Chrome superinfection
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Superinfection is an inflammatory lesion of the skin caused by fungi and bacteria (mainly staphylococcus aureus). This condition occurs due to improper treatment of prickly rash, arbitrarily using topical corticosteroids, frequently rubbing and scratching the damaged skin. If not treated early, skin superinfection can progress seriously and lead to folliculitis, furunculosis, brief, …

Chrome superinfection
What is a superinfection? Is it dangerous?

What is a superinfection?

Rubella is an acute form of dermatitis associated with dyspepsia. The disease is common in infants and young children due to the incomplete sweat glands, higher body temperature than adults and thin, sensitive skin.

This pathology is characterized by a rash of red, small blisters interspersed with pustules, which grow in clumps or patches in areas of skin that excrete a lot of sweat such as forehead, armpits, groin, neck and back. Skin damage is accompanied by a burning sensation, itching and discomfort.

Usually, the rash can be completely relieved after 5-7 days without medical intervention. However, if not treated and handled properly, the damaged skin can be superinfected.

Superinfection is an infection of the skin caused by a yeast or bacteria infection. The causative agent of superinfection is often staphylococcus aureus – Staphylococcus aureus (a bacteria that resides on the skin and only causes inflammation when the skin appears scratches, open wounds).

Recognize superinfection rash

Superinfection has more serious symptoms than common rash. The severity of symptoms depends on the infection, the extent of the skin affected, and age. Symptoms of superinfection in young children – especially babies, are more severe than adults.

Chrome superinfection
Superinfection rash is characterized by pustular pustules on the affected skin

The signs to identify superinfection rash:

  • In addition to the red papules and small blisters, the skin appears many pustules alternately
  • The size of the pustules is larger than that of blisters and causes red inflammation in the surrounding skin
  • Skin with superinfection tends to be hotter than normal skin
  • Large, deep pustules appear deep in the skin and cause severe pain
  • In the case of superinfection occurring on large areas of skin, children may experience fever, fussy and stop feeding, and poor appetite
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Causes of superinfection rash

Superinfection rubella is a common complication of the miliaria rubra – the most common type of rash that breaks out in hot and humid weather. The direct cause of superinfection is due to the invasion of Staphylococcus aureus staphylococcus. However, this is a bacteria that permanently resides on the skin and is unlikely to cause disease without favorable conditions.

Chrome superinfection
Rubbing, scratching on the damaged skin is a factor that increases the risk of superinfection

Factors that increase the risk of superinfection:

  • Scratching the damaged skin: To reduce itching and discomfort, many children react by rubbing and scratching the affected skin. Although itching can be quickly relieved, it can lead to skin sores, bleeding and abrasions. Therefore, bacteria are very easy to penetrate inside the skin tissue through open wounds and cause superinfection.
  • Poor hygiene : Poor hygiene is one of the factors that cause multiple infections. This habit causes bacteria, dirt, sweat, and impurities to accumulate in the hair follicles, leading to inflammation and skin surface infection. If not handled early, the hair follicle becomes localized and leads to a boil complication.
  • Incorrect treatment: Many parents arbitrarily treat their children for rash using natural herbs and topical corticosteroids. However, using herbs that are not thoroughly cleaned can cause skin irritation and inflammation. In addition, taking topical corticosteroids without consulting a doctor can impair the immune function and increase the risk of superinfection of the damaged skin.

Is superinfection rash dangerous?

Rubella is a common skin condition in babies and young children. This pathology is quite benign and can go away on its own after a few days without medical intervention. However, when superinfection occurs, parents need to bring the child to see a doctor for prompt examination and treatment.

Chrome superinfection
Untreated superinfection can cause folliculitis, rash and boils

Superinfection rubella can progress in a bad way and cause serious complications if not treated promptly. Common complications of the disease include:

  • Folliculitis: Folliculitis is a mild skin infection characterized by small pustules, localized in each pore. This is the most common complication of superinfection and can be treated with medication.
  • Furuncle: A boil is a localized skin infection of the hair follicle characterized by a large, red rash that is filled with pus on the inside. This usually develops from one or more follicles that are mildly inflamed but not treated promptly. Compared with folliculitis, boils cause a lot of pain and make children cry, stop feeding.
  • Immediate: If uncontrolled superinfection, staph can develop and cause immediate complications. Moment is a superficial infection that is common in young children. The most common manifestations of this pathology are blistering, pustules, oozing and honey-colored scabs.
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Although uncommon, there have been a number of cases of children having sepsis due to complications of superinfection rash. Therefore, parents need to take the initiative to bring their children to see the doctor for timely examination and treatment.

Treatment methods for superinfection rash

Treatment of superinfection fever includes using drugs and some supportive measures (proper hygiene, proper eating, …). If adhered well, skin damage can go away quickly and cause almost no serious complications.

The current popular treatment methods for superinfection rubella:

1. Use of medications

Superinfection is a superficial and mild form of skin inflammation. Therefore, the doctor mainly appoints the drug in the form of topical application.

Chrome superinfection
Parents can use corticosteroids + antibiotics and Betadine to treat superinfection for the baby

The drugs are used to treat superinfection rash:

  • Purple potion: Potassium permanganate contains active ingredient potassium permanganate with high oxidizing properties and is capable of destroying yeasts, bacteria that often cause skin infections. The drug is used by dilution to soak the affected area or to bathe if rash occurs on a large scale. However, to ensure safety, it is necessary to dilute violet according to the manufacturer’s instructions or use as directed by a doctor.
  • Betadine solution : Betadine solution contains active ingredient Povidon iodine 10%, which slowly releases iodine on the skin, helping to disinfect and inhibit some inflammatory agents such as fungi, viruses, bacteria and protozoa. The drug is used when the skin has large pustules. Applying the medicine directly to the pimple several times a day will help kill the pimple, inhibit bacteria and prevent infection from spreading.
  • Topical corticosteroids + antibiotics: In case of red inflammation and small pustules, your doctor may prescribe topical corticosteroid + antibiotics. Corticoids have anti-inflammatory and anti-itch effects. Meanwhile, antibiotics help inhibit bacteria and reduce inflammation.
  • Vitamin C supplements: If the skin appears many large boils, vitamin C supplements can be used to reduce damage to sweat glands, prevent concave scars and shorten treatment time. Vitamin C has the effect of improving the immune system, stimulating the skin to produce collagen and speed up the recovery and regeneration of skin tissue. However, it is necessary to supplement vitamin C in the amounts prescribed by the doctor to ensure effectiveness and prevent undesirable effects.
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2. Supportive measures

In addition to using drugs, parents can take some supportive measures to reduce the impact of the disease and shorten the treatment time.

Measures to support the treatment of superinfection rash:

  • Dress your child in well-ventilated, cool clothes and avoid wearing diapers during the rash treatment . In addition, fans and air conditioners can be used to stabilize the child’s body temperature, avoiding a high temperature that causes excessive sweating.
  • Bathe your child 1-2 times a day with mild skin cleansing products that are pH balanced and contain no irritating ingredients. Good body hygiene can reduce follicle keratinization to help unclog pores and reduce skin damage caused by rashes.
  • Encourage children to rest, play indoors, limit outdoor activities when the weather is hot.
  • Should drink plenty of water, supplement with green vegetables and fruits during treatment to support recovery, regeneration of damaged skin and improve resistance. Limit the use of foods containing a lot of sugar, spices, carbonated soft drinks, … because these foods and drinks can stimulate the sweat secretion of the skin.

How to prevent multiple infections?

Superinfection rubella has a greater degree of damage than normal rash. The disease not only damages the skin but also makes children tired, have poor appetite, stop feeding and have a fever. Moreover, if handled improperly, the skin can become seriously inflamed and scar.

Chrome superinfection
Good hygiene is the most effective preventive measure against rubella

So after the treatment, should proactively take the following preventive measures against prickly rash:

  • Treatment of prickly rash properly, absolutely do not rub, scratch vigorously or voluntarily use drugs without medical consultation.
  • Keep body hygiene, wear loose, cool clothes and avoid activities that cause a lot of sweating in hot, humid and hot weather.
  • Develop a scientific diet that provides enough water, vitamins and minerals. Limit foods and drinks high in sugar.
  • Limit outdoors during the hours from 11:00 to 15:00 daily. In the event of traveling in strong sunlight, wear a jacket and a wide-brimmed hat.

Superinfection is a complication of rubella rash caused by improper treatment and care. When realizing that the skin has pustules and soreness, should proactively examine and treat early to control skin damage, reduce itching and prevent serious complications.


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