Treatment of stomach bleeding at home with Vietnamese medicine should or not?
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With benign, safe, easy to implement and cost-effective advantages, treating gastric bleeding at home with Vietnamese medicine is a treatment that many patients trust to apply. If done regularly, you can improve your symptoms effectively, aid in reducing inflammation, restore ulcers, and neutralize gastric juice. However, these remedies are often slow to work and are only suitable for mild cases.

Stomach bleeding is bleeding in the stomach when the lining of the stomach is damaged without proper treatment. At this time, the stomach is congested, causing the patient to vomit blood (the vomit is coffee-colored or with fresh blood) and bloody stools. 

Treatment of stomach bleeding at home with Vietnamese medicine should or not?
Stomach bleeding is bleeding in the stomach when the lining is damaged without proper treatment.


Gastric bleeding usually occurs after the inflammatory foci of the stomach becomes severe. The majority of patients are between the ages of 40 and 70. In some cases, viruses and bacteria enter the body, causing babies to become ill. When the illness gets worse, the patient can suffer shock, drop in blood pressure, or even death.

Is it effective to cure stomach bleeding at home with Vietnamese medicine?

Currently, there are many methods of treating gastric hemorrhage such as traditional medicine, Western medicine or Vietnamese medicine. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, in which, treating stomach bleeding at home with Vietnamese medicine is a popular way and has been widely applied since past to present.

Vietnamese medicine is the common name of the main herbs and medicinal herbs in Vietnamese folk remedies. Today, many species of herbs have been scientifically researched for their composition and recognized for their natural medicinal properties. You can rest assured to apply this method in the process of treating stomach bleeding at home because Vietnamese medicine is safe, effective, benign (rarely causes side effects), simple, easy to implement and economical. cost. 

Treatment of stomach bleeding at home with Vietnamese medicine should or not?
Treating stomach bleeding at home with Vietnamese medicine is a popular practice and has been widely applied since ancient times.

However, depending on the severity of the disease and the individual’s condition, this method may be slow to work. Therefore, patients need to persistently apply for a long time to repel symptoms. Besides, this method is only capable of supporting treatment, cannot eradicate chronic diseases. In addition, patients should pay special attention, only perform Vietnamese remedies if you have mild stomach bleeding. When the condition turns badly with manifestations such as: blue face, heavy bleeding, vomiting blood … then you need to see a specialist immediately to be diagnosed and treated quickly and promptly.

7 home remedies for stomach bleeding with Vietnamese medicine

Currently, there are many ways to treat stomach bleeding at home with traditional Vietnamese medicine widely circulated. However, not all herbs effectively repel the symptoms of stomach-related diseases in general and gastric bleeding in particular. Therefore, before applying, readers need to learn about the medicinal properties of medicinal herbs and discuss carefully with physicians or specialists. Here are seven safe and simple male remedies that you can refer to:

Cure stomach bleeding at home with ginger root

When stomach bleeding, the patient has to experience a series of unpleasant symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, thirst, intestinal boiling, severe abdominal pain, epigastric pain … Fresh ginger can stimulate digestion. , acidifying, thereby effectively overcoming the pathology.

Cure stomach bleeding at home with ginger root
Fresh ginger can stimulate digestion, alkaline acidification, thereby effectively overcoming diseases.

In particular, ginger’s shogaol and gingerol act as a natural anti-inflammatory drug. When absorbed by the body, these active substances contribute to suppressing anti-inflammatory inflammation in the stomach, and heal ulcers quickly. The composition of vitamins A, E, D, zinc, and potassium of this spice is also capable of enhancing resistance and preventing disease.

Method 1: Ginger Tea

  • Prepare a sprig of fresh ginger
  • Rinse, mince and cook ginger with 300ml of water
  • Bring to a boil for 5 minutes and then turn off the heat
  • Filter the water, remove the residue and add 2-3 teaspoons of raw honey, stir well
  • Drink 3 times / day
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Method 2: Lemon ginger tea

If you often have abdominal pain, bloating, indigestion, you can drink lemon tea, ginger and rock sugar. The combination of these three ingredients will help you effectively improve your discomfort. The abundant citric acid content of fresh lemons can help reduce gas, bloating, nausea, and help the digestive system work properly.

Plus, with its powerful antioxidant properties, vitamin C has the ability to regenerate and repair stomach ulcers. Meanwhile, rock sugar helps to clear heat and effectively detoxify. So, a cup of ginger tea, lemon juice, and rock sugar after every meal can help fight these annoying symptoms.

  • Prepare 1 fresh ginger root, ⅓ lemon and a little bit of rock sugar
  • Slice the ginger into thin slices and place in a glass
  • Pour 250 ml of boiling water and steep the ginger for 5 minutes
  • Add lemon juice, rock sugar and stir well
  • Drink in small sips to help the essence of lemon ginger tea to penetrate deeply into the body and promote its use

Method 3: Sugar cane – ginger

  • Prepare 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger juice and 30 ml of cane juice
  • Mix the 2 ingredients together and use them all in the morning
  • Take 1 consecutive month to improve stomach bleeding

Method 4: Ginger soaked in vinegar

  • Prepare 300g of fresh ginger and some rice vinegar
  • Rinse the ginger and drain
  • Cut ginger into thin slices (leave the skin on)
  • Put the ginger in a clean glass jar, then pour the vinegar over the ginger
  • Cover the jar tightly, store in a cool, dry place for about 1 week
  • When abdominal pain, patients suck 2 – 4 slices of ginger soaked in vinegar and then swallow slowly to soothe the irritation inside the stomach, while minimizing the harmful effects of acid in the damaged areas.

Treatment of stomach bleeding at home with turmeric

With origin from the country of India, today, turmeric has become popular all over the world. In Vietnam, turmeric is a folk medicine that many people believe in. According to the concept of Oriental medicine, this herb has a bitter taste, temperament, and has the use of producing muscle-destroying blood and blood pressure (hemostasis). Therefore, turmeric is the main ingredient in many remedies for stomach pain and stomach bleeding.

Active ingredient curcumin is effective against acute and chronic inflammation. Therefore, this spice can quickly reduce inflammation, and also aid in the recovery of ulcers in the stomach lining. Several clinical trials have proven that turmeric can stimulate the body to secrete more mucus in gastric juice, limit heartburn, protect the gastrointestinal mucosa and inhibit the production of acid production.

Treatment of stomach bleeding at home with turmeric
According to the concept of Oriental medicine, this herb has a bitter taste, temperament, and has the use of producing muscle-destroying blood and blood pressure (hemostasis).

In addition, essential oils and some other chemical ingredients of this medicine also help inhibit the activity of many types of yeast and bacteria, especially amoeba dysentery (the cause of gastrointestinal syndrome, acute gastritis ). Currently, there are many functional foods to support the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases extracted from turmeric.

Method 1: Fresh turmeric soaked with honey

  • Prepare 100g of fresh turmeric with 200ml of honey
  • Rinse turmeric with diluted salt water, drain and cut into thin slices
  • Put turmeric in a glass jar, pour honey so that it covers the turmeric face, cover and soak for 30 days
  • When using, you mix 3 – 4 teaspoons of the mixture with warm water or eat directly 2-3 teaspoons of the mixture.
  • Use regularly 3 times / day 30 minutes before meals

Method 2: Turmeric powder mixed with honey

  • Prepare 3 teaspoons of turmeric powder with 3 teaspoons of pure honey 
  • Mix the ingredients well until a thick paste is formed 
  • Eat directly about 30-40 minutes before meals
  • You can add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil to the mixture to enhance its healing effects

Method 3: Turmeric – honey pellets

  • Prepare 2 parts turmeric powder and 1 part pure honey
  • Mix the two ingredients well to make a thick paste
  • Wash the small member with the weight of 5g / tablet
  • Place the finished product in a glass jar and store in a cool, dry place
  • Take 3 capsules / time and 3 times / day until the illness improves
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Note: The doctor recommends, the congestive properties of black turmeric can make stomach bleeding worse. Therefore, you should use saffron when applying this folk trick.

Cure stomach bleeding at home with aloe vera

With a light sweet taste, slightly viscous and cool properties, aloe vera has a calming, detoxifying, moisturizing and soothing effect. In addition, this herb is also an indispensable ingredient in remedies for stomach pain, gastroesophageal reflux – esophagitis , stomach bleeding … Not only that, aloe vera also helps to reduce rapid stomach upset when the patient uses a lot of hot spicy foods and abuses alcohol.

Cure stomach bleeding with aloe vera
Aloe vera is an indispensable ingredient in remedies for stomach pain, gastroesophageal reflux – esophagitis, stomach bleeding …

A number of studies have found that aloe vera gel has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and skin-tightening properties. Therefore, the addition of this medicinal flavor can repel inflammation and regenerate ulcers in the stomach lining. In addition, aloe vera also stimulates peristalsis, protects the stomach lining, soothes irritation, improves digestive function and prevents bloating, flatulence.

Method 1: Pure aloe vera juice

  • Prepare a branch of fresh aloe vera
  • Wash aloe vera with diluted salt water, peel, take the intestines
  • Take pureed aloe vera to get the essence
  • Use 1 cup 30 minutes before meals
  • Aloe vera juice can be boiled and a bit of rock sugar can be added for easy drinking

Method 2: Honey water – aloe vera

A mixture of honey and aloe vera has the effect of soothing stomach irritation, neutralizing gastric acid and enhancing the body’s resistance.

  • Prepare ½ liter of honey and 5 large aloe sprigs
  • Wash, peel and take aloe vera intestines to puree with honey
  • Put the mixture in a glass jar, cover and store in a refrigerator cooler for use
  • Drink 10ml of mixture, 3 times / day 30 minutes before meals

Treatment of stomach bleeding at home with string tea

Passion tea (white lychee, khau rai) has the scientific name of ampelopsis cantoniensis. Since ancient times, this medicinal herb has been used by the Vietnamese to treat many diseases related to the stomach. According to the concept of traditional medicine, tea is cool, sweet and non-toxic. People in the Northwestern mountainous areas often drink tea tea to purify their body.

wire tea
A practical study of Bach Mai Hospital said, tea tree has the ability to treat stomach bleeding and other problems related to the digestive tract.

A practical study of Bach Mai Hospital said, tea tree has the ability to treat stomach bleeding and other problems related to the digestive tract. Flavonoids and some other anti-inflammatory active ingredients of this herb help to eliminate Hp bacteria in the stomach. In addition, tea can also stop bleeding, speed up the recovery process of serious stomach injuries, and control inflammation here.

  • Prepare 10 – 15g of dry cord tea
  • Rinse dry cord tea to remove dirt
  • Put the tea in a glass jar, add enough boiling water and soak for 15 minutes
  • The sweetness of the tea is suitable for everyone, however, you can add a little sugar or honey to make it easier to drink.
  • Use daily for 6 months

Note: Tea wire can treat dizziness, dizziness. Therefore, people with low blood pressure need to be very careful when using this tea because if you drink this tea on an empty stomach, you will more likely get some side effects.

Cure stomach bleeding at home with the tree leaves

Camellia tree (lilac, velvet …) has the scientific name of ardisia silvestris, belongs to the Primrose family. Traditional medicine believes that the leaf is capable of treating childhood eruption, colic, dysentery and a number of stomach-related diseases, especially gastric bleeding. Modern medicine has proven that the tannin in the leaves can neutralize gastric juice and regulate the acidity in the stomach effectively. Therefore, this herb can quickly relieve pain, restore ulcers as well as prevent bleeding in the stomach. 

Treatment of stomach bleeding with leaves
Lemongrass is capable of treating childhood eruption, colic, dysentery and some stomach-related diseases, especially stomach bleeding.

Option 1:

  • Prepare 1 handful of fresh purple leaves
  • Rinse the leaves, drain and cook with 3 cups of water for about 20 minutes
  • Grandson took water, divided into 3 equal parts
  • Drink in the morning – noon – afternoon before meals 30 minutes
  • Use daily until symptoms improve
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Method 2:

  • Prepare 80g fresh ivy leaves and 40g dandelion 
  • Rinse ingredients with diluted salt water, dry
  • Boil the ivy leaves and dandelion with just the right amount of water 
  • Divide the medicated water into equal parts and use all of the day

In addition, during the treatment process, people with stomach bleeding can combine the use of restorative leaves with reishi, licorice , gentian … to enhance the hemostatic effect, while repelling symptoms of going out, sad vomiting effectively.


Patients should only use restorative leaves up to 100g / day. With this dose, the leaves will help you eat well, sleep well and effectively relieve pain. However, if used over 250g / day, the patient is prone to drowsiness, fatigue, pale skin … Ideally, you should consult an expert before applying folk remedies.

Treatment of stomach bleeding at home with rosemary

Hyacinth grows a lot in the North of our country. According to the traditional medical conception, hydrangeas have a sweet, slightly bitter taste, and have a purifying effect on the body, diuretics and pain relief. Previously, this herb was widely used in the treatment of mouth ulcers. 

According to the traditional medical conception, hydrangeas have a sweet, slightly bitter taste, and have a purifying effect on the body, diuretics and pain relief.

Since 1960, Lang Son provincial hospital has used this medicine to treat stomach bleeding and obtained positive results. Clinical studies show that the ginseng tree is used to relieve hot pain in the epigastric region, neutralize stomach acid, limit the phenomenon of heartburn, heartburn and restore ulcers in the stomach lining.

Method 1: Color dark water

  • Prepare 10 – 25g dried hydrangeas
  • Rinse ingredients to remove dirt
  • Color the leaves with enough water until boiling, turn off the heat
  • Can add a little granulated sugar for easy drinking
  • Divided into 3 equal parts
  • Use it all day, before eating or after pain occurs

Method 2: Cao Da Cam

  • Prepare 7kg of dried hydrangeas, 2kg of diameter and 1kg of honey
  • Cook the sugared and sugar mixture until thickened
  • Add honey, stir, let cool completely and store in a glass jar
  • Each time, eat directly 1 teaspoon (equivalent to 10 – 15g) of blackberry
  • Use 2-3 times / day before eating or when stomach pain

Cure stomach bleeding at home with hairy apricot leaves

The hairy plum leaves are a popular ingredient of many rustic and rustic dishes such as: apricot leaves rolled with anchovies, grilled pork, jackfruit leaf cake, apricots … In addition, this plant is also used to cure diseases. related to the stomach.

Traditional medicine said, apricot leaves have bad smell, bitter bitter taste, have antiseptic effect, except for leprosy, active blood and heat, detoxify. This medicinal herb can effectively relieve stomach upset caused by consuming hot spicy foods and alcohol abuse effectively. 

hairy apricot leaves
Traditional medicine said, apricot leaves have bad smell, bitter bitter taste, have antiseptic effect, except for leprosy, active blood and heat, detoxify.

From the point of view of modern medicine, the active ingredient sulfur dimethyl disulphide of hairy apricot leaves has inhibitory properties on protozoa, bacteria and some yeasts. Therefore, this herb has the effect of improving a number of symptoms in the intestines and stomach. However, patients should note that, in fact, the effectiveness of this folk practice has not been specifically proven. So, to avoid interrupting your treatment, talk carefully with your doctor before applying the following remedies.

Option 1: Furry apricot leaf juice

  • Prepare 1 handful of fresh hairy apricot leaves
  • Rinse the apricot leaves with diluted salt water and drain
  • Puree the ingredients with a little water using a blender 
  • Remove residue, get water
  • Drink regularly 2 times / day to relieve epigastric pain and support the healing of ulcers in the stomach lining

Method 2: Fried eggs with hairy plum leaves

  • Prepare 1 handful of hairy apricot leaves and 3 eggs
  • Wash the apricot leaves and chop them well 
  • Break the eggs into the bowl, add feathery apricot leaves and just enough spices
  • Fry the two-sided golden eggs and turn off the heat
  • Serve with hot rice, eat 3 times / day

Some notes when treating stomach bleeding at home with Vietnamese medicine

Almost all Vietnamese medicinal plants for stomach bleeding that are widely circulated are very safe for the health of patients, do not contain toxicity, and do not cause side effects when used for a long time. However, in order for the treatment to achieve the best results, the patient should note the following issues:

  • Home remedy for stomach bleeding with Vietnamese medicine is only suitable in the early stage, in case of mild illness. 
  • These remedies do not show a quick and clear effect as Western medicine. Therefore, you should persistently apply for at least 2-3 months.
  • Currently, there are many folk tips to cure stomach bleeding at home, shared by many people. However, not all methods are safe and appropriate. So, before applying, consult a physician or a specialist for the most specific instructions.
  • Depression, pressure, anxiety, insomnia … will make the symptoms worse. Therefore, during treatment, patients should arrange a reasonable time to study, work and rest, exercise regularly, avoid stress and fatigue.
  • In addition to applying the above folk remedies, you need to develop a scientific and reasonable diet, eat lots of fruits, vegetables, fish meat, cereals, yogurt … at the same time limit sweets, Grease-free, tobacco-free fast food, alcohol, coffee, carbonated soft drinks.

Chữa xuất huyết dạ dày bằng thuốc Nam là phương pháp hỗ trợ phục hồi vết thương và kiểm soát triệu chứng. Tuy nhiên, cách làm này chỉ mang tính chất tạm thời và không thể điều trị dứt điểm bệnh lý. Thêm vào đó, hiệu quả của các bài thuốc ở mỗi người khá khác nhau, tùy thuộc vào cơ địa và tình trạng bệnh. Vì vậy, khi nhận thấy các dấu hiệu bất thường, hãy chủ động thăm khám bác sĩ để được chẩn đoán kịp thời.


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