Vitiligo is not contagious
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Vitiligo not only damages the skin’s aesthetics, but also affects the health of many people. So can vitiligo contagious? With this disease, proper prevention is essential.

Vitiligo is not contagious
Vitiligo affects human skin.

Is vitiligo contagious?

Currently, the rate of patients suffering from vitiligo is increasing rapidly. There are many reasons that cause patients to suffer from this disease such as fungus, genetics, unhealthy skin hygiene, … If the patient has vitiligo caused by fungus, the patient should be cautious because this cause has It can spread the disease to many different places on the body.

Usually, patients suffering from vitiligo due to fungus have a very fast spread rate. When the weather is hot and humid, increased sweating causes the fungal cells to grow rapidly and attack in the surrounding skin. Initially, the skin is only slightly damaged, the red spots are very small. Later, the tinea patches will spread quickly and cause loss of aesthetics to the skin. The sun-exposed skin will appear speckled with milky white color.

Statistics show that vitiligo is a dermatological disease with the second highest rate of disease after eczema. The disease can spread to any area of ​​the body and directly from person to person. Through a number of personal items such as blankets, mats, clothes, towels, … when in contact with sick people, people can be at risk of contracting this disease.

Particularly, patients with vitiligo due to other reasons such as poor skin hygiene, dirt exposure, anxiety, stress, … are less likely to spread, or even not to spread. Patients can control their symptoms through different methods. Therefore, the patient does not need to worry too much, affecting the treatment of the disease later.

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The way of spreading vitiligo

Vitiligo is a disease that is very contagious if the patient does not conduct early examination and treatment. With the rate of rapid spread, people need to equip themselves with useful knowledge to easily control disease symptoms and avoid affecting other areas of the body. Below are the ways of infection caused by vitiligo.

Vitiligo is not contagious
The fungus that causes vitiligo is spread from person to person.

# Spread from one skin area to another

In hot weather, the areas infected with vitiligo will appear sweat and sebum. At first, the skin only forms a few small spots, but later, they quickly develop into brown spots, spreading to surrounding areas with a large area. If left unchecked, vitiligo easily spreads to other areas of the human body and causes uneven skin color, loss of aesthetics.

# Person-to-person transmission

If using personal items with sick people, normal people can get vitiligo at any time. Yeast will quickly come into direct contact with the skin of the person who is not infected through the use of different utensils. In addition, when bathing with a towel or a public bathroom, the risk of infection is higher. Therefore, patients should initiate treatment early before becoming a source of transmission to others.

How to effectively prevent vitiligo

Inherently, vitiligo is very easily acquired and difficult to completely treat, so patients need to proactively prevent themselves early. To avoid recurrence of the disease many times, the patient should conduct treatment and visit the doctor early. Here are some of the simplest vitiligo preventive measures, one can consult.

Vitiligo is not contagious
Clean skin helps to control vitiligo effectively.
  • Clean skin every day, avoid direct contact with the environment with too much dust and pollution.
  • Choose clothes that are cool, well ventilated, and easily absorb sweat so your skin is always clean, and limit sebum build-up.
  • Dry your body thoroughly after bathing to avoid the dampness that makes it easier for the tincture to grow
  • Keep the house clean, so blankets and nets should not be dirty and not in contact with domestic animals
  • Clean clothes, dry them in direct sunlight to kill pathogenic bacteria
  • Do not use personal items with others, especially towels and toothbrushes
  • Avoid swimming in public swimming pools or going to places with too much dirt because the risk of vitiligo is higher.
  • Building a reasonable diet, supplementing necessary nutrients for the body. Encourage the supply of foods rich in vitamins from green vegetables and fruits.
  • It is forbidden to use stimulants such as alcohol, beer, cigarettes, …
  • Do not eat spicy, hot, skin-irritating foods that are unhealthy
  • Drink enough 2 liters of water a day, you can drink smoothies to support the prevention of vitiligo
  • Do not bathe soaps that contain ingredients that irritate the skin, causing further damage to the skin
  • Get enough sleep for 8 hours / day, do not work too hard, affecting your health
  • Actively exercise and exercise to increase the body’s resistance. Everyone can choose a sport they love to practice regularly every day.
  • Always optimistic, happy, positive thinking to avoid the simplest vitiligo
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Hope the above information will help equip readers with useful knowledge about the issue: Is vitiligo contagious? Inherently this is a benign disease but makes the patient lose confidence in communication and daily life. To quickly control the disease, the patient should be examined and treated early. Absolutely do not apply folk remedies or buy drugs voluntarily to make the vitiligo can not heal but also wider.


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