cure colitis with turmeric
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Treating colitis with turmeric is a benign tip that may respond well to the symptoms of the disease. Using turmeric correctly will overcome constipation, digestive disorders, abdominal pain, flatulence, indigestion. In particular, it promotes the healing process of damage to the colon mucosa more quickly.

cure colitis with turmeric
Using turmeric to treat colitis is a popular folk trick


The curative effect of turmeric

Turmeric is a very popular culinary spice that enhances the flavor of many dishes. In addition, this material is also used very popularly for therapeutic purposes. In which, using turmeric to treat colitis is a folk trick that many patients trust to apply.

Colitis is one of the most common digestive tract diseases. Especially in the audience of middle-aged people and the elderly. The cause of the disease is usually caused by bacterial and parasitic infections, overuse of anti-inflammatory drugs, lack of moderation in eating and drinking …

Inflammatory colitis is not too dangerous but causes a lot of trouble. At the same time, it directly affects quality of life. Make the body’s ability to absorb nutrients less, adversely affect sleep and the patient’s psychology.

In addition to using Western medicine, many patients have turned to herbal remedies to treat colitis. Using turmeric is a benign, simple, easy-to-do solution that is known to bring many positive results.

Curcumin and beta-carotene are abundant in turmeric, which has been appreciated by many studies for its antioxidant properties. They can aid in repair of damaged mucosa. At the same time inhibiting harmful bacteria as well as regulating bowel movements better. Thereby improving symptoms, constipation, flatulence, discomfort and abdominal pain …

Furthermore, the correct use of turmeric also improves digestion and protects ulcers. This ingredient is not only suitable for people with colitis but also very useful for patients with stomach ulcers.

However, patients need to remember that turmeric tips to treat inflammation of the colon only help control the disease and relieve symptoms. It only responds well in cases of mild disease and no serious complications arise.

Besides, the effectiveness of the cure for colitis with turmeric also depends a lot on local factors as well as on care. For severe cases, you should see your doctor to determine the most suitable treatment regimen.

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Should people with colitis take turmeric?

In folklore, the use of fresh turmeric is more common. However, compared to turmeric starch, fresh turmeric is often not as convenient. Turmeric starch is a product from fresh turmeric that has been refined into a dry powder.

turmeric cure colitis
In addition to using fresh turmeric, colitis patients can completely use turmeric starch

In particular, turmeric still retains the same nutrient content as fresh turmeric but is less damaged and easy to preserve. Moreover, it is appreciated for less jaundice when used.

People with colitis can completely use turmeric to support the treatment process. In addition, turmeric preparations in liquid or inflammatory form are also believed to be very useful.

However, using turmeric starch or turmeric preparations, patients also need to choose products of clear origin and quality assurance. Using products with floating ingredients as well as origin is easy to encounter adverse effects during the treatment of the disease.

Share 5 effective ways to cure colitis with turmeric

Many ways to use turmeric to treat colitis have been widely circulated in folklore. In particular, turmeric is often used in combination with other ingredients to improve the effectiveness of treatment.

Here are 5 simple and effective ways to cure colitis with turmeric:

1. Combine fresh turmeric with honey for colitis

Combining fresh turmeric with honey is the most commonly used colitis remedy. This tip can help control colitis symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating. It also helps with the functioning of the stomach and digestive tract.

In addition to the effects of turmeric, honey also helps to inhibit harmful bacteria, enhance beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Besides, it also has the effect of regulating contraction activity of the intestine. The hydrogen peroxide compound in honey is also considered to be able to respond well to the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. This is the main cause of diseases in the digestive organs.


  • Prepare 1 kg of turmeric and wash it thoroughly and drain
  • Cut turmeric into thin slices and place in a glass jar
  • Pour honey into a jar to cover the turmeric and soak for 2 weeks
  • Just take 1 teaspoon of honey each time and eat with turmeric
  • Use 2-3 times / day before meals
how to cure colitis with turmeric
Combining turmeric with honey is a simple, easy-to-do cure for colitis

In addition, if fresh turmeric soaked in honey is not available, the patient can also use turmeric starch instead. The simple implementation is as follows:

  • Prepare 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder and 1 teaspoon of raw honey
  • Add both ingredients in 250ml of warm water and stir well
  • Should take small sips to get the best results
  • Use 2-3 times / day before meals about half an hour
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2. Medicines from turmeric and pig bile treat colitis

Pig’s bile also has another name in Oriental medicine, which is trien phom – a medicine that is used very popularly. Fungus has a bitter taste, has a tangy smell, is welded and is non-toxic. It has the effect of enhancing bile secretion, stimulating digestion, defecating, destroying inflammation and antiseptic.

That is why many people choose to combine pig bile with fresh turmeric to cure colitis. This improves efficiency compared to using turmeric alone.


  • Need to prepare 200g of fresh turmeric, 1 pork honey, 1 little wormwood and 30ml of honey
  • Turmeric and wormwood need to be washed, drained, then crushed in a mortar and pressed for water
  • Mix the juice with honey and mix well with the pork honey
  • Pour this mixture into a saucepan and heat over low heat to cook to high
  • Each time use take 1/2 teaspoon, stir with warm water and drink after meals

3. Cure colitis with fresh turmeric and coconut

People with colitis can combine fresh turmeric and coconut water to aid in treatment. The abundant amount of antibacterial enzymes in coconut water can kill harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract.

At the same time, the enzymes in coconut water also break down proteins. Thanks to that that can reduce the pressure on the stomach and colon during food digestion. In addition, coconut water also contains many minerals useful for health such as Ca, K, Cl …

how to use turmeric to treat colitis
Using turmeric in combination with young coconut can help overcome the symptoms of inflammatory colitis


  • Need to prepare 200g of fresh yellow turmeric and 3 young coconuts
  • Coconut cut the pulp and poke a hole. Then put on the stove to boil for about 30-40 minutes over low heat.
  • Pour coconut water into the bowl, scrape off the pulp. Divide the collected water and pulp into 3 servings per day. Each time use 1 serving 30 minutes before a main meal.
  • Fresh turmeric needs to be washed, peeled and crushed to extract the juice.
  • Put turmeric juice in a bowl and cover, drink it early the next morning after waking up.

** Note: Pregnant women or people with blood thinning should not treat colitis in this way.

4. Treat colitis with turmeric powder, honey and banana seed

As mentioned, in addition to using fresh turmeric, people with colitis can use turmeric starch. Turmeric starch is often combined with banana seeds and honey to enhance the therapeutic effect.

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Honey inhibits the harmful effects of bacteria, soothes and promotes mucosal damage. And banana seeds contain many active ingredients to help relieve pain, kill harmful bacteria and assist in regulating digestive activity.


  • Prepare 1 amount of turmeric starch, cassava root, banana seed and honey with just the right amount
  • Banana seeds and cassava need to be washed, chopped, dried and then powdered
  • Then mix well with turmeric starch
  • Each use just take 1 teaspoon of powder and stir well with 200ml of boiling water
  • Add 1 teaspoon of honey to dissolve
  • Take small sips and should be used while the medicine is warm

5. Add turmeric to your daily diet

In addition to the above solutions, people with colitis are advised to include turmeric in their diet. This is a very simple, safe and especially easy way to support the treatment of the disease.

Turmeric has diverse pharmacological properties, which can promote its use well even when combined in everyday dishes. Eating turmeric-containing dishes will help promote digestion, enhance bowel movements and promote repair of damage to the colon lining.

use turmeric to treat colitis
People with colitis are advised to include turmeric in their diet to aid in disease control

Turmeric supplementation also enhances the flavor of many dishes. Helps to improve nausea, abdominal pain, poor appetite … caused by colitis and digestive problems. However, it is important to avoid combining turmeric with foods or drinks that may adversely affect digestion. Examples include barley, wheat, hot spices, grease, caffeinated drinks or alcohol.

Note when using turmeric to treat colitis

Turmeric is a benign natural ingredient that is safe to use. And especially can suit many types of patients. Using turmeric will help better control symptoms and progression of colitis. Moreover, it also supports digestive activities, reduces stomach pain.

However, if not cautious when applying, the patient may face risks when using turmeric to treat colitis. Therefore, there are some issues to pay attention to:

  • Use only fresh turmeric or turmeric starch in appropriate amounts. This ingredient, if used in overdose, can cause nausea, indigestion, flatulence, and adverse treatment effects.
  • Curcumin in turmeric is considered to stimulate secretion of bile secretions. Thanks to that can improve digestive performance. Remember, however, that excessive secretion of bile can increase the risk of gallstones or cholecystitis or worsen the disease.
  • Turmeric tips to treat colitis only help to improve the disease and reduce the severity of symptoms. So the best people with colitis should use drugs and lifestyle adjustments to be able to affect the overall progress of the disease.
  • The active ingredients in turmeric are still in their natural form, so they are slowly absorbed and promoted. Therefore, patients need to pay close attention to use them regularly for a long time to get the best results.
  • To improve the effectiveness of treatment, you should combine with diet, living and exercise in moderation. At the same time well controlling fatigue, stress, nervous tension …
  • So far, many tips to cure colitis with turmeric have not been proven to be safe or effective. Therefore, patients should consult medical before applying to avoid experiencing side effects and arising risks.

The article has shared 5 ways to cure colitis with turmeric that are simple and easy to perform. Remember that this is a supportive measure and will only respond well in mild cases. Patients should combine medication and maintain a healthy lifestyle to best control the disease progression.


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