Tips for losing weight with oatmeal are super safe and effective
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As a food rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, oats have been dubbed the “queen of grains”. Not only is a famous beauty ingredient, but oats also help women regain a balanced and slim figure. Find out the super safe and effective oatmeal weight loss tips below!

Discovered 4,000 years ago, oats are a highly nutritious whole grain, grown in abundance in Australia, Russia, Canada, the United States and many European countries. Historical documents record that the oat tree originated in Eastern Europe, where the climate was mild and stable. Until the thirteenth century, this plant became an essential food in the daily diet of the countries in this area.

Tips for losing weight with oatmeal are super safe and effective
Historical documents record that the oat tree originated in Eastern Europe, where the climate was mild and stable.

For a long time, European women have discovered the wonderful beauty benefits of oats. They crushed oats, formed a powder, mixed them with water, and applied them to their faces. In addition, regular eating oats can also help your body to be toned and neat.

Why should lose weight with oatmeal?

Fiber is a nutrient that plays an important role in weight loss. One of the simplest ways to lose weight is to add fiber to your diet because it is low in calories and helps keep your stomach full, a study by the Massachusetts School of Medicine (USA) said. When entering the body, fiber will prolong the metabolism of nutrients, thereby slowing down the digestion of food. 

At this time, nutrients are absorbed into the blood very slowly. When sugar and other nutrients in the blood reach equilibrium, we will no longer feel hungry. Therefore, the amount of food the body can tolerate is significantly reduced.

Why should lose weight with oatmeal?
Oatmeal is very effective for weight loss.

Did you know, eating a cup of oats in the morning can help you strengthen your muscles, limit the risk of anemia, heart disease, colon cancer, and contribute to “flying away” excess fat. quickly. The effects of losing weight with oats stems from the following three reasons:

  • Oatmeal provides a lot of calories: Studies show that 100g of whole oatmeal contains 348 calories, 57.7g of starch, 15g of protein, 8.8g of water, and 6g of soluble fat. This abundant amount of nutrients can provide enough energy for a long day of hard work while ensuring no fat formation or leading to the risk of belly fat.
  • Oatmeal is rich in fiber and vitamins: 100g of oats contains 11g of fiber and B vitamins (4.5%), potassium, calcium, phosphorus, beta-glucan … These are important nutrients to help filter cholesterol. Bad in the blood, promote metabolism, remove excess fat, prevent internal heat and constipation. 
  • Oatmeal has a good antioxidant effect: The abundant selenium (antioxidant) content helps support beauty, fast and safe fat loss.

Consequences of incorrect oatmeal weight loss

Despite being a delicious, nutritious cereal with many great uses, oatmeal can cause some side effects if used incorrectly. Therefore, you need to keep in mind the following 3 issues:

  • Oatmeal is not suitable for people with gout, thyroid: Protein content and rich nutrients in oatmeal are very good for healthy people. However, they negatively affect the health of patients with gout, thyroid or those who need to limit protein absorption. Long-term and frequent use of oatmeal will make these people sick.
  • Adverse effects on the digestive system: Avenin in oatmeal has the same role and properties as gluten in wheat. This active ingredient can cause allergies similar to gluten allergies. High starch and fiber content makes the body slow to absorb nutrients, leading to flatulence, bloating in patients with stomach disease.
  • Unintended weight gain and mood changes: If you add too much oatmeal, women will gain unwanted weight instead of losing weight as expected. In addition, this food can cause drowsiness, fatigue, stress, irritability … especially in women in the premenopausal age. 
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To create the oatmeal weight loss plan that works best for you, readers need to consult a nutritionist carefully. Also, be aware that the oatmeal diet is very low in calories. So, take the initiative to add many other foods (vegetables, fruits, fish) to the daily menu to ensure nutritional balance.

Weight loss regime
To create the oatmeal weight loss plan that works best for you, readers need to consult a nutritionist carefully.

Diet oat weight loss menu

Currently, there are different oat weight loss methods. However, not all methods are effective and safe for everyone. To ensure the right oatmeal in the right dosage, readers can refer to the following 2 simple menus:

Short-term oat weight loss menu

Using oatmeal porridge is a quick, effective weight loss tip that does not harm your health and does not require a harsh workout regimen. If you are planning to lose weight “fast”, you can apply the following “eating strategy”:

  • Morning: boiled eggs, oatmeal porridge and low-sugar fruit / juice
  • Lunch: boiled eggs, oatmeal, salad, fruit and water
  • Evening: oatmeal, fruit and water (drink water after 30 minutes)

Thus, with this menu, oat porridge plays an important role, is an indispensable dish in every meal. In addition, to limit boredom, readers can flexibly combine oat porridge with boiled fruits, smoothies, vegetables … 

Short-term oat weight loss menu
Just perform the short-term weight loss tips with oatmeal on continuously 1 week, women will lose 3 – 5kg easily.

Just performing this weight loss trick continuously for 1 week, women can lose 3 – 5kg easily. In addition, in order to speed up the weight loss process, readers should stay away from cigarettes, alcohol, soft drinks, coffee, and fast food, and drink plenty of fluids and exercise regularly.

Long-term oatmeal weight loss diet

If you find it difficult to meet the strict diet as above, you absolutely can choose to lose weight consistently and seriously for 60 consecutive days:

In the first month, readers should eat white rice and other foods relatively limited. Eat rice and oatmeal porridge with the frequency of eating oat porridge 2-3 times / day, and ensure the daily calorie consumption does not exceed 1,200 calories. When cooking, avoid using salt, butter and spices.

During the second month, readers can combine oatmeal with fruit in the morning, with green vegetables at noon. Specifically:

  • Morning: oat porridge, 1 plate of boiled vegetables and 1 boiled egg
  • Noon: eat normally, limit sweets and fried foods, rich in grease 
  • Afternoon: fruit (apple, grapefruit, cucumber)
  • Evening: oatmeal porridge and a plate of boiled vegetables


  • You should drink plenty of water to boost metabolism inside the body.
  • If you follow this menu correctly for 2 months, you can lose weight as you like and return to your normal diet. 
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9 weight loss oatmeal dishes

In addition to the “legendary” oatmeal, readers can show off their cooking skills and taste variations of oatmeal with familiar foods such as eggs, fresh milk, yogurt, chia seeds, bananas, sweet potato…

Lose weight with oatmeal

One cup of oatmeal porridge and 1 chicken egg is the perfect preparation for an energetic breakfast. To lose weight effectively, you should replace rice, pho, vermicelli in main meals with oat porridge.


  • Prepare 100g of oatmeal and 1 liter of water
  • Remove impurities, check and make sure the dough is clean and smooth
  • Boiler
  • Put all of the oatmeal in the pot, stir well for 5-10 minutes until the mixture is thick and ripe


  • Oatmeal is easier to eat when reheated.
  • Do not cook oatmeal with sugar and grease.
  • Only use oatmeal porridge with eggs, vegetables or fruits, do not eat any other foods. If you are hungry, you can increase the amount of porridge and fruit.
  • Do not cook the porridge for too long because the porridge is easily tender and loses its characteristic fragrant flavor.
  • Drink water about 30 minutes after eating oatmeal to limit the feeling of boredom after eating.
  • You can add a little salt to the porridge if you are not used to eating bland.
Lose weight with oatmeal
Raspberry oat porridge, Vietnamese country

Lose weight with oat biscuits

With its delicious and attractive taste, oat biscuits are an ideal snack that can help women regain a slim physique.


  • Prepare 200g of oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of salt, 15g of butter and 100ml of warm water
  • Place the oats in a large bowl, add salt and butter, and mix well
  • Add warm water and mix well for 5-10 minutes to let the oatmeal seep into the water and begin to expand
  • While you wait for the oatmeal to bloom, turn the oven to 350 degrees F or 180 degrees C
  • After the oatmeal is ready, take turns peeling off the moderate amounts, sprinkle more dry oatmeal around the wet batter, waiting for them to dry again. Now we have the crust of the cake
  • Laminate the dough (do not roll too thin)
  • Cut the rolled dough with a cookie cutter, then remove the excess dough to make the cake look more beautiful when baking
  • Place the cake in a baking tray with just enough space to make it evenly bloom without touching each other
  • Bake for 15 minutes when oven warms
  • Turn the cake over and bake for 5 minutes to make the golden cake evenly on both sides
  • Take out the cake, let it cool and enjoy


  • If you don’t have a cookie maker, you can replace it with a small cup.
  • Store cakes very carefully in a sealed plastic bag or glass jar.
Lose weight with oat cakes
Oat biscuits are an extremely ideal snack that can help women regain a slim physique.

Lose weight with oatmeal and fresh milk

Oatmeal is rich in fiber. When combining this ingredient with fresh milk, we will get a nutritious mixture, which limits the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream, and provides more calcium for the body.


  • Prepare 50 – 100g of oatmeal (rolled oats, whole oats, rolled oats), fresh milk without sugar, water, and fruit of your choice.
  • Boil oatmeal with just enough water until the dough is well and soft
  • Put fresh milk in the pot, continue stirring for 3 – 5 minutes and then turn off the heat
  • Ladle porridge into a bowl, served with fresh fruit, dried fruit, fruit jam or nuts (depending on taste)
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  • Cook this dish in a 4: 1 ratio of water and oatmeal.
  • Can be used with other ingredients such as eggs and vegetables.

Weight loss menu with oatmeal and fresh milk

  • Morning: 1 bowl of oatmeal – fresh milk and 1 boiled egg
  • Lunch: 1 bowl of oatmeal – fresh milk and 1 plate of boiled vegetables
  • Afternoon: fruit and 1 cup of skim milk
  • Evening: 1 bowl of oatmeal – fresh milk and 1 jar of unsweetened yogurt
Lose weight with oatmeal and fresh milk
When combining oats with fresh milk, we will get a nutritious mixture, which limits the absorption of cholesterol into the blood, and provides more calcium for the body.

Lose weight with oatmeal and yogurt

The way to make the oatmeal-yogurt mixture is relatively simple.


  • Prepare 100g of oatmeal, 1 jar of unsweetened yogurt, fresh fruit (sweetness is preferred), 10ml of lemon juice and shaved ice
  • Soak the oatmeal in a little water to soften it
  • Prepare fresh fruit and cut pomegranate seeds
  • Puree unsweetened yogurt, lemon juice and shaved ice using a blender
  • Put the oatmeal in a glass, place the fresh fruit on top and top with the finished iced yogurt
oats and yogurt
Strawberry and oatmeal yogurt

Lose weight with oatmeal and eggs

Oatmeal porridge and chicken eggs create a sense of firmness and fullness. This dish can help women lose weight quickly. However, readers should only consume this dish twice a week because basically, we should not consume too many eggs.


  • Prepare 50g of oatmeal, 300ml of water, 1 egg and a few stalks of green onion
  • Soak the oatmeal in water to make the flour evenly swell
  • Wash and chop scallions
  • Boil oats for 5 minutes, stirring
  • Break the eggs into a bowl of onions and mix into the oatmeal porridge
oatmeal and chicken eggs
Oatmeal porridge and chicken eggs create a sense of firmness and fullness.

Lose weight with oatmeal and sweet potatoes

With its sweet, easy-to-eat flavor, sweet potato is a popular and very popular food in Vietnam. Sweet potatoes are low in calories, low in sugar and rich in fiber, which are used to create a feeling of fullness, stimulate digestion, laxative and support excretion. When using a combination of oatmeal and sweet potatoes, we lose weight 2 times faster than normal.

  • Method 1: Use boiled sweet potatoes and oat porridge alternately to help relieve boredom, for example breakfast oat porridge, lunch sweet potato and vice versa.
  • Method 2: Processing oat smoothie – sweet potato. Cook oatmeal and sweet potato, then puree 2 ingredients in a blender and enjoy.
  • Method 3: Eat oat biscuits – sweet potatoes. This cake has a similar way to the oat biscuits above. Just steam the sweet potato, puree it and mix it with oatmeal, then place in a mold and bake.
oatmeal and sweet potatoes
When using a combination of oatmeal and sweet potatoes, we lose weight 2 times faster than normal.

Lose weight with oatmeal and brown rice

Long-term weight loss can be achieved with oats and brown rice, according to nutritionists. Brown rice is a cereal with high nutritional value, low calories and high in fiber. This rice helps regulate blood pressure, stabilize the digestive system, remove bad cholesterol, improve skin and maintain physique. With this weight loss way, women just need to mix oatmeal porridge with brown rice porridge and serve with eggs, fish meat, and vegetables to provide full nutrients.

oats and brown rice
Brown rice is a cereal with high nutritional value, low calories and high in fiber.

Lose weight with oatmeal and banana

Bananas are rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals. Besides, the amount of fat in this fruit is almost zero. Combining bananas with oatmeal both diversifies the diet and helps you lose weight super fast.

  • Method 1: Eat oatmeal porridge with 1 banana at every meal.
  • Method 2: Processing banana – oat biscuits. Readers mix well pureed banana, oatmeal, flour, eggs, margarine, baking powder, chocolate chip. Then put in a mold and bake at 170 – 175 degrees C. When the cake is cooked, turn off the oven, take it out to cool and enjoy. 
oats and bananas
Combining bananas with oatmeal both diversifies the diet and helps you lose weight super fast.

Lose weight with oatmeal and chia seeds

Chia seeds are easy to eat, both supporting weight loss and strengthening resistance. The way to lose weight with oats and chia seeds is very simple, you just need to add 3 – 4 teaspoons of chia seeds when cooking oatmeal, stir and enjoy.

oats and chia seeds
A mixture of oats and chia seeds is very effective for weight loss.

In the process of losing weight with oatmeal, the reader should limit the amount of sugar, fat and fruits such as avocado, grapes, mangoes, and pineapple. In addition, women should drink plenty of water and exercise regularly to boost metabolism, and effectively burn excess fat. The most important thing is that before you go into oatmeal weight loss plan, consult with your nutritionist to develop a scientific, reasonable and suitable menu for you.


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