Treatment of hemorrhoids with aloe vera
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Treatment of hemorrhoids with aloe vera is a folk method that helps soothe the itching, burning pain caused by swollen hemorrhoids. Although it is only a natural remedy, it is very effective against inflammation and itching. Let’s learn more about the use of aloe vera to cure hemorrhoids in the article below.

Aloe vera with a different name for hemorrhoids, dom is a condition in which the veins located next to the anus become inflamed and swollen.

The visible symptoms of this disease are soreness, itching and even bleeding in the rectum. Usually, symptoms go away on their own when the condition is not too severe.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with aloe vera
Treatment of hemorrhoids with aloe vera is a popular folk method


Therefore, the use of aloe vera to treat hemorrhoids and eliminate the onset of symptoms is evaluated to be effective quickly and is applied by many people.

Healing ingredients in aloe vera

The essence of aloe vera leaves is a succulent plant, the pure gel in aloe vera will soothe wounds, burns, and stimulate skin regeneration.

Because according to the research of experts, aloe vera contains the following ingredients:

  • 99% is water
  • 1% Glycoprotein và Polysaccharides

In particular, the active ingredient Glycoprotein has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects, while Polysaccharides have the ability to restore new skin. Simultaneously, both of these active ingredients have the ability to activate the body’s immune system to fight infections around the anus and rectum.

In short, treating hemorrhoids with aloe vera is very beneficial because it offers a number of great benefits including:

  • Soothing irritation, anti-inflammation, and pain relief caused by hemorrhoids.
  • Anthraquinone has laxative properties, promotes the secretion of the large intestine, softens stools, stimulates bowel movements, helps ease bowel movements during bowel movements.
  • Reducing constipation – one of the main causes of hemorrhoids.
  • Reduces the size of hemorrhoids with natural astringent ingredients.
  • Helps reduce the risk of hemorrhoids and prevent the disease from getting worse if infected.
  • The enzyme bradykinin helps to fight inflammation in place, restore the damaged mucosa.
Treatment of hemorrhoids with aloe vera
Aloe vera contains active ingredients to help soothe, relieve pain, swelling, and fight inflammation for hemorrhoids

Note : Although there are many benefits in the treatment, especially hemorrhoids, avoid overuse and use of high doses of latex because it can cause irritation to the digestive system.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with aloe vera

According to experts, hemorrhoids go through different stages of development, from low to high grade. Depending on the characteristics of each level, there are different treatments. And the patient can completely use aloe vera or combine aloe vera with other ingredients into a formula to treat both internal and external hemorrhoids.

Accordingly, the progression of hemorrhoids will go through 4 levels corresponding to the following 2 stages:

Hemorrhoids are mild

For this stage, the disease will progress to levels 1 and 2. There will be some signs such as itching, redness, burning pain, and bleeding when passing the bowel.

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Now that the disease is in a mild stage, aloe vera can become the key to treating hemorrhoids without the need for medical procedures. In addition, when combining the use of aloe vera with changing living habits, eating and drinking will help hemorrhoids more and more relieved, minimizing treatment time and finally going away.

Severe hemorrhoids

Levels 3 and 4 are classified as advanced hemorrhoids. At this time, hemorrhoids will have more severe and serious manifestations, affecting much health and ability to live every day. The hemorrhoids fall inward and increase the risk of infections, causing a range of other conditions.

So, at this stage the remedy for hemorrhoids with aloe vera will no longer work. Instead, it is imperative that the patient go to medical facilities, hemorrhoids specialist hospitals to be examined and intervened by medical technology that can be treated.

Introducing 8 popular aloe vera cures

Use aloe vera gel

The pure gel inside aloe vera contains most of the active ingredients that can cure hemorrhoids (both internal and external hemorrhoids). This is considered the simplest and easiest method to do.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with aloe vera
Pure aloe vera gel works very well for people with hemorrhoids

Proceed as follows:

  • Fresh aloe vera washed and then cut in half, using a spoon or knife to separate the gel inside.
  • Clean the anus and dry, take the aloe vera gel already applied directly to the anal area with hemorrhoids.
  • Let the gel layer slowly soak into the hemorrhoids for 10-15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with water.

Encourage doing this 2-3 times / day in the morning, at noon and at night. In the evening it can be applied to the anus and for better results the next morning.

Note: To ensure safety, to avoid skin irritation and redness, it is best to try applying aloe vera gel to the area around the anus, if there is no problem, apply it on the bun. hemorrhoids.

Aloe vera cooked with alum sugar to cure hemorrhoids

The formula is extremely good for the digestive system, limits constipation and reduces pressure on the anus. The result is to prevent bad transformation of the hemorrhoids. This method is also extremely simple that you can do at home without too expensive.

Proceed as follows:

  • Prepare about 2-3 stalks of aloe vera and rock sugar.
  • Aloe vera rinses and then peels off the outer green skin, rinses the flesh of aloe vera on the inside to reduce the viscosity.
  • Slice the aloe vera into pomegranate seeds and cook in the pot for about 20-30 minutes, add alum sugar to create a sweet taste.

* Can be applied every day to aid in increasing the effectiveness of treatment.

Drink aloe vera juice to treat hemorrhoids

With the laxative ability, stimulating the secretion of the large intestine, drinking aloe vera juice will help support the treatment of hemorrhoids from deep inside and hemorrhoids prevention for normal people.

Proceed as follows:

  • Use 1 branch of aloe vera, peel off the green outer layer, take the part of the aloe vera flesh inside and wash with salt to remove the mucus.
  • Add in a blender to puree aloe vera with sugar and water in the ratio 1: 2: 3

Recommended to drink immediately after waking up, when not eating anything. Persistent use within 1 month, every day drink 1-2 small glasses will achieve a marked effect.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with aloe vera
Aloe vera juice helps to cool the body, laxative, prevents constipation, prevents hemorrhoids from deep inside

Treatment of hemorrhoids with aloe vera and turmeric

Turmeric is both considered a cooking ingredient and a panacea in healing and beauty care. Turmeric contains the active ingredient Curcumin, which is highly anti-inflammatory, so it is preferred to use in treating hemorrhoids.

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When the combination of aloe vera and turmeric will increase the effectiveness of treatment, the hemorrhoids will shrink gradually thanks to the ability to reduce pain, anti-inflammation, and reduce swelling.

Proceed as follows:

  • Fresh turmeric peels and then squeezes the juice, aloe vera filters out the gel inside.
  • Mix these 2 ingredients together and then apply directly to the hemorrhoids twice a day and then rinse with clean water.

Aloe vera with olive oil or coconut oil

This method, when applied, will help inhibit the growth of hemorrhoids and prevent bleeding each time you have a bowel movement. Both aloe vera and olive oil or coconut oil are antibacterial and stimulate natural skin regeneration. So this is definitely a highly effective healing formula.

Proceed as follows:

  • Mix aloe vera gel with olive oil or coconut oil in a 2: 1 ratio.
  • Wash the anal area thoroughly, dry and apply this mixture to the hemorrhoids and the skin around the anus.
  • Rinse the anus with warm water.

Treat hemorrhoids with aloe vera and potatoes

Potatoes have anti-inflammatory properties, reduce swelling, and small wounds when combined with the cool, antibacterial properties of aloe vera will help to quickly eliminate burning pain and discomfort in the anal area. At the same time, atrophy of hemorrhoids in the early onset is very effective.

Proceed as follows:

  • Prepare 2 potatoes, peel off and wash. 1 cup of freshly prepared aloe vera meat.
  • The potatoes are cut into small pieces and put in a blender with aloe vera.
  • Use this mixture to apply to the hemorrhoids and around the anus for about 10 minutes.
  • Rinse the anus with warm water.

It is recommended to do this every day until symptoms of the disease have been improved significantly and in cases where the disease has just started, it will be completely resolved if you stick to it.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with aloe vera and lemon

Lemons are very high in antioxidants and vitamins. These active substances work to increase the solidity of the walls of blood vessels as well as capillaries. From there, reducing the itching, redness, swelling and burning pain caused by hemorrhoids.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with aloe vera
Aloe vera and lemon are a great combination to repel itching, bleeding in hemorrhoids and heal lesions in the anal area.

Proceed as follows:

  • Combine the mixture of pureed aloe vera with lemon juice in the ratio 1: 1.
  • Apply this mixture directly to the affected area of ​​the hemorrhoids. It may be a bit burning and itchy at first from the presence of the lemon, but it should be back to normal after a while.
  • Continuously apply this mixture every 3 hours to achieve the best therapeutic effect.

In addition, when it comes to lemons, the formula of milk plus lemon juice or ginger juice + mint + honey + lemon juice is also very effective in treating hemorrhoids. If you are not sick, use this drink regularly, especially those who work in the office, travel less and sit a lot, will also help prevent the possibility of hemorrhoids.

In addition, drink milk and squeeze a few drops of lemon juice or you can mix half a teaspoon of lemon juice with ginger juice, mint water and honey to drink, done once a day. It works very effectively for people with hemorrhoids and reduces the risk of hemorrhoids for those who by nature are more likely to have hemorrhoids.

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Treat hemorrhoids with aloe vera and Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel is an ingredient that helps to firm the skin naturally, killing bacteria very well. This is an ingredient that is used a lot in beauty care. Combining aloe vera and Witch Hazel will help prevent the inflammation of blood vessels around the anus, no itching and swelling and pain of hemorrhoids.

Proceed as follows:

  • 1 tablespoon Witch hazel bring to boil with 1 cup of water for 10 minutes
  • Wait for it to cool, then filter the juice, add 1 teaspoon of aloe vera juice.
  • Mix this mixture well and absorb the hemorrhoids with a cotton ball.

Apply 3 times / day for best effect.

Treat hemorrhoids with aloe vera and apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains active ingredients that can help alleviate the itchy, burning symptoms of hemorrhoids. Not only that, it also helps constrict the inflamed blood vessels around the anus. This can be used for both internal and external hemorrhoids.

Proceed as follows:

  • For internal hemorrhoids: Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with 1 teaspoon of aloe vera juice and drink 2 glasses a day.
  • For external hemorrhoids: Make the same formula as above and then use a cotton ball to soak in the mixture and then absorb into the hemorrhoids 2 – 3 times / day.
Treatment of hemorrhoids with aloe vera
Apple cider vinegar helps to shrink hemorrhoids at a very good start

Does aloe vera cure hemorrhoids with side effects?

The use of aloe vera to cure hemorrhoids has been researched and analyzed by experts. Not only that, aloe vera can be used both internally and externally, because aloe vera is very safe by its nature and rarely causes side effects. However, whether or not there are side effects depends on the way of use and the location of each person.

In addition, aloe vera treatment of hemorrhoids is often recommended for the external rather than the internal way. Because for people with weak stomachs will be very prone to abdominal pain, aloe vera diarrhea has a laxative effect. Therefore, people who are suffering from colic, inflammatory bowel disease should not drink aloe vera juice to ensure safety.

In addition, to get the best results, when using, you need to peel off the green outer skin to avoid poisoning yourself.

How long does it take to cure hemorrhoids with aloe vera?

Aloe vera curing hemorrhoids is a way that has been passed down since ancient times, using natural ingredients to treat illnesses. Therefore, applying this method will bring longer effects than modern medical treatments.

Therefore, if you feel comfortable with this method then be very patient. Also, combine doing some of the following to ensure a faster effect:

  • Increase your intake of green vegetables, fruits, and fiber foods every day. This will help prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.
  •  Drinking plenty of water, about 2 – 2.5 liters of water per day is also an effective way to support hemorrhoids treatment.
  • Do not eat dishes containing a lot of grease, hot spicy foods, spicy foods …
  • Exercise regularly to support a convenient bowel movement.
  • Avoid sitting for too long when walking on a bowel movement and should not push hard so as not to damage the muscles around the anus.
  • Maintain hygiene every day, especially after each anal passage.

Some notes when using aloe vera to treat hemorrhoids

In order for the use of aloe vera to treat hemorrhoids most effectively, helping to quickly reduce symptoms of bleeding, burning, itching, the patient needs to remember the following in the anus:

  • According to research, there are some cases when allergic to onions, garlic will also have the ability to be allergic to aloe vera. When an allergic reaction will develop symptoms such as redness, itching, difficulty breathing, rash … Now, immediately stop using and find ways to overcome symptoms as soon as possible.
  • To see if you are allergic to aloe vera, you can try rubbing a small amount of aloe vera on the back of your hand, wait 24 – 48 hours later. If nothing out of the ordinary happens, then you are not allergic to aloe vera and vice versa.
Treatment of hemorrhoids with aloe vera
For severe cases, aloe vera will not work, instead you should seek medical care and treatment.
  • People with diabetes, easily irritated bowels should avoid using aloe vera gel. Because aloe vera gel can reduce the effectiveness of those who are using diabetes medicines, blood thinners …
  • Aloe vera is only effective in mild, moderate onset diseases. For severe cases, aloe vera will not work, so it is best for patients to go to medical facilities to be examined and treated properly.
  • Aloe vera is only an adjunct to the treatment of hemorrhoids, not a substitute as a medicine.

Hopefully, with the above information, it will help patients quickly achieve positive results when treating hemorrhoids, repel burning pain, discomfort and return to normal life.


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