Melasma with pumpkin
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Pumpkin melasma formulations are popular because they are relatively easy to make, the ingredients are safe and are almost non-irritating. What’s more, the pumpkin mask can be easily incorporated into other natural ingredients according to skin preferences and needs.

Melasma with pumpkin
The recipes for treating melasma with pumpkin have a simple, safe, benign way

Learn the effects of melasma pumpkin

Pumpkin (Pumpkin) is a nutritious food with abundant carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. In addition to its health benefits, pumpkins also contain many ingredients that are good for the skin – especially pigmentation, freckles and aging. Pumpkin mask recipes aren’t as popular as yogurt, honey and olive oil recipes. However, when applied, women will be surprised by the effectiveness that the pumpkin mask brings.

Pumpkin contains vitamin C and vitamin E. In which, vitamin C works to lighten the skin, fade dark spots and dark spots, freckles. Simultaneously stimulates the skin to increase elastin and collagen production, improve elasticity and assist in fading shallow wrinkles in the cheeks, corners of the mouth and the corners of the eyes. Vitamin E provides the skin with ideal moisture, supports the recovery of old cells and prevents aging.

Melasma with pumpkin
Pumpkin contains many skin-healthy nutrients such as vitamin E, vitamin C and B vitamins

In addition, pumpkin also provides the skin with a variety of B vitamins such as pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), niacinamide (vitamin B3) and vitamin B6. B vitamins do not directly affect pigmentation but help keep skin healthy, full of vitality and reduce the skin’s sensitivity to harmful agents such as allergens, irritants, high temperatures, dust,…

With rich nutrient content, pumpkin mask formulas can assist in fading blemishes, making the skin even, smoother and firmer. Besides, the formulas from these ingredients also work to whiten, provide moisture and improve some other imperfections on the face such as weak, sensitive, oily skin, …

7 The recipe for skin pigmentation with pumpkin is very simple

Pumpkin is a safe, benign natural ingredient that contains almost no irritating ingredients. However, to increase the effectiveness of melasma treatment , you should combine with some other ingredients such as yogurt, fresh milk, fresh lemon, …

Here are 7 extremely simple and effective recipes for skin pigmentation:

1. Mask of pumpkin and fresh milk without sugar

Pumpkin mask and unsweetened fresh milk are the favorite formula for skin pigmentation. With the abundant content of vitamins C and Niacin, pumpkin works to fade spots, brown patches on the skin, improve dull skin and help face become brighter and more radiant. In addition, the minerals in this ingredient also restore the protective barrier, improve elasticity and maintain healthy skin.

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This formula also contains lactic acid, vitamin D and some minerals found in raw milk. In it, vitamin D provides the skin with ideal moisture. Lactic acid helps to gently exfoliate dead cells, remove excess sebum and oil buildup, and increase the skin’s absorption of nutrients and assist in fading brown spots caused by pigmentation, freckles.

Melasma with pumpkin
Pumpkin mask and unsweetened fresh milk help reduce dark spots, help fade spots and freckles

Implementation Guide:

  • Prepare about 30g pumpkin, peel and steam it
  • Then crush and mix well with unsweetened fresh milk to create a paste
  • Wash your face and apply the mixture to the skin
  • Relax for 15 – 20 minutes and rinse with warm water
  • This formula absolutely does not thin the skin, so you can apply 3-4 times / week to increase the effectiveness of whitening and fade brown spots.

2. Recipe to treat melasma from pumpkin and lemon juice

If you have oily skin, you can apply a melasma skin formula made from pumpkin and lemon juice. Fresh lemons contain a lot of citric acid that purifies the skin, removes sebum, and aids in controlling oil production. At the same time helps to dislodge old cells, promote skin to regenerate new cells and increase nutrient absorption.

In addition, lemons also contain vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which inhibits the excessive proliferation of melanin (the direct cause of skin pigmentation and freckles). Based on this mechanism, the melasma treatment formula with pumpkin and lemon juice can fade the melasma on the cheeks and help women regain a smooth, healthy glow.

Melasma with pumpkin
How to treat melasma with pumpkin and fresh lemon is suitable for people with oily skin


  • Prepare about 30-40g of fresh pumpkin and ½ lemon
  • Take the pumpkin washed, peeled, steamed and crushed
  • Mix well with lemon juice (you can add a little warm water if thickened)
  • Clean your face, dry and apply the mixture to the skin
  • Relax for 15 – 20 minutes, then use your hands to gently massage in areas with many melasma and rinse with clean water

3. Pumpkin and honey – Formula to treat melasma and prevent aging

Melasma usually occurs in women over 30 years old due to the impact of aging and endocrine disorders. At this age, women not only encounter problems with pigmentation but also have to face with skin aging (loose skin, sagging, less elastic, forming wrinkles, …). If you’re looking for melasma and anti-aging masks, a pumpkin and honey recipe is the perfect choice.

Honey contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and polyphenols (antioxidants) that are essential for the skin. This ingredient helps provide skin that maintains ideal moisture, reducing dryness and flaking.

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Besides, with the abundant nutrient content, the formula for melasma with pumpkin and honey also helps to restore the skin’s resistance, improves irritation and fades brown spots due to dark spots. incense.

Pumpkin mask melasma
Pumpkin and honey – Formulated to treat skin pigmentation and prevent aging

Implementation Guide:

  • Prepare about 30g of pumpkin and 2 teaspoons of raw honey
  • Wash the pumpkin, cut the skin and steam it
  • Then crush and mix well with honey
  • Clean your face with cleanser, apply the mixture to the skin and relax for 15 – 20 minutes
  • Use a little water in the palm of your hand, gently massage the skin to remove dead cells and rinse with clean water

4. Combine pumpkin with apple cider vinegar to treat melasma

Apple cider vinegar is a natural ingredient used by women to make skin care masks, exfoliate and nourish healthy, shiny hair.

In addition, this ingredient is also used to fade brown spots caused by freckles and skin pigmentation. Apple cider vinegar contains 4-8% acetic acid along with abundant enzymes, vitamins and minerals. In it, acetic acid has the ability to purify the skin, prevent clogging of pores and fade pigmentation. At the same time, it removes old cells, increases the growth of new skin tissues, and supports the control of sebum secretion.

Pumpkin mask melasma
Combining pumpkin with apple cider vinegar helps to remove stubborn pigmentation on the cheeks, nose and skin around the lips

A formula to treat skin pigmentation with pumpkin and apple cider vinegar works to fade patches, brown spots on the cheeks, forehead, lips and nose. Besides, this formula also improves some other defects such as uneven skin color, acne , oily and rough skin caused by excessive sebum secretion.


  • Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with 30 grams of steamed, steamed pumpkin
  • If it’s thick, add 1-2 teaspoons of warm water
  • Wash your face and apply the mask to your skin
  • Relax for 15 – 20 minutes, then massage in a spiral shape so that the nutrients go deep into the skin and finally rinse with clean water.

5. How to treat skin pigmentation with pumpkin and yogurt

The treatment of melasma with pumpkin and yogurt is suitable for all skin types – including those with thin and easily irritated skin. This formula has the ability to fade patches and brown spots thanks to the vitamin C found in pumpkin and lactic acid in yogurt.

With abundant nutrients, formulas from pumpkin and yogurt also help to improve some other defects such as less radiant skin, uneven skin color, rough skin surface accumulated by dead cells. If applied regularly over time, this formula also helps to slow down the aging process and strengthen the skin’s resistance.

Pumpkin mask melasma
Pumpkin and yogurt-free masks are suitable for all skin types – including sensitive skin

Implementation Guide:

  • Steam 30g pumpkin, puree and mix well with 2 tablespoons of unsweetened yogurt (you can add a little warm water if the mixture is too thick)
  • Clean skin with cleanser, dry and apply mask to skin
  • Relax for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water
  • Apply this formula regularly 3 – 4 times / week
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6. Reduce skin pigmentation at home with pumpkin and egg whites

Egg whites not only contain many healthy nutrients, but also provide the skin with many essential nutrients. This ingredient contains abundant water content along with minerals such as iron, potassium, selenium and B vitamins. In which, vitamin B3 (Niacinamide) has the ability to moisturize and effectively skin.

Egg whites also contain albumin – a protein that has the ability to fight skin aging. When absorbed into the structure, albumin stimulates the skin to produce collagen and elastin to improve elasticity, reduce sagging skin and form wrinkles.

Therefore, the formula from pumpkin and egg whites is extremely suitable for women with pigmentation and has appeared signs of age such as wrinkles, less elastic skin, sagging, lack of radiance and uneven color. .

Pumpkin mask melasma
The formula for melasma from pumpkin and egg whites is suitable for women with aging skin

Implementation Guide:

  • Prepare 1 egg white and 30g steamed pumpkin
  • Take the finely ground pumpkin and mix well with the egg white
  • Then, apply the mixture on your face and wait for about 15 – 20 minutes
  • Finally, massage gently with warm water and rinse off the entire mask

7. Mask to treat skin pigmentation with pumpkin and coconut oil

Coconut oil is a multi-purpose natural ingredient used for hand care, facial, nail and hair care. This raw material contains many fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants that have deep moisturizing abilities, improve elasticity and restore aging cells.

Besides, lauric acid in coconut oil also has antibacterial and inhibitory effects on yeasts that reside on the skin. With the abundant content of polyphenols, this ingredient also protects the skin against the effects of UV rays and helps slow down the aging process.

Pumpkin mask melasma
A mask that treats skin pigmentation with pumpkin and coconut oil helps to nourish the skin healthy and smooth

Combining coconut oil with pumpkin helps to increase the effectiveness of skin pigmentation treatment, while at the same time nourishing healthy skin and minimizing aging problems. Even without problems of pigmentation, freckles and aging, you can also apply this formula to nourish healthy, white and smooth skin.

Implementation Guide:

  • Prepare 2 teaspoons of coconut oil and 30g of steamed pumpkin
  • Take the finely ground pumpkin, mix well with coconut oil and apply directly to the skin
  • Leave the mask on the skin for about 15 – 20 minutes and rinse with warm water (should massage during washing to avoid coconut oil clogging pores and causing acne)

Some notes when using pumpkin to treat melasma

The pumpkin skin melasma treatment formula is simple, quite safe and suitable for all skin types. In particular, pumpkin can easily be combined with many natural ingredients, depending on women’s preferences and the needs of each skin type.

Pumpkin mask melasma
When applying the melasma pumpkin mask, it is necessary to regularly sunscreen the skin to achieve high results

However, to ensure effectiveness when applying, you should note the following issues:

  • How to treat skin pigmentation with pumpkin only works to help fade brown spots, whiten and moisturize the skin. To treat melasma thoroughly, you should combine with using melasma cream or interfere with some other specialized methods such as laser, needle roller, …
  • Similar to natural masks, pumpkins have a relatively slow effect on melasma. Therefore, you should be persistent in doing regular 2 – 4 times / week for a long time to notice positive changes.
  • Melasma tends to be more diffuse and darker when the skin is exposed to sunlight, stress, lack of sleep, and hormonal disturbances. So besides pumpkin recipes, there is a need for lifestyle adjustments and sunscreen use every day.
  • In fact, melasma is one of the most difficult skin problems to improve on. In some cases, melasma can recur after a period of treatment completely. If you experience this, you should intervene with more advanced methods as directed by your doctor.
  • Stop applying the pumpkin melasma mask if irritation occurs, such as urticaria, rash, itchiness, and redness.

The pumpkin skin melasma treatment formulas are highly safe, easy to apply and suitable for all skin types. However, besides this remedy, women should coordinate with a scientific lifestyle and apply intensive methods to treat melasma thoroughly.


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