calcium drug dicanxi
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S-DiCanxi oral tablet works to supplement calcium for pregnant women, lactating people, the elderly, children with rickets and in the development stage. Besides, oral tablets also work to support the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in the elderly and postpartum women.

calcium drug dicanxi
S-DiCanxi oral tablet is not a medicine and has no effect to replace medicine

What is S-DiCanxi?

S-DiCanxi is a calcium supplement taken by the manufacturer of GMP Product – USA. The product is recommended for use by pregnant women, lactating women, the elderly, people with calcium deficiency and children with rickets, growth retardation. To increase the absorption of calcium, the product is also fortified with vitamin D3. This product is not a medicine and does not replace medicine.

Product basics:

  • Product’s name: S-DiCanxi 
  • Category: Functional foods
  • Main ingredients: Calcium and vitamin D3
  • Dosage form: Tablets
  • Specification: Box x 30 tablets
  • Manufacturer: GMP Product Inc. Ltd. America
  • Distributed by: Vitamin World Company Limited
  • XNCB số: 10884/2014/ATTP-XNCB

Main ingredients of S-DiCanxi TPCN

Each S-DiCanxi tablet contains:

  • Calcium 500mg
  • Vitamin D3 200 IU


  • Calcium is responsible for the development of bones, teeth, hair and nails. Calcium deficiency is the cause of rickets in children, calcium deficiency in pregnant women, lactating women and increases the risk of osteoarthritis in the middle-aged and the elderly. In addition, adequate calcium supply for pregnant women also avoids obstetric complications such as pre-eclampsia, early labor and preterm labor.
  • Vitamin D3 has the main function of helping the body absorb phosphorus and calcium. Therefore, besides calcium, S-DiCanxi oral tablet is also supplemented with vitamin D3 200IU. 
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What are S-DiCanxi pills used for?

The main use of S-DiCanxi TPCN is calcium supplementation for essential subjects such as pregnant women, nursing mothers, children with calcium deficiency, slow growth, rickets and in the stage of physical development.

In addition, S-DiCanxi oral tablet also works to help prevent and improve osteoporosis in the elderly. 

Subjects for use – Contraindicated

S-DiCanxi oral tablet is recommended for the following subjects:

Is S-DiCanxi good
The product is suitable for pregnant mothers, lactating mothers, children with rickets, the elderly
  • Children have rickets, grow slowly and are in the stage of strong physical development
  • Pregnant women who are giving birth to children
  • Middle-aged and elderly people
  • People with osteoarthritis related to calcium deficiency or those with gastrointestinal conditions leading to reduced absorption of calcium in food
  • People can not supplement their body calcium need through diet (vegetarians, seafood allergy , …)

Do not use this product for children under 9 years old, people with hypercalcemia, calciumuria or allergic to any ingredient in the oral tablet. 

How to drink S-DiCanxi for pregnant women

S-DiCanxi TPCN is recommended to use 1 time / day after eating and should use the product regularly to realize a marked effect. In addition, pregnant women, children and the elderly can also be combined with diet and exercise to increase calcium absorption, while preventing calcium accumulation in the kidneys and urinary tract.

Reference dosage:

  • Each time use 1-2 tablets
  • Use once a day about 30-60 minutes after eating

According to nutrition experts, should supplement calcium-containing products after breakfast (preferably 7-8 hours). Supplementation at this time helps the body to easily absorb calcium, eliminate all excess calcium through the urinary tract and limit calcium accumulation in the urinary tract. Or can also supplement S-DiCanxi TPCN after lunch but should be avoided in the evening. 

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Some notes when using calcium supplement S-DiCanxi TPCN

S-DiCanxi TPCN is a calcium supplement for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children with rickets and the elderly. However, before using this product, there are a few issues to keep in mind:

dicanxi medicine for pregnant women
Limit use of alcohol, tobacco, coffee, … while using S-DiCanxi tablets
  • S-DiCanxi is a functional food (tonic), not a medicine and has no effect as a substitute for medicine.
  • The product should be used regularly and in the recommended dosage. Using calcium overdose can cause hypercalcemia and calcium accumulation causing kidney stones, urinary tract.
  • Pregnant women with diabetes and heart disease should consult their doctor before taking S-DiCanxi and other calcium-containing products. 
  • When using calcium, should avoid using fruit juices, coffee and milk because it can increase calcium excretion through the urinary tract.
  • Drink plenty of water and eat plenty of green vegetables while taking S-DiCanxi supplement.
  • Adding calcium in the evening increases the amount of calcium accumulated in the urinary tract because the body is inactive and does not drink water during sleep. In addition, calcium supplementation at this time can cause constipation, restlessness and insomnia . 
  • Take S-DiCanxi oral tablet at least 2 hours away from other medications.
  • Do not use alcohol and tobacco because it can decrease the body’s ability to absorb calcium.

Is S-DiCanxi supplement good for pregnant women?

S-DiCanxi calcium supplement is a support product for pregnant mothers, nursing mothers, children in the developmental stage and the elderly. In addition, the product helps to prevent diseases related to bones and joints such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis pain caused by the effects of age.

Pregnant mothers using S-DiCanxi regularly can reduce the risk of postpartum osteoporosis, stimulate a comprehensive and healthy fetus development, limit complications of pre-eclampsia, early labor and premature birth.

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dicanxi medicine for pregnant women
In addition to using S-DiCanxi oral tablets, pregnant mothers should build a scientific diet menu

According to nutrition experts, in the first 3 months pregnant mothers should supplement 800mg of calcium (including supplementary pills + diet), in the middle 3 months 1000mg supplement and the last 3 months should take 1500mg calcium / day. Therefore, in addition to using S-DiCanxi oral tablets, pregnant mothers need to provide calcium to the body through some foods such as mushrooms, clams, oysters, snails, fish, shrimp, squid, crabs, … to ensure muscle mass. There may be enough calcium needed.

Furthermore, S-DiCanxi is only an oral supplement, not a medicine and cannot be a substitute for medicine. So in the case of children with rickets and severe osteoporosis, the product should be combined with special medicines as directed by the doctor. 

How much does S-DiCanxi oral tablet cost? Where do you buy it?

S-DiCanxi calcium supplements for pregnant mothers cost 150 – 170,000 VND / box of 3 blisters x 10 tablets. Currently, the product is available in private pharmacies nationwide. Therefore, readers can go to the nearest pharmacy if wishing to buy products.

The article has synthesized some basic information about calcium supplementation TPCN-S-DiCanxi. However, to ensure safety, you should read the instructions carefully or consult your pharmacist / doctor before use. 

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Bác sĩ Trần Ngọc Anh chuyên ngành Nội Tiêu hóa; Nội tổng hợp-u hóa đã có hơn 10 năm kinh nghiệm chẩn đoán và điều trị. Hiện đang công tác tại bệnh viện ĐH Y Dược Hà Nội Bác sĩ cũng hỗ trợ tư vấn sức khỏe tại Website ThuocLP Vietnamese Health. Học vấn: Tốt nghiệp hệ Bác sĩ đa khoa, Trường Đại học Y Hà Nội (2011) Tốt nghiệp Thạc sỹ chuyên ngành Nội khoa, Trường Đại học Y Hà Nội (2013). Qua trình làm việc và công tác: 2012 - 2014: Công tác tại Bệnh viện Bạch Mai. 2014 - Nay: Công tác tại bệnh viên ĐH y dược Hà Nội Khoa Nội tổng hợp-u hóa huyên ngành Nội Tiêu hóa. Năm 2019 bác sĩ Trần Ngọc Anh đồng ý là bác sĩ tư vấn sức khỏe cho website Chứng chỉ chuyên ngành: Nội soi tiêu hoá thông thường, Nội soi tiêu hoá can thiệp, Siêu âm tiêu hoá thông thường, Siêu âm tiêu hoá can thiệp (BV Bạch Mai), Bệnh lý gan mạn.


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