nectar tree
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Nectar plant is a valuable medicinal herb widely used in Oriental medicine. Honey has a very good effect in enhancing the physiological health of men. In addition, the tree also works in detoxifying the liver, improving blood gas and effectively treating diabetes. The following article will give you more information about this valuable medicinal plant.

Characteristics of nectar plants

Nectar is an herbal plant that is used as medicine in Oriental medicine. The nectar tree also has another name as the nectar tree, which belongs to the family of Thanh ventures. In science the tree is called Eurycoma Longifolia. Honey has a very good effect on male physiology and is used as medicine to treat all kinds of liver and joint diseases …

nectar tree
Nectar plant is a valuable medicinal plant used in Oriental medicine

Nectar is a tree with wooden trunks, average height when mature is about 10 – 15m. Plants usually live and grow under other large trees. Necrotic leaves have no stalk, double shape and consist of about 13 to 42 small leaves growing in a symmetrical fashion.

The leaves are green on the top and the underside is green and white. Nectar flowers are hermaphrodite, growing in clusters and common color is bright red or reddish-brown, on the flower is covered with a thin undercoat.

The fruit of the tree is ovoid, slightly flattened and yellow-brown in color, reddish brown when ripe. Nectar tree roots are quite large and heavy, some with roots weighing up to tens of kg. The roots are white or yellowish, this is the part most commonly used for medicine because of its high pharmacological properties.

Nectar trees are commonly found appearing in the hills and mountains of the Southeast and Central regions of our country. Because this plant has high medicinal properties, it is grown by people to be used as medicine.

Chemical composition of nectar plants

Tree’s density is fairly posted because it contains high amounts of urycomalacton. In addition, the bark of the tree contains a number of chemical components such as: Hydroxyxeton, 2,6 Dimetoxybenzoquinone, quasin … Some other parts of the tree contain other chemical compounds: Alcaloid compounds (10-dimethoxycanthin and carbolin) , triterpen compounds (containing ingredients niloticin, piscidinol A, and hyspidron), Glucopyranosid, …

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nectar tree
Nectar plants contain a number of chemical components that are beneficial to the human body

Parts used, harvested, preliminarily processed and preserved nectar plants

Nectar is a valuable medicinal plant that can cure many different diseases. We can use almost all parts of the plant to make medicine:

Parts used

Except for flowers, all parts of the nectar are used as medicine. Parts such as: leaves, stems, roots, bark, fruit … In which, roots are most used part because of high medicinal properties.


Nectar grows year round. So that we can harvest this plant at any time.


Honey after being harvested can be processed into many different types. Plants can be pre-processed into fine powder, the roots can be taken to extract the liquid for medicine. In addition, we can chop stems and roots into small pieces and then dry them and store them in clean bags for use.

Honey can be prepared into many different forms


After preliminary processing is complete, we bring medicinal herbs preserved in a clean bag or glass bottle. Next, keep in a dry place, avoid moisture because it will mold medicinal herbs.

Uses of nectar plants

Nectar is a medicinal plant with a cool, bitter taste that can be used to cure many different diseases. Here are some of the uses of this plant:

  • Increasing the amount of Testosterone in the male body thereby enhancing the male’s physiological health.
  • Strengthen the body’s immune system, effectively reduce stress.
  • Prevention of aging, prevention of growth of tumors.
  • Has a good effect on the digestive system, reduces flatulence, indigestion …
  • Effective in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases, scabies, pimples.
  • Effective diabetes treatment.
  • Cure menstrual pain for women effectively.
  • Treatment of insomnia, anorexia, high blood pressure.
  • Treatment of diseases of the bones and joints , pain in limbs.
Tantra has many uses in treating human diseases

What therapeutic effect does the nectar plant have?

In folk folk tree is called cypress because it is used to cure many different diseases. Here are some of the effects of bile in the treatment of disease:

Nectar plant helps to enhance the physiology of men

Honey is well known for its use in enhancing the physiological health of men. Plants work to increase the hormone Testosterone in the body naturally. Since then, the body must strongly increase the excitement during sex. In addition, bile also has the effect of supplementing energy, enhancing resistance and stabilizing blood pressure.

The bark and roots of nectar contain substances that inhibit the decline of male energy in middle age. In addition, honey is also used in remedies for premature ejaculation, enhancing the quantity and quality of effective spermatozoa.

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Nectar helps reduce stress and protects the liver

In the bile contains Anxiolytic substance, has a good effect on the nervous system, reduces stress for the human body. Nectar plant is also combined with some other medicinal herbs to treat liver diseases.

nectar tree
Honey is effective in the treatment of liver diseases

Nectar plant helps to nourish blood, treat back pain

Nectar contains ingredients that help the body absorb nutrients effectively. At the same time, the plant also has the function of detoxifying the liver, detoxifying it. Using remedies with nectar plants will help the patient strengthen the immune system, treat poor blood pressure and weaken the body.

Nectar plants help treat diabetes

Honey is effective in treating diabetes extremely well. This medicine has the ability to inhibit the absorption of sugar from the intestine into the bloodstream in the body. In addition, bile also helps stabilize blood sugar, stimulates cells to produce insulin.

Nectar plants help regulate menstruation

Honey not only has miraculous effects for men, but this medicine also works well for women. Honey helps the women’s body to regulate menstruation, reduce the symptoms of colic when it comes to months for women.

How to use honey tree

Nectar plants can be used many parts to make medicine. Here are some ways to use this plant:

Sac for drinking water

One of the easiest ways to use honey is to bring medicinal herbs with boiling water to drink instead of tea. Or you can use fresh nectar to color the drink.

Fine powder

Honey is dried and then pulverized into fine powder. When using, add a little honey and mold it into small balls. Each use 6 – 8g.

Made into a high-secret person

Molasses is dried, then chopped and powdered. Next, add a sufficient amount of honey to the dough to form a paste. Cook the mixture at a temperature of 55 degrees, when the mixture has cooled, put it to store in the refrigerator cooler. Each time use about 1 teaspoon of honey.

Pickled wine

Take the roots of honey cut into thin slices, then bring to dry. Next, soak the roots, apple of a cat apple or a dried banana with a little alcohol. Soak for about 1 month and we can use it.

Soak with honey wax

Nectar tree is sliced ​​and then soaked with honey wax and alcohol. Soak for about 30-45 days to be used.

Medicines with nectar plants

Honey is used in many different remedies. Here are some remedies from this plant:

Liver disease:  Honey is effective in treating liver diseases, especially effective hepatitis . You need to prepare the following ingredients: 10g of honey, 70g of tomato thorn with 30g of Diệp Hạ Châu. Then take them all to wash and boil with 1 liter of water until half is dry. Use as drinking water during the day and use within 1-3 months.

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Cure gout:  You prepare about 20g of dried nectar plants and wash them away. Then boil with 1 liter of water until it is half empty. Use as drinking water during the day.

Treatment of diabetes:  Nectar has good effects in treating diabetes. You take about 100g of dried honey, sliced ​​and then take away the gold star. When using about 20g of honey, boil with 2 liters of water for 1 hour. Use as daily drinking water instead of filtered water.

nectar tree
Honey can also effectively treat diabetes

Abdominal pain treatment, indigestion:  Honey when combined with some medicinal herbs will have a good effect on treating bloating, indigestion. You need to prepare the ingredients: Nectar, root, lemongrass, bodhi root, bare skin, post-sketch each type of medicinal herbs about 50g. Next bring all the ingredients to dry stars and blend into a fine powder. Each time use take about 12g mixed with warm water to drink during the day.

Treatment of poor blood gas, hot in the body:  Use honey root with Ha Thu O, sea spinach, tang chi, ly Ninh, black beans, cord, root of each type of 10g. Then bring all the ingredients clean and then sharpen with boiling water to drink during the day.

Help stimulate digestion:  Prepare about 20g nectar root with 10g dried porcelain banana soaked with 1 liter of wine. For about 7 days to be able to use, each drink about 30ml, 3 times a day.

Treatment of menstrual disorders, menstrual pain:  Honey has a very good effect in helping to regulate menstruation for women. Prepare about 15g of honey to wash and then boil with water, drink continuously during menstruation.

Cure rashes for children:  Use the leaves of the nectar tree then wash and boil the baby bath water. Or you can use fresh leaves to crush and apply on the itchy area.

Nectar helps treat childhood itchy rashes

Treatment of diarrhea, dysentery:  Use the fruit of honey to wash and boil for drinking water. Using in about 3-5 days, diarrhea will be significantly improved.

Helps to remove worms, detoxify alcohol:  Use honey roots to wash and boil with water until condensed. Use as drinking water 2 times a day.

Improving male physiology:  Nectar is used to improve the physiological health of men extremely effectively. Prepare approximately 400mg confidential personnel with about 30gr Reishi and Ginseng 50mg. Then take the ingredients dry and then blend into a fine powder. After the preparation is complete, you should listen to your doctor’s instructions so that you can use the correct dose.

Note when using honey tree as medicine

Nectar is a precious medicinal plant. However, when using honey as a medicine, we should pay attention to the following things:

Contraindicated for use

When using honey we need to note a few things

Do not use nucleated remedies if you are allergic to the ingredients in the plant. Pregnant women and children under 9 years old are also not allowed to use medications containing bile. For patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, severe stomach should also not use this plant.

Side effects

When using honey you will be able to experience some symptoms such as headache, nausea, skin irritation, hypoglycemia … When you encounter these phenomena, you should stop using the drug immediately and only use it again when there is only doctor’s decision. Before using the remedies with honey you should consult your doctor for the most accurate consultation.

The above article has provided some information about nectar plants. Hope you have more useful information when you finish reading this article.


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