How to treat skin pigmentation with red beans
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How to treat melasma with pumpkin red beans “secret” beauty familiar for women. Containing rich levels of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, these ingredients can remove “stubborn” dark spots, leaving skin smooth and youthful.

How to treat skin pigmentation with red beans
How to treat skin pigmentation with red beans is a simple beauty secret and can be done at home


Find out the effects of red bean skin pigmentation

Melasma is one of the most common dermatological problems in women – especially women over the age of 30. In essence, melasma is the result of an excessive proliferation of melanin cells (melanin). Melasma can occur from prolonged sun exposure, overuse of bleach-containing cosmetics, hormonal disorders, and inadequate lifestyle and diet.

Although they do not cause redness, itching, and discomfort like acne, melasma can cause uneven skin color, less radiance, and older than real age. Moreover, melasma has legs located deep in the dermis and dermis, so it is difficult to completely treat.

Currently, besides specialized methods, many women choose to treat melasma with natural mask formulas to minimize costs, avoid irritation and allergies. Moreover, in addition to the ability to reduce pigmentation, these formulas also provide moisture, whiten the skin and nourish healthy, smooth skin.

How to treat skin pigmentation with red beans
Red beans contain vitamins E and C that moisturize, help fade brown spots caused by pigmentation and freckles

How to treat skin pigmentation with red beans is one of the secrets commonly applied by women. Red bean formulas are completely non-irritating, benign and suitable for many skin types. If you persistently apply, you can fade dark spots and even out visible skin color.

Red beans contain vitamins E and C. In which vitamin C has antioxidant effects, remove melanin cells and brighten skin. Vitamin E provides ideal moisture, helps protect skin cells and aids in the recovery of lipid membranes (a thin layer of oil that protects the skin from the effects of sunlight).

Besides, this ingredient also contains zinc, folic acid and vitamins B1 and B6 abundant. The vitamins and minerals in red bean powder help slow down the aging rate, resulting in smooth and healthy skin.

Revealing 7 ways to treat skin pigmentation with red beans is very simple

Red bean melasma formulas are relatively easy to make, safe and suitable for many skin types. In addition, you can also flexibly combine red beans with other natural ingredients to meet the needs of the skin and personal preferences.

Here are 7 very simple ways to treat skin pigmentation with red beans you can apply at home:

1. Red bean powder and fresh milk mask

The mask from red bean powder and fresh milk is a popular formula to treat skin pigmentation. This formula combines 2 benign, acid-free ingredients and exfoliants. Therefore, the mask of fresh milk and red bean powder can be suitable for all skin types, including thin, irritated and sensitive skin.

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Besides the rich content of vitamins C and E found in red bean powder, this formula also complements the skin with vitamin D, lactic acid and some essential minerals found in fresh milk. The ingredients in milk have a gentle moisturizing effect on the skin, aid in eliminating dead cells and prevent clogged pores.

How to treat skin pigmentation with red beans
Red bean powder and fresh milk melasma skin mask suitable for all skin types, including acne and sensitive skin

Fresh milk also nourishes the skin soft, smooth, smooth and increases the ability to absorb nutrients from red bean powder. Even without skin pigmentation and freckles, you can also apply this mask 3-4 times / week to provide ideal moisture and maintain smooth, healthy skin.

Implementation Guide:

  • Prepare 1 – 2 teaspoons of red bean powder and 1 small amount of unsweetened fresh milk
  • Mix the 2 ingredients together to create a medium paste
  • Then cleanse your face and apply the mixture to the skin
  • Massage for 1-2 minutes and relax for 20 minutes
  • Finally, wash off the mask with warm water and follow the normal skincare steps

2. How to treat skin pigmentation with red beans and yogurt

If you have normal or combination skin, you can apply a formula for melasma with red beans and yogurt. Yogurt has a nutritional profile similar to fresh milk, but contains a higher content of lactic acid. This acid has the ability to loosen the bonds of dead cells, thereby helping to remove old cells and soften the surface of the skin.

Through the fermentation process, yogurt also contains abundant probiotic (probiotics). The beneficial bacteria in this ingredient promote metabolism, aid in cleaning sebum, dirt and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria that reside on the skin.

How to treat skin pigmentation with red bean powder
Combining red bean powder and yogurt helps to exfoliate dead cells, soften the skin and reduce dark spots, freckles

Recipe to treat skin pigmentation with red beans and yogurt is highly safe and rarely occurs allergy and irritation. Therefore, women can perform this formula regularly 3-4 times / week to improve brown spots on the cheeks, forehead, nose and chin.

Implementation Guide:

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of red bean powder and 1 teaspoon of unsweetened yogurt
  • If the mixture is thick, add a little fresh milk or warm water
  • Then, apply the mask to the cleansed face
  • After about 15-20 minutes, gently massage with your fingertips to clean pores and exfoliate dead cells
  • Wash off the mask with warm water, dry it and use the skin pigmentation cream to increase the effectiveness of the treatment

3. Recipe to fade melasma with red beans and eggs

The melasma-blurring formula with red beans and eggs is the perfect choice for those with oily skin, combination of natural oils, acne-prone skin and large pores. Not only does it provide the body with a rich nutritional content, chicken eggs also give the skin many useful uses.

Egg whites may dry out after a while. At this time, sebum, dirt and dead skin will be absorbed by the whites, leaving the pores open and the surface of the skin soft. Therefore, a formula made from red beans and egg whites can tighten pores and reduce excess oil and sebum.

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How to treat skin pigmentation with red bean powder
Formulated with red beans and egg whites suitable for combination skin, oily skin and acne prone skin

In addition, the white also contains many minerals, vitamins and protein, stimulating the skin to increase collagen production and restore the protective barrier. Combining this ingredient with red bean powder helps increase skin care efficiency, fade brown spots caused by freckles, dark spots and improve skin tone visibly.

Implementation Guide:

  • Mix 1 egg white with 2 tablespoons of red bean flour
  • You can add a little warm water if the mixture is too thick
  • Clean your face, dry and apply the mask to the skin with a brush
  • Apply mask for 15 – 20 minutes, then gently massage with hands to clean dead skin and rinse with warm water.

4. Lemon juice + red beans to fade the spots

If you are looking for a quick melasma recipe, you can make a mask from red bean powder and lemon juice. Fresh lemons contain a lot of citric acid – an AHA that exfoliates pores, unclog pores, and increases the skin’s absorption of nutrients.

Thanks to lactic acid, the nutritional ingredients in red beans will easily go deep into the structure and dislodge stubborn cheeks. In addition, fresh lemons also contain a lot of vitamin C and abundant water to help regulate oil production, help tighten pores and brighten skin.

How to treat skin pigmentation with red bean powder
Red bean formula and lemon juice help to remove melasma, tighten pores and even skin tone

Formulated with red beans and lemon juice suitable for those with oily, combination and normal skin. Avoid applying this formula if you have dry skin as the citric acid in lemons can cause skin to lose moisture and tightness.

Implementation Guide:

  • Prepare ½ fresh lemon and 1 teaspoon of red bean powder
  • Squeeze lemon juice, then mix well with red beans and a little warm water (if needed).
  • Apply the mask to the cleansed face and gently massage with your hands for 30 – 60 seconds for the nutrients to be easily absorbed.
  • Leave mask on skin for 10-15 minutes and rinse with clean water

5. White maintenance, melasma with red beans and turmeric powder

Turmeric is known to effectively prevent scarring and reduce dark spots. Therefore, you can also combine this ingredient with red bean powder to increase the effectiveness of blurring spots, improve skin tone and nourish healthy skin. Turmeric contains a high amount of curcumin that inhibits the production of melanin cells (the melanin causes the skin to darken), eliminates free radicals and prevents the aging process.

How to treat skin pigmentation with red bean powder
Turmeric powder and red bean mask works to treat pigmentation, fade freckles and dark spots

Formulated from turmeric powder and red beans is extremely suitable for women over 30 years old who face dark spots, freckles, uneven skin color and begin to appear signs of aging such as wrinkles, skin melt sagging, sagging and less elastic. To achieve good results, this formula should be applied regularly 3 – 4 times / week.

Implementation Guide:

  • Prepare ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder and 1 teaspoon of red bean powder
  • Mix the 2 ingredients well, then add a little warm water to create a thick paste (can replace with fresh milk if available).
  • Clean your face, apply the mixture to your skin and let it sit for 15 – 20 minutes
  • Spiral massage from bottom to top for 20-40 seconds and rinse with clean water
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6. How to treat skin pigmentation with red beans and honey

Honey contains many essential nutrients for the body. Therefore, these foods are often used to improve health, reduce fatigue and enhance the immune function in people with poor immune systems. Besides its health benefits, honey is also used for hair and skin care.

How to treat melasma with honey and red beans is suitable for many skin types, including acne-prone and sensitive skin. Containing rich levels of vitamin C, antioxidants and B vitamins, honey can restore the skin’s protective barrier, prevent melasma from spreading and support to repel melanin cells (the direct cause). brown spots on the skin).

How to treat skin pigmentation with red beans
How to treat skin pigmentation with red beans and honey also has moisturizing and anti-aging effects


  • Mix 1 teaspoon of red bean powder with 1 teaspoon of honey
  • Then add a little warm water to create a paste that has a moderate consistency
  • Dry your face and apply the mixture
  • Leave mask on skin for 15 – 20 minutes and rinse with warm water

7. Reduce pigmentation with roasted red bean juice

In addition to red bean mask formulas, you can also fade dark spots and improve skin health with roasted red bean juice. This drink has cool properties, helps to clear heat, aids in the elimination of accumulated toxins from the body and promotes metabolism.

Besides, roasted red bean juice also contains many vitamins, iron, fiber and antioxidants. These ingredients are not only good for health but also help improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin and assist in dislodging dark spots from within. In fact, drinking roasted red bean juice daily is not only good for the skin, but also helps to improve physique and maintain thick, healthy and shiny hair.

How to treat skin pigmentation with red bean powder
Drink roasted black bean juice daily to help detoxify, heat and nourish the skin from the inside

However, to ensure effectiveness, it is necessary to choose red beans with good quality, firm seeds and rich in nutrients. Also, drink unsweetened red bean juice to avoid weight gain and acne breakouts.

How to make roasted red bean juice to support the treatment of skin pigmentation, freckles:

  • Prepare about 80 – 100g of red beans, wash them with water and remove damaged, moldy seeds
  • Then put in the basket and dry, roast until the beans are fragrant
  • Pour red beans into a pot of water and boil with 700 – 1000ml of water
  • Divide red bean juice into several drinks a day

Some notes when using red beans to treat melasma

How to treat skin pigmentation with red beans is a beauty secret that many women apply. These formulas not only help fade dark spots, but also provide skin with ideal moisture, helping to slow down the aging process and improve skin tone.

How to treat skin pigmentation with red bean powder
Need to use sunscreen during the application of red bean powder treatment

However, to ensure effectiveness when applying, you should note the following issues:

  • Recipes for melasma with red beans are slow to work. Therefore, you should persistently apply 3-4 times / week for a long time to notice a positive change.
  • In fact, the mask types from nature are only supportive and cannot completely remove the spots. If you want to treat melasma completely, it should be combined with other specialized methods such as laser, chemical peeling, non-metal, using melasma cream, …
  • A red bean formula can make your skin more sensitive to the UVB rays found in the sun. To avoid darkening and spreading, you should use sunscreen daily and avoid exposing the skin to the sun for a long time.
  • Do not apply a red bean melasma mask if your skin is having large open spots or is treating skin diseases caused by infection.
  • Face should be applied at night before going to bed so that the skin can absorb maximum nutrients and regenerate, recover quickly. Avoid wearing a mask at noon as your skin tends to catch the sun and become darker.
  • Currently on the market there are many red bean powder business establishments that have mixed impurities. So, you should buy dried red beans, then puree, store in a sealed jar and use gradually to ensure the safety and effectiveness of skin care – treatment.
  • Melasma is a consequence of many reasons. In addition to skin care, you should get enough sleep, avoid stress, eat moderately and exercise regularly to regulate your hormones, improve your health and help reduce pigmentation from deep inside.

Red beans are natural ingredients that contain many nutrients that are good for the skin, safe and healthy. So you can apply this ingredient’s melasma treatment formula to fade brown spots, moisturize and brighten the skin. Besides, should combine with intensive measures and scientific care regimes to bring optimal results.


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