cure colitis from guava leaves
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Applying a remedy for colitis from guava leaves, the patient will improve inflammation and damage in the colon. This is a method that is simple but brings a positive effect for the treatment process.

cure colitis from guava leaves
Guava leaves help improve inflammatory colitis symptoms.


Cure colitis from guava leaves

Colitis directly affects the health of the patient. Patients with colitis often encounter typical symptoms such as sudden abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, weight loss, fatigue, bowel disorders, … With this disease, the patient should soon conduct examination to avoid possible complications such as gastric perforation, stomach cancer, colon dilatation, …

Cure colitis from guava leaves is a method known to many people in the folk. According to Oriental medicine, guava leaves are warm and bitter. This raw material has the effect of digestion, detoxification, strengthening the function of the spleen, stimulating blood circulation, adding nutrients to the body, improving symptoms caused by colon disease.

In addition, the modern medical research documents show that guava leaves contain ingredients such as tritecpenic, psiditanic acid, pyrogalic tannin, … These are substances that have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and control effects. harmful bacteria. In particular, the amount of essential oils in guava leaves also helps to heal damage to the stomach lining effectively.

cure colitis from guava leaves
Colitis is painful for the patient.

The antioxidants in guava leaves will help protect the stomach from damaging free radicals and prevent cancer from developing due to inflammatory colitis. At the same time improves diarrhea symptoms, restores damage in the gastric mucosa. Therefore, people with colitis can use guava leaves to support their own treatment.

The remedy for colitis from guava leaves is both safe, benign, has few side effects and can improve disease symptoms, save money. However, this treatment is only suitable for patients with mild colitis. If the patient has severe colitis, the patient should soon conduct examination and treatment to ensure safety for the body.

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A remedy for colitis from guava leaves

Guava leaves are ingredients that are very effective in the treatment of inflammatory colitis. This is a fairly safe remedy that many people use to aid in improving symptoms. Patients need to strictly follow the instructions to achieve the highest therapeutic effect. Here is a remedy for colitis from guava leaves, patients can refer.

1. Remedy from young guava leaves

Young guava leaves have the effect of reducing spasm, repelling the pain caused by colitis. This treatment has a positive effect on the treatment of inflammatory colitis. Patients should perform steadily and regularly a cure for colitis from young guava leaves to help the disease quickly improve.

cure colitis from guava leaves
The simplest way to cure colitis from young guava leaves

Preparation of raw materials:

  • There ổi no
  • Warm water

+ How to do it as follows:

# Method 1:

  • First, you bring the young guava leaves, wash and dry them.
  • Then, crush young guava leaves into a fine powder.
  • Mix 6g of young guava leaf powder with 200 ml of boiling water to cool
  • Every day, patients use it with a frequency of 2 times to achieve the highest therapeutic effect.

# Method 2:

  • Wash and drain the young guava leaves
  • Then, you put the young guava leaves in a kettle and boil water over low heat for about 30 minutes.
  • Use young guava leaf juice orally twice a day to help improve colitis
  • Patients should not drink too much, avoid affecting the stomach and colon.

2. Young guava leaves and fresh ginger

Fresh ginger is effective in treating colitis. With antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, active ingredients in fresh ginger will help kill bacteria that cause colitis and warm the abdomen. Combination of young guava leaves and fresh ginger is a remedy to support the treatment of colitis, which is widely applied.

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Preparation of raw materials:

  • Young guava leaves (1 handful)
  • Fresh ginger (8g)

+ How to do it as follows:

  • Take ginger root and wash with young guava leaves, drain
  • Then, you put these ingredients in the pounding mortar
  • Next, put the mixture just created on the yellow star stove
  • Add water and sharp for about 30 minutes over low heat
  • Filter to remove the residue and divide the water to drink several times a day to aid in improving colitis.
  • Absolutely do not use this method for people with colitis with fever with too high body temperature

3. Treatment of colitis causing diarrhea

Using young guava leaves combined with some other ingredients such as dry grapefruit peel, green tea leaves, and fresh ginger will bring a very simple remedy for colitis. Patients should follow the correct dosage to achieve the highest therapeutic effect. Overdose can make diarrhea worse.

cure colitis from guava leaves
The remedy for colitis from guava leaves is easy to do

Preparation of raw materials:

  • Lá ổi not (20g)
  • Dried grapefruit peel (20g)
  • Green tea leaves (10g)
  • Fresh ginger (2 slices)

+ How to do it as follows:

  • First of all, take all of the above ingredients and rinse them thoroughly with water.
  • Then you put the ingredients in a kettle and cook with water for about 20 minutes.
  • Evenly divided oral dose 2-3 times / day to help quickly improve the symptoms of colitis

4. Cure colitis that causes constipation

In addition to the above treatments, for patients with constipation, you can use young guava buds in combination with ginger root, tangerine peel to support treatment for yourself. This treatment will improve constipation, upset stomach, help patients feel more comfortable. Young guava buds will help prevent colon damage and heal ulcers quickly.

Preparation of raw materials:

  • Young guava buds (10 buds)
  • Ginger root (30g)
  • Tangerine peel (3 fruits)

+ How to do it as follows:

  • Wash the guava leaves and soak them with dilute salt water
  • Grilled ginger and tangerine peel over the heat to flavor
  • Put all ingredients in a kettle to boil with about 400 ml to 100 ml
  • Strain out the residue and use this water in 2 divided doses to drink during the day
  • Patients with colitis drink while the water is still warm and should not use too much guava leaves to avoid severe constipation.
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Tips to cure colitis from guava leaves

Although guava leaves are effective in treating inflammatory colitis, patients must also be cautious. You absolutely must not be abused, making the disease worse and causing many other complications. To ensure safety for health, when treating colitis from guava leaves, patients should pay attention to the following issues.

cure colitis from guava leaves
Patients with colitis should have a scientific diet.
  • Do not use the remedy for colitis from guava leaves as a treatment regimen because this method is only temporary, can not cure the disease completely.
  • When applying the treatment of colitis from guava leaves, if there is any unusual problem, the patient should soon conduct examination and treatment, to avoid possible complications.
  • If you apply Vietnamese medicine to treat colitis , you should consult your doctor before doing this.
  • Having a scientific and reasonable diet with all the essential nutrients to supplement the body’s nutrients, especially green vegetables and fruits.
  • Limit alcohol, beer, tobacco and other spicy, hot, fatty foods that are not good for the stomach
  • Drink enough 2 liters of water per day and replenish the body with fruit juices to avoid constipation
  • Sleep enough 8 hours a day, do not stay up late, get up early to ensure good health, help get better quickly
  • Avoid stress, worry too much, keep a cheerful, optimistic, positive mindset
  • Do not do heavy work or stressful work
  • Gentle movement, should not sit still. At the same time, actively practice sports suitable for health to increase resistance and easily digest food.
  • Eat many meals, do not eat too full or let the stomach too hungry, which affects the stomach and colon.
  • Absolutely not buy drugs to treat inflammatory colitis without the appointment of a specialist

Hope the above information will help you to better understand the remedies for colitis from guava leaves. In fact, this method only reduces the symptoms of the disease, not completely cures it. Therefore, if you find that you have any abnormal body oils, the patient should soon conduct examination and treatment. This is how you can avoid the dangerous complications of colitis and prevent frequent recurrences.


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