Curing disc herniation with the curry plant is a very good treatment support, but little known
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Curing disc herniation with the plant is one of the simple, effective folk remedies that are safe and benign for the patient. However, not many people know how to use this plant to cure diseases, even many people are still unfamiliar and do not know what the plant is, its specific effects. If you are wondering how the plant is used to treat disc herniation, how to use it, you can refer to the information in this article.

Curing disc herniation with the curry plant is a very good treatment support, but little known
Curing disc herniation with the curry plant is a very good treatment support, but little known

Rosemary and disc herniation use 

Curry or curry, the curtain of white flowers is a familiar medicine in traditional medicine. This plant belongs to the mosquito net family, which grows in moist, alluvial soil. Often distributed mainly in the plains stretching from north to south, especially in lowland areas. There are 2 types of seeds:

  • Curry white flowers, scientific name is Cleome gynandra L
  • Purple flowers, belonging to the curtain family, whose scientific name is Cleome chelidonii

According to traditional medicine, the whole plant, including the leaves, stems, seeds, and even the roots, is used as medicine. This plant can be harvested, used all year round in fresh or dried form. Curry white flowers bitter taste, warm properties, have a heat effect to dissolve, destroy active sputum. Often used to enhance liver function, support treatment of rheumatism, hepatitis B, bone and joint diseases. Meanwhile, the spicy purple curry, warm, non-toxic, is often used to support the treatment of colds, asthma coughs, headache, snakebites, chronic glomerulonephritis. Thus, we can see, the type of curry that is effective in treating disc herniation is white flower curry.

The reason that curry has a good use in supporting the treatment of disc herniation is because:

  • According to Oriental medicine, curry has the effect of stasis, hemostasis, and heat bar that enhances blood circulation, very good effects in the treatment of disc herniation. Because according to traditional medicine, disc herniation is caused by inadequate qi in the body, in addition, the body is exposed to evil gases such as wind, cold, low heat, invading the blood, causing congestion. 
  • According to modern research, the plant contains active ingredients with high pharmacological properties such as aluco lee min, glucocapparin, glycosides and ingredients such as acid viscose, viscosin, aloe emodin, protein, vitamins, fat … with anti-inflammatory effects. inflammation, improve the effectiveness of the immune system, and help improve the uncomfortable symptoms caused by disc herniation.
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How to cure disc herniation with curry

White currant works well in supporting the treatment of diseases of the joints including disc herniation
White currant works well in supporting the treatment of diseases of the joints including disc herniation

It is very effective in the treatment of osteoarthritis, disc herniation, spinal degeneration … Curing disc herniation with it is a simple, inexpensive, safe method. benign, does not cause side effects for the patient. There are many ways to use rosemary to treat bone and joint diseases, namely disc herniation as follows:

1. Use coriander sharp water

Using decoctions for drinking water is a remedy for disc herniation that is suitable for busy people. You can harvest the reed plant, pick up the damaged leaves and wash them away from dirt and dust. Then cut, dry, put in a plastic bag or a glass jar to store in a cool, dry place to avoid mold.


  • Ingredients: 100g fresh or 40g dried curry, 500ml of water
  • Curry rinse, cut into small pieces from 2 – 3 cm, put on a pan, yellow until fragrant
  • Put in a dry cloth, bring to the ground for 2-3 hours until it cools completely
  • Bring the boiling medicine with 500ml of filtered water, and see ⅓ of the water to use
  • Persistently apply for 10-15 days will see improved disc herniation symptoms.

2. Cover the curry tree with white salt

In parallel with drinking the prickly juice from the rambola, you can place it with granulated salt on the affected area caused by disc herniation to ease the soreness. Salt roasted seeds have the ability to eliminate rheumatism, help reduce pain quickly, help improve bone and joint pain caused by cold, chronic joint disease or trauma. A hot compress with salt and hives will help improve the effectiveness of the treatment. 

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  • Ingredients: 100g of fresh curry plant for both stem leaves and roots; 1 – 2 tablespoons salt, 1 banana leaf
  • Freshly washed curry, drained, cut into small pieces about 2-3 cm and then crushed with 1 teaspoon of white salt
  • Pack the prepared mixture into banana leaves, bury the charcoal stove, see the banana leaves turn yellow, then take them out
  • Put the medicine in a clean cloth, apply it to the painful area continuously for 20-30 minutes, until the hot medicine is gone, rub the rubbing on the hernia site, so rub gently, do not press, squeeze.
  • Perform regularly every day, especially when you are in pain or before going to bed, persevere continuously for 10-15 days.

3. Cure disc herniation with curry and ginger

Ginger contains many active ingredients that enhance blood circulation, warm the body, enhance the mobility of bones and joints, support quick and effective relief of osteoarthritis pain. When combining ginger with prunes, it will help fight bone pain, promote blood circulation in the body, and help minimize the unpleasant symptoms caused by disc herniation.


  • Ingredients: 100g fresh curry plants take both roots, stems and leaves, 1 ginger root, 40ml of white wine 40-50 degrees
  • Fresh curry removes the spoiled part, washed it, cut into small pieces about 2 – 3cm; Peeled ginger, washed, crushed
  • Put the curry and ginger in the pan, then hot until fragrant, add white wine to boil for 3 minutes
  • Put the mixture in a clean cloth, apply it to the location of the herniated disc for 20-30 minutes, when the heat is gone, take it out and rub gently on the painful area.
  • Do it when the pain occurs before bedtime, regularly every day, continuously for 10-15 days to see the symptoms improve. 
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4. Add curry to the menu

Making curry into medicinal dishes and adding it to your menu is a simple way to aid in the treatment of disc herniation. With this way, you will both improve the effectiveness of treatment and save a lot of time.


Curry fried with garlic

  • Ingredients: 300g fresh curry, 1 – 2 garlic cloves
  • Curry washed, cut into pieces, drained; Garlic peeled, washed, crushed
  • Put garlic in a frying pan with oil, until fragrant garlic, add curry
  • Quickly stir fry over high heat to keep the curry crispy and sweet
  • Tasting spices to taste, enjoy while still hot.

Chicken curry stew

  • Ingredients: 200g fresh curry (both stem and leaves), 100g chicken
  • Ruminant removes the damaged leaves, washed them, cut them into small pieces to taste
  • Wash chicken, chop into small pieces, put in the pot and simmer for 30 minutes
  • Stir fry the curry fiber and put in a pot of chicken water, simmer for 10 – 15 minutes
  • Season with spices to taste and enjoy while still hot.

Some precautions when treating disc herniation with chry

Do not use chrysanthemum for women who are pregnant or breast-feeding
Do not use chrysanthemum for women who are pregnant or breast-feeding

When using it to treat disc herniation, you should take the following precautions to ensure your safety and avoid unwanted side effects. Specifically:

  • Before using, it is necessary to carefully examine the medicinal herbs, especially the dried curry, to see if it is moldy, rotten or shows signs of damage. Using mold medicine not only does not support treatment but also has adverse effects.
  • Not for pregnant and lactating women, when used by children or adolescents, consult a doctor before use.
  • Do not use chrysanthemum with other drugs that also treat disc herniation to avoid side effects, using too many medicinal plants will cause confusion, not good for the treatment
  • Do not abuse, do not drink instead of daily water, should only apply it as a supportive measure, should not be used as a substitute for medication.
  • Using curry to cure disc herniation is a folk method, so its effect is quite slow, the effectiveness depends on the location of each person.

Curing disc herniation with the curry plant is one of the safe, simple, low-cost methods that patients can use. However, to know with your location, how much is appropriate for each day, you should consult your doctor or expert before applying. 


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