Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient for the body, but is it good to drink daily?
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Vitamin C is an essential organic compound for the body. This micronutrient exists in many fresh foods and is also formulated into oral medicinal forms. Overdose with vitamin C can cause serious consequences such as: stomach ulcers, kidney stones, diarrhea, …

Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient for the body, but is it good to drink daily?
Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient for the body, but is it good to drink daily?

What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a type of organic compound scientifically known as Ascorbic Acid. This is a micronutrient that exists in abundance in nature. Vitamin C exists with a high content in the body of some plants, some foods such as oranges, tangerines, potatoes, tomatoes, kiwifruit, bean sprouts, amaranth, vegetables spinach,…

Vitamin C is an important micronutrient for the human body, helping many organs in the body to function sustainably.

However, the human body does not produce vitamin C on its own, it needs to be obtained from the outside and synthesized, metabolized. Humans can absorb vitamin C from their diet, by eating foods rich in vitamin C.

However, vitamin C doesn’t just exist in its natural form. Nowadays, with the development of science, scientists have been able to prepare and produce vitamin C in oral drug form.

In nature, vitamin C exists in many foods such as vegetables, fresh fruits, ...
In nature, vitamin C exists in many foods such as vegetables, fresh fruits, …

In the case of patients with vitamin C deficiency, need to supplement vitamin C, the doctor will appoint the patient to take the drug. Today’s vitamin C drugs are very diverse and multi-type.

Regarding dosage form, vitamin C supplements come in the main forms such as: solution, oral tablet, effervescent tablet, lozenge, …

Each vitamin C supplement product will have different brands and brand names. Some popular vitamin C supplements for the body today are: B-Complex with Vitamin C, Vitamin C, Myvita, Ossizan C, …

The main ingredient in these products is Ascorbic Acid in the prepared form. However, the amount of Ascorbic Acid in each medicine is different.

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Effects of vitamin C on health

1. Physiological effects

For the biological body, vitamin C is an important micronutrient that has the following functions:

  • Vitamin C is the main ingredient in the production of collagen. This is a protein that plays a role in connecting tissues such as cartilage, joints, ligaments, … in the body. Since then, vitamin C also stimulates wound healing in the body.
  • Vitamin C participates in the production of antibodies of the immune system, helps prevent colds, repel flu;
  • Vitamin C works with several other enzymes in the body, supporting vitamin E in its antioxidant role.

2. Beauty effects

From a compound that plays an important role, it can even be said to be “indispensable” in the human body, vitamin C has a beauty effect, bringing many benefits to human health such as:

  • Helps healthy gums and teeth;
  • Improve immune system;
  • Prevent the development of free radicals that damage the heart, cause cancer,…;
  • Prevent or reduce bruises on the skin;
  • Improve eye health, prevent some eye diseases such as macular degeneration, cataracts;
  • Improve skin, create a amount of Collagen for the body, help skin firm, elastic;
  • Help brighten skin, reduce inflammatory acne, improve dark scarring;
  • Helps smooth, firm hair, does not easily lose hair;
  • Helps to prevent the nail from drying out;
  • Help healthy bones and joints, improve bone and joint health in the elderly;
  • Help increase sperm quality, stimulate better sperm production in men.

Side effects of vitamin C

Undeniably the effect and function of vitamin C on the human body. However, vitamin C can also cause side effects if consumed in excess of what the body needs.

Some of the side effects you may experience if taking vitamin C in excess of your recommended threshold:

  • Causing ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Causes kidney stones;
  • May cause difficulty in blood clotting;
  • Have diarrhea if you overdose;
  • In pregnant women, overdose of vitamin C will cause the newborn to get scurvy.
Over-intake of vitamin C can cause side effects such as diarrhea, kidney stones, stomach ulcers, ...
Over-intake of vitamin C can cause side effects such as diarrhea, kidney stones, stomach ulcers, …

Is it good to take vitamin C every day?

When your body is deficient in vitamin C, you may be faced with unusual conditions or symptoms such as:

  • Tired;
  • Athritis;
  • The structure of skin, nails, and hair is altered, resulting in loose, wrinkled skin, hair loss easily, rough nails and nails;
  • Swollen gums, swollen gums;
  • The wound takes a long time to heal;
  • Flu recovers long;
  • Potential for cancer, as free radicals damage the body without being contained;
  • Chronic asthma;
  • Some cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure, extravasation, weak vessel wall,…;
  • Anemia.
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However, if you add too much vitamin C to your body, you will experience unwanted side effects, affecting your quality of life.

So, need to supplement vitamin C in what dosage, can it be used daily?

According to specialist doctors, we always need to take vitamin C daily. However, should not be used arbitrarily but need to be used with a sufficient dose. There are two ways to get vitamin C for your body: eat foods rich in vitamin C and take medicines that contain vitamin C.

Get vitamin C by taking medications or eating foods rich in vitamin C.
Get vitamin C by taking medications or eating foods rich in vitamin C.

In case of taking the drug, users should not overdo vitamin C. At different ages, the oral dose of vitamin C will be different:

  • For people from 4 to 18 years old, appropriate dosage ranges from 30mg to 40mg / day.
  • For adult users (aged 18 years and over), the appropriate dose is 45mg / day.
  • In case of pregnant women, the appropriate dosage is 55mg / day;
  • For women who are breastfeeding, the amount of vitamin C supplementation is 70mg / day.

In addition, users can choose to supplement vitamin C by natural methods such as eating tomatoes, potatoes, green vegetables, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, … to supplement vitamin C for the body.

Some things to keep in mind when taking vitamin C

When taking vitamin C supplements for the body, users should note the following:

  • Before using any drug label, a specialist should also be consulted. Do not arbitrarily use vitamin C, especially to avoid giving vitamin C to children without permission because it can affect the child’s health if using the wrong dose;
  • Taking vitamin C for a long time, drug abuse can cause disorders of the body’s functions, easily leading to diseases of the stomach, digestive tract and kidneys;
  • Do not combine vitamin C with fresh milk, beer, wine, and coffee;
  • Avoid letting the drug in direct exposure to the air for too long, exposure to sunlight because vitamin C will easily evaporate, reduce its effectiveness;
  • Store at temperatures below 30 degrees C and out of reach of children;
  • When the drug has expired or shows signs of moldiness or damage, users should not continue taking the drug;
  • A specialist should be consulted when intending to combine vitamin C with any drug;
  • In the course of taking vitamin C supplements, if you find that your body has strange symptoms, you should report to a specialist.
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Need to take vitamin C every day but need to use the correct dose suitable for the needs of the body.
Need to take vitamin C every day but need to use the correct dose suitable for the needs of the body.

In summary, vitamin C is an important organic substance for human health, it participates in the production of collagen, connects tissues in the body, produces antioxidants and produces anti-antibodies. diseases. Vitamin C is abundant in fresh fruits, green vegetables, … Today, vitamin C has been prepared and synthesized in oral drugs, injections, … However, using vitamin C every day, used in large doses is dangerous thing. Users avoid overuse of drugs and take only the correct dosage prescribed by the doctor. Some harmful effects of long-term vitamin C abuse are: diarrhea, stomach ulcers, kidney stones, …

The information in the article is for reference only!

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