Using coconut oil to treat sinusitis is a simple method that many people apply
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Using coconut oil to treat sinusitis is one of the methods that many people apply because of its low cost, a simple but effective way is extremely surprising. However, to get the best results when treating sinusitis with coconut oil, patients must do it properly and should note many problems when applying. If you are wondering about this folk trick then do not ignore the information below.

Using coconut oil to treat sinusitis is a simple method that many people apply
Using coconut oil to treat sinusitis is a simple method that many people apply

Benefits of treating sinusitis of coconut oil

According to scientific studies, in coconut oil contains many ingredients such as: lauric acid, myristic acid, monounsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid), polyunsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid), caprylic , capric, stearic … In particular, coconut oil has abundant vitamin E content, 50 times more anti-aging, can help rejuvenate the skin, treat acne, fade scars … 

The reason coconut oil is good for the prevention and treatment of sinusitis is because:

  • In coconut oil contains a large amount of lactic acid has the ability to minimize symptoms, soothe the pain caused by sinusitis. 
  • Lactic acid in coconut oil also has anti-fungal, anti-viral, and antibacterial properties that help promote the recovery of the body when suffering from sinusitis.
  • The other ingredients in coconut oil are also very good for sinusitis such as oleic acid, linoleic acid, capric, palmitic acid, myristic acid, stearic … 

How to make virgin coconut oil

You can buy coconut oil or make your own virgin coconut oil at home below:

  • Ingredients: Coconut (choose old fruit, brown skin), chopping coconut, blender, jar containing coconut oil, scrap rice and filtered coconut milk
  • Use a milling knife to split the coconut, take the coconut scrapers to get the coconut rice, you can replace it with a knife or a hard spoon and cut the coconut into small pieces
  • Put the coconut rice in the blender, add a little water, and grind on medium to get a smooth, creamy mixture
  • Boil the pot of water to cool, then add the above mixture, continue to boil over low heat for 15 minutes, wait for the mixture to cool, then put in the blender again.
  • Let the mixture settle, remove the top scum, use a filter cloth to get the juice
  • Bring this juice to a low heat and you will see a layer of oil appear on top, continue to cook until the rice is golden, then turn off the heat, let the oil cool, and store in a jar.
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How to use coconut oil to treat sinusitis

There are many different uses for coconut oil
There are many different uses for coconut oil

There are many ways to use coconut oil to treat sinusitis, here are some simple ways to help coconut oil maximize its uses in supporting treatment: 

1. Use coconut oil to rinse your mouth

When suffering from sinusitis, cleaning the oral cavity is also one of the supportive treatment methods, helping to minimize the unpleasant symptoms caused by the disease. When rinsing with coconut oil, saliva will be continuously released, at this time, the ingredients with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties will work, taking away toxins secreted by bacteria, thereby making effective relief of sinus-induced symptoms.


  • Take 1-2 teaspoons of virgin coconut oil in your mouth
  • Rinse well from the inside out to let essential oils pass between your teeth and gums
  • After 15 minutes, spit the essential oil out, rinse your mouth with dilute salt water
  • Stick to it every day to see results.

2. Nasal sinusitis with coconut oil

Along with rinsing your mouth, you should also clean the nose, remove the fungus, bacteria in the nose. This remedy not only helps relieve symptoms but also helps shorten treatment time. Initially, when you put coconut oil directly into your sinuses, you will feel a bit uncomfortable because you are not used to it. However, after a while the body will adapt to this method, which in turn helps the treatment get the most effective.


  • Take 2 – 4 drops of coconut oil on both sides of the nose respectively
  • Use your hands to block each side so that the nutrients in the essential oils seep into your sinuses.
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3. Use coconut oil and green tea leaves to treat sinusitis

There are many different uses for coconut oil
Combining coconut oil with green tea leaves is very effective for the treatment of sinusitis

Green tea is a benign natural herb that is extremely effective in detoxifying and anti-oxidant properties. In addition, green tea leaves contain many catechins that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, when combined with coconut oil for nasal steam can help reduce the symptoms of disease, support the treatment of sinusitis very well. You can use a combination of the green tea leaves steam method with coconut oil nasal drops to improve the effectiveness of the treatment.


How to steam with green tea leaves and coconut oil

  • Ingredients: 2 handfuls of green tea leaves, a little coconut oil
  • Wash green tea leaves, cook with 2 liters of water for 20 minutes
  • Remind the pot down, add a few drops of coconut oil, find a suitable location for steaming
  • Cover both your friend and the pot with a blanket
  • Sit in the steam for 20 minutes, trying to inhale the steam coming from the leaf pot
  • Do it 2 times / week, 3 days apart
  • The rest of the day, the nose is done with coconut oil.

How to drops nose with green tea leaves and coconut oil

  • Take 1 handful of green tea leaves soaked in dilute salt water for 10 minutes, rinse 
  • Crush the green tea leaves and squeeze the juice
  • Put green tea leaves in an empty spray bottle, small 3 times a day
  • Make small turns with green tea leaves and coconut oil
  • If today small green tea leaves, then the next day small coconut oil
  • Stick with it every day to see a significant improvement in sinus symptoms.
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4. How to cure sinusitis with coconut oil and betel leaves

Betel leaves do not have strong medicinal properties, antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, often used to aid in inflammatory diseases. You can combine coconut oil with betel leaves to treat sinusitis, this can both help improve symptoms and promote a quick recovery. 


There are two main ways to do this method: alternate nasal drops with coconut oil and bare betel leaves and steam the betel leaves with bodhi and then use coconut oil to condition.

How small with coconut oil and betel leaves

  • Ingredients: 1 handful of betel leaves, a little coconut oil
  • Betel leaves are not soaked with dilute salt water and then rinse with water
  • Crush betel leaves, then squeeze the juice to use, small 2-3 times a day
  • Make nose drops alternately with coconut oil and betel leaves
  • If the day before using betel leaf juice, use coconut oil the next day.

How to steam with betel leaves and bodhi leaves

  • Ingredients: 20 bare betel leaves, 10 linden fruit, 2 liters of water
  • Cook betel leaves, boil with 2 liters of water for 20 minutes
  • Turn off the heat, choose a suitable location to steam, cover with a towel and a pot of water for steam
  • Open the lid to allow the heat to slowly escape, finished in 20 minutes
  • Perform 2-3 times / week, the next day use coconut oil to reduce the nose.

5. Add coconut oil to your diet

In addition to the above methods, you can add coconut oil to your diet to help provide nutrients, improve the body’s resistance, and help fight off disease-causing bacteria from the outside. Furthermore, coconut oil also enhances the absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body. You can add 2 tablespoons of coconut oil to drinks or use to prepare dishes. 

Notes when using coconut oil to cure sinusitis

Do not use oral coconut oil for people with blood pressure, overweight and obesity
Do not use oral coconut oil for people with blood pressure, overweight and obesity

When using coconut oil for sinusitis, to achieve the best results and ensure the safety of the user, you need to note the following issues:

  • Only use virgin coconut oil, do not use impurities because it is easy to cause side effects that are not effective for treatment.
  • Do not overdo this method, only use the correct dose to avoid causing atherosclerosis
  • Do not use oral coconut oil for patients with atherosclerosis, diabetes, overweight, fat, blood pressure … because it increases the risk of blood disorders.

Above are some methods of using coconut oil to treat sinusitis that you can refer to. However, this method is only suitable for people with mild sinus infections. If your sinus symptoms show no signs of remission, you should promptly see your doctor for specialist treatment. 


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