In Oriental medicine, Kha Tu fruit has been widely used in remedies for cough, sore throat, bronchitis, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, … This is a wild herb in many places, easy to use. Harvesting, although it has a bitter, acrid taste, is difficult to swallow, but brings great benefits to human health. Join us to learn more about this medicinal herb through the article right below.
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What is the Kha death result?
The Kha Tu fruit is also known as the Chieu Lieu fruit. Its scientific name is Terminalia chebula. Kha Tu’s appearance is not eye-catching because it is a bit ugly and wrinkled. Although the fruit has a sour, slightly acrid, bitter taste and is difficult to swallow, the healing effect is extremely effective.
According to Traditional Medicine, the fruit of the Kha Tu tree is attributed to the colon and waste. Some of the main uses include as a treatment for scrap, treatment of asthma, hoarseness, and sore throat. With modern medicine like today, the curative effect of Kha Tu fruit has been proven through many studies. Therefore they are also formulated and appear in the composition of some therapeutic drugs.
Kha Tu tree is a tree that often grows wild and has originated from ancient India. Today, people often plant Kha Tu trees popular in some Asian countries such as Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, India, Cambodia, .. And some provinces of China.
The fruit of the Kha Tu tree is usually harvested in September, October and November every year because the fruit is then naturally ripe. People will collect ripe fruit and bring it to the sun for drying or drying for use gradually.
According to experience, should choose ripe old fruit with ivory-yellow outer skin, firm flesh is good fruit, the treatment effect is also more effective. Fruit that are young, tiled is bad. If using fresh Kha Tu fruit, they must be washed, drained, lightly copied, crushed and then removed from the seeds, using the meat as medicine.
Chemical composition of Kha Tu
Kha Tu fruit includes ingredients such as: Tannin 51.3%, substances Chebutin, terchebin. In the tannin, there are gallic acid, egalic acid, luteolic, chebulinic with antibacterial effect. Chebutin and terchebin help to fight smooth muscle spasm, are used to aid the heart, cure cough, fight spasm of the stomach, intestines, …
In addition, Kha Tu fruit also contains about 3-7% transparent yellow oil. This oil belongs to semi-dry oil, consisting of main ingredients are palmatic, oleic and linoleic acids that help firm skin, anti-aging, …
Polysaccharide in Kha Tu also helps alleviate the symptoms of sore throat . Kha Tu fruit also contains Alloyl, which has anti-inflammatory effects due to viruses, inhibits the activity of harmful viruses and protects the immune system of the patient.
Uses of Kha death
Kha Tu brings many great uses for users. Please refer together.
Kha death can treat cough
According to Oriental medicine, Kha Tu has a bitter taste, a bit sour, has the effect of eliminating cough, cleansing the lungs, treating sore throat, hoarseness, expectorant, … According to research by scientists, after taking the extract from Kha death results after 30, 60, 120, 300 minutes, the cough reflex has been reduced right from 30 minutes. This effect is due to the Polysaccharid component in Kha Tu.
Kha death helps to increase resistance
However, Kha Tu fruit does not contain too many vitamins and minerals to help promote health. But there are ingredients that are beneficial compounds and help strengthen human fitness. Especially Alloyl has antiviral properties, inhibiting viruses that damage the human immune system.
Kha fruit supports heart, anti-spasm
Compounds chebuin and terchebin found in the composition of Khala fruit help the heart, prevent spasm of smooth muscles, skeletal muscle is extremely effective. Thanks to this effect, the Kha Tu fruit is often stored by Indians while working away from home to limit the danger of heart disease and stomach contraction.
Kha death is a natural antibiotic
Kha Tu contains a plentiful amount of tamin, including galic, egalic, luteolic, and chebulinic acids that provide powerful bactericidal ability. Based on this pharmacological activity, studies have been performed and it is found that Kha zucchini products inhibit certain bacteria. Such as leukemia bacillus, bacillus green pus, Salmonella typhi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, hemolytic streptococcus, bacillus diphtheria.
Kha death treatment sore throat, hoarseness
80% of the causes of sore throat and hoarseness in humans are viruses. Such as coronavirus, Rhinovirus, influenza A virus, influenza B, parainfluenza virus, herpes simplex (HPV), adenovirus, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Or it can be caused by harmful bacteria such as staphylococci, streptococci, … To inhibit these viruses, using Kha Tu is extremely effective.
Kha death treatment effect dysentery
Human dysentery is caused by Entamoeba histolyca or Shigella bacteria, which causes an infection in the large intestine. Kha death with anti-inflammatory and anti-virus compounds will inhibit and destroy these harmful bacteria.
Cure food poisoning
Food poisoning is a condition we can encounter when we eat dirty foods, or fake foods of unknown origin. Our bodies will be infected, infected with viruses from these foods causes poisoning. With the effect of inhibiting viruses and killing bacteria effectively, it is an effective drug in the treatment of food poisoning.
Medicines containing Kha death
Here are some popular remedies containing Kha Tu used in Oriental medicine. Let’s find out.
Kha death treatment dry voice, dry throat due to sore throat
You need to prepare ingredients including 3 apricots, 3 fresh Kha Tu pods and 30ml of pure honey . Bring Kha Tu fruit and olives, prepare and wash them. Peel the outer shell of the Kha Tu fruit and place the flesh in a small bowl. Add raw honey with apricot in the bowl and mix well.
Put the mixture in your mouth, do not swallow immediately but keep for about 10 minutes and then swallow slowly the water. This will give time for the active ingredients in the drug to penetrate deeper into the infected site of the throat. Persistent daily use 3 times in the morning, at noon, and at night will be effective after a while.
Cough, sore throat treatment, loss of voice
When there are signs of sore throats, loss of sound, hoarseness or sore throat , take fresh Kha Tu fruit and wash it, hit the outer shell. Put in your mouth and swallow water slowly, then gradually chew and swallow the residue. Although the taste is both bitter and acrid, and slightly sour, it is difficult to swallow, but the effect is extremely effective.
Or if you do not want to use Kha Tu directly, you can use the following remedies. Prepare 8 g of freshly washed Kha Tu fruit, crushed and removed from the seeds, 10 grams of sand, 6 grams of licorice.
Add all three ingredients and a small pot and add about 800 ml of water. Heat the mixture over low heat until the water is drained to about 300 ml, then turn off the heat. Grandfather took the water and divided into three drinks a day.
Treat colitis
When you have colitis , you can directly use the Kha Tu fruit to chew and swallow water. Or if you want to be sweeter, soak with honey for easy use. Should be persistent daily to improve your illness. In addition to using it directly, you can also use the Kha kumquat fruit boiled with water, with a little sugar also has the same effect.
Treatment of dom, hemorrhoids
If there are signs of hemorrhoids or domes, prepare 4 to 5 fresh Kha Tu fruits, wash them to drain and then crush them. Slowly swallow water into mouth, chew the pulp and swallow gradually. Persistent use for a while will see the hemorrhoids improve.
Kha death fruit used for children with cough
The Kha Tu fruit can be used to treat coughs or sore throats for even children . You can cook this fruit and remove the peel, crush it, add a little more water to boil over low heat until about, then turn off the heat. Strain to get the juice mixed with milk or honey to taste sweeter for children to drink.
Every day for children to drink this mixture from 3 to 4 times, each time use 2 small spoons. For mothers who are breastfeeding, you can also use this fruit to help support the immune system naturally.
Kha death cure food poisoning
When you get food poisoning from eating contaminated food with unknown origin, you become infected with a virus or bacteria. To treat this condition, it is necessary to supplement electrolyte water and use ingredients that are anti-inflammatory to destroy the virus from Kha Tu fruit.
Prepare ingredients including 5 grams of royal family, 8g of Kha Tu fruit to cook and then remove the seeds. Blend both ingredients into a fine powder and mix with boiling water. Wait for the water to cool and use 3 times a day to feel better.
Fruit Kha death treatment dysentery
The ingredients that need to be prepared in the remedy for dysentery from Kha Tu fruit include 30g Kha Tu fruit, 100g of royal family, 20 nuts of nutmeg. The ingredients are peeled off, blended into a fine powder and then mixed with the paste into small balls like peas. Use 2 times a day, 30 tablets each time.
Other remedies can be used as follows: Take 6 grams of Kha Tu 12g dong quai , 12g white ginseng , 12g ginseng , 6g licorice, 6g ginger, 6g herbs. Put all ingredients in a small pot and then sharpen with 400 ml of water. Strain the water divided into 2 times and drink immediately during the day.
Kha death fighting diarrhea
Prepare about 5g Kha Tu powdered into a fine powder mixed with 100ml of Siro and 10ml of alcohol. Use 3 times a day, each drink 1 teaspoon. If used to treat diarrhea in children, it is only equal to 1/3 of the adult dosage. Drink it until it is clear.
Another remedy that you can apply is to take 4g of Can Khuong, 2g of Chamomile, 2.8 grams of Kha Tu, and 2 grams of kumquat. Bringing the ingredients into a fine powder and then drinking 2 times a day, each time using about 6 grams is enough.
Treating Tam Ty pain, turmoil (due to cold)
Prepare a sufficient amount of medicinal herbs Kha Tu, Licorice, Malt, Late Phat, Reishi, Spirit of Song, Cardamom, Can Khuong, Luong Khuong, Tran da. Each herb takes an equal amount. Bring all ingredients into a fine powder and drink 2 times a day.
Treat indented wound
Five multiples of 20g, Thanh Dai 4g, Christmas incense 4g, Kha death 20 seeds. Bring the ingredients into a fine powder and mix with sesame oil, apply to the wound on the skin.
A long-term remedy for cough from Kha death fruit
The ingredients you need to prepare include 4 grams of ginseng and 4 grams of Kha Tu. Put all ingredients in a small pot with 400 ml of water and cook over low heat. Until the water is about 200 ml dry, turn off the heat. Take the water filter and then divide it into 3 drinks a day.
Some notes when treating diseases with Kha Tu fruit
Kha Tu fruit is an herb used in remedies to treat cough, sore throat, hoarseness, poisoning, diarrhea, … extremely effective. However, you should still note the following issues to make the process most effective.
- For patients with low temperature stagnation, absolutely should not use Kha Tu fruit to make remedies.
- In cases where patients are accompanied by flu, pharyngitis due to real waste, constipation, it is absolutely not recommended to use Kha Tu fruit.
- For cases of using Kha Tu fruit to treat cough, sore throat, loss of sound, and hoarseness, it is best to use green Kha Tu fruit. Thus, the therapeutic effect will be better.
- The effect of curing cough , sore throat, bronchitis, … of Kha Tu fruit has been proven through many studies. Recognized by both traditional and modern medicine, you can use it with complete peace of mind. However, only persistence and regular implementation are guaranteed to achieve the best results.
- At present, there have not been any cases related to the side effects of Vecosa fruit in pregnant women and the fetus. However, you should still consult with your doctor about whether to use or not, and what dosage is best.
- For women who are breastfeeding can also use Kha Tu fruit to treat disease. But still should consult your doctor about the benefits and harms, not use it yourself.
- Some people may be allergic to some of the ingredients found in the Khaqua fruit. So you should use a small amount in advance to see if the body has any irritation, if it is safe, then use it to treat the disease. During use, if detecting strange manifestations of the body, it is necessary to stop immediately and go to medical facilities for prompt treatment.
- If you miss the dose while taking Kha Tua, you should use it again as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, the dose should be skipped to avoid overdose.
Above that introduce the chemical composition, uses, remedies from Kha Tu fruit and some notes when using this herb. Kha Tu is a medicinal herb that brings many great uses for health, supporting the treatment of many diseases of the user. Hope this will be useful information for readers. Wish you will soon improve your problems with remedies containing Kha Tu.