflammation, support the recovery of damaged skin and prevent bruising very well.
- Ingredients: 1 tablespoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon raw honey
- Mix the prepared ingredients into a paste to apply on your face
- Rinse face with warm water, dry with a clean cotton towel
- Apply a mixture of baking soda and pure honey to your skin, especially the blemished areas
- Massage gently, after 15 minutes, rinse face with warm water, balance skin with toner
- Persistently perform for a long time, use 1-2 times / week to see the effect.
6. How to treat acne with baking soda with toothpaste
Lace cream contains compounds such as fluorine, triclosan with oxidizing properties that kill hair roots, remove bacteria, dirt on the skin’s surface. Not only that, toothpaste also contains active substances silica and sodium, which balance pH, reduce inflammation, and remove sebum to help brighten and smoother skin.
- Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of toothpaste, 1 teaspoon of baking soda
- Mix the baking soda with toothpaste into a paste
- Rinse face with warm water, dry with a soft cloth
- Use a cotton swab to dab the mixture on acne spots
- After 10 minutes rinse your face with warm water
- Perform regular 2 – 3 times / week to remove acne.
7. Mask for acne from baking soda and aloe vera
Aloe vera is also one of the natural ingredients that are effective in treating acne. The reason that aloe vera can treat acne is because aloe vera contains nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc that tighten pores. In addition, the glycoprotein in aloe vera can reduce inflammation and redness caused by acne.
Aloe vera also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that aid in removing dead cells, soothing red bumps, and protecting the skin from harmful bacteria. Using aloe vera mask and baking soda to help balance skin, moisturize, lighten skin, remove harmful bacteria while tightening pores, helping skin firm.
- Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 2-3 branches of aloe vera
- Take aloe vera, remove the skin, take the meat gel inside, puree, mix with baking soda
- Rinse face with warm water, dry with a soft cloth
- Apply the prepared mixture evenly on your face, especially on acne-prone areas
- Wash your face with warm water after 15 minutes, you can use more toner to balance the pH of the skin
- Apply regularly 2-3 times / week to see the effect.
8. Mask baking soda and acne white
A baking soda mask with egg whites can not only help with acne, but it can also help treat blackheads. In the egg whites contain many vitamins B2, B6, B8, fat, protein, calcium, iron … have the effect of skin regeneration, red blood cell improvement. Protein in egg whites is mainly in a harmonious state that works to naturally whiten skin, strengthen collagen, increase elasticity, regenerate skin, tighten natural pores.
A beauty treatment with a baking soda mask and egg whites is easy to do. This is a long-standing acne treatment, you can completely beautify your skin with these 2 ingredients without adding other types.
- Ingredients: 1 egg white, 1 teaspoon baking soda
- Mix the prepared mixture well into a slightly viscous mixture
- Rinse face with warm water for enlarged pores, dry with a soft cloth
- Apply a mixture of egg whites and prepared baking soda to your skin, especially on acne-prone areas
- After 15 minutes, rinse your face with warm water, you can use more toner.
- Persistently perform 1-2 times / week to see the effect.
9. How to treat acne with baking soda with coconut oil
Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids that kill pathogenic microorganisms while also having strong antibacterial properties. In the fatty acids of coconut oil up to 50% is lauric acid that can destroy P.acnes (bacteria that cause acne).
In addition, coconut oil also works to fight and inhibit the growth of acne-causing bacteria on the skin while helping to fight inflammation, destroy inflammation, moisturize, and restore the skin. Using coconut oil in combination with baking soda will overcome the disadvantages of coconut oil, which is not good for people with oily skin. However, it is best if your skin is oily it should not be used to avoid clogging pores.
- Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil, 1 teaspoon of baking soda
- Combine coconut oil with baking soda to make a paste
- Clean face with cleanser and warm water, wipe with a soft cloth
- Apply the prepared mixture evenly onto the skin, massage gently, and relax for 15 minutes
- Wash your face, persistently do 2-3 times / week.
10. Recipe to treat acne with baking soda and fresh milk
Fresh milk rich in vitamins and minerals has the effect of moisturizing, preventing aging, helping to nourish the skin, making the skin smooth and firm. The nutrients in fresh milk also help remove sebum in the skin, prevent the growth of acne and also stimulate the production of new cells, increase collagen to restore damaged skin caused by acne. fish cause.
- Ingredients: 1 tablespoon baking soda, some fresh milk without sugar
- Mix the prepared ingredients into a smooth paste
- Clean your face with cleanser and warm water, and apply the mixture evenly to the skin
- Massage gently, after 5 – 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water
- Consistently perform regularly once a day to see skin improvement.
11. How to treat acne with baking soda with basil leaves
Basil leaves not only have the effect of purifying the body, preventing the appearance of acne but also helping to reduce the itchy, uncomfortable senses on the skin. Eating basil leaves or using a mask from these herbs is beneficial for the skin and hair.
In basil essential oil contains active ingredient Beta-Caryophyllene, which has anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, pain relief, can be a good support for the treatment of acne. Using a mask of basil leaves in combination with baking soda will give you a healthy, clean skin, enhancing the health of the skin thereby eliminating acne.
- Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of baking soda, 10 drops of lavender essential oil, 1 handful of basil leaves, 2 cups of water
- Boil all of the above ingredients for 5 minutes and then pour into a small washbasin
- Let the water cool a little, then cover your head with a blanket to steam for 1 minute
- Use a soft cloth to blot the water on your face, then rinse with cool water.
Some notes when treating acne with baking soda
When applying baking soda for acne treatment, you should be aware of the following issues:
- Absolutely do not use baking soda for people with dry skin, sensitive skin because this powder has very good oil absorption ability, if used will cause irritation, pH imbalance.
- Should only be used 1-2 times / week because baking soda has strong antiseptic properties, if overused, not only can not treat acne but also make the skin more vulnerable.
- When using the above formulas, it is better to avoid sun exposure, you can use sunscreen regularly before going out to avoid skin damage.
- If your acne is severe, with severe pustules or swelling, the above formulas should not be applied.
- Develop a suitable nutrition regimen, a scientific lifestyle, increase the intake of green vegetables, drink plenty of water, avoid staying up late, avoid stress and fatigue for the best treatment process.
- Absolutely do not eat a lot of oily foods, fast foods, fried foods, avoid alcohol, coffee, tobacco, stimulants to avoid making acne worse.
Above are some safe, simple, easy-to-perform baking soda acne treatments that bring positive changes to the skin that many people appreciate. However, these methods are only suitable for people with mild acne. If you have severe acne, have been suffering for a long time, you should see a dermatologist to have an appropriate treatment regimen.