cure erectile dysfunction at home
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When the condition is still mild, men can apply home erectile dysfunction remedies without resorting to medication. This is a safe treatment, with little risk, but with unexpected results. Adjusting diet, controlling stress, using natural herbs … are solutions that can be responded well.

cure erectile dysfunction at home
Using home remedies for erectile dysfunction can respond well in many cases

Is it effective to cure erectile dysfunction at home?

Erectile dysfunction is a very common sexual dysfunction among men. This disorder refers to the inability of the penis to get an erection or inadequate erection to perform intercourse.

This situation tends to occur a lot in middle-aged men, but young people can also experience it for a variety of reasons. Male experts recommend that men should apply home remedies for erectile dysfunction before receiving medical treatment.

Home solutions are usually very safe and pose little risk. The fact that can bring the best effect is for cases of erectile dysfunction due to lack of nutrition, poor living regulation or stress.

However, in severe and pulling cases, the penis can not or very hard to erect, men should actively examine. At this time, home treatment should be combined with intensive treatment as directed by a doctor to get the best results.

Share 8 ways to cure erectile dysfunction at home to help quickly overcome

To get rid of erectile dysfunction quickly, some home remedies will have a hard time dealing with the whole problem. Men can consider and coordinate many reasonable solutions to get the best results.

Here are 8 very useful home remedies for erectile dysfunction:

1. Cure erectile dysfunction at home by adjusting to diet

Diet has been identified as the factor that directly affects male physiological health. Many men encounter erectile dysfunction due to maintaining a poor diet.

Having a nutritional deficiency inhibits the production of the male hormone testosterone. At the same time it reduces the flow of blood moving down the penis. In addition, it also causes men to be debilitated and reduce their libido.

How to cure erectile dysfunction at home
Men should make adjustments to their diet to aid in controlling the erection of the penis

Therefore, adjusting and maintaining a healthy diet is a useful solution for erectile dysfunction. Pay attention to the following issues when adjusting your diet:

  • Include healthy foods like oysters, butter, oatmeal, carrots, tomatoes … They are all good for blood circulation and have the ability to promote male hormone production. Besides, it also works to improve the number and quality of sperm as well as the sensitivity of the penis.
  • In addition, it is necessary to limit harmful foods such as greasy fried foods, fast foods, processed foods, hot spicy foods. These foods often cause the bad cholesterol in the blood to spike.

2. Psychological treatment, stress control

Stress, prolonged nerve stress is also a common cause of erectile dysfunction in men. Especially for young men.

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Psychological treatment is a useful solution at home that has positive effects on disease progression. When psychological problems are well resolved, the erectile function of the penis and sexual desire in men will also be significantly improved.

To be able to control stress and improve psychology, it is necessary to strictly implement the following solutions:

  • Do not stay up late after 23 o’clock, sleep on time, enough sleep. It’s best to make sure you get 7-8 hours of sleep a day.
  • Allocate working time and rest properly, do not overwork, especially at night.
  • Solutions such as listening to music, reading a book, meditating or practicing yoga can be applied.
  • Try to maintain positive thinking, always keep your mind in a relaxed and optimistic state.
  • If you have problems with prolonged stress, you should actively seek advice from a doctor.

3. Immediately give up the habit of drinking alcohol and smoking

Alcohol and tobacco are factors that directly affect health in general and physiological health in particular. Regular smoking and drinking alcohol have made many men have to live with erectile dysfunction at a very young age.

Home solutions for erectile dysfunction
Immediately give up smoking habits if you do not want erectile dysfunction to worsen

Experts explain that ingredients in alcohol inhibit the central nervous system from releasing nitric oxide. While this is the active substance that helps the penis achieve and maintain an erection level. Therefore, stopping alcohol and alcoholic beverages is considered to be a good home remedy for erectile dysfunction.

Along with that, men should also give up the habit of smoking immediately if you want to improve the erection of the penis. Cigarettes and even e-cigarettes carry the risk of narrowing the blood vessels. This will directly affect the blood supply to the penis.

Currently on the market there are a lot of tobacco cessation support products. Men can consult and try to develop a scientific smoking cessation regimen.

4. Cure erectile dysfunction at home by drinking juice

This is not only a simple solution but has been recognized by many gentlemen to bring positive results. Juices such as pomegranate, carrot or watermelon not only improve penis erection but are also very healthy.

– Drink pomegranate juice:

The ingredients in pomegranate juice have the ability to promote nitric oxide production. This will help to increase the ability as well as speed of erection of the penis.

  • Use 1 fresh pomegranate, remove the skin and put in the juicer.
  • Put in the refrigerator for 5 minutes and then drink directly.

– Use carrot juice:

The abundant beta-carotene content in carrots is the factor that can affect the erection of the penis. At the same time also helps to stimulate sexual desire quickly. Regularly drinking carrot juice is a very good solution for men with erectile dysfunction or decreased libido.

Enhance erectile function
Regularly drinking carrot juice is helpful for men with erectile dysfunction
  • Use 300g carrots, 2 spicy onions, 2 garlic cloves and 100g beets.
  • Rinse all the ingredients and put in a pressure machine to get water.
  • Divide equally into 2 drinks a day.
  • You can also add 2 tablespoons of carrot juice to a glass of warm milk, stir and drink.

– Drink watermelon juice:

Citrullin is an abundant ingredient in watermelon that works to increase blood flow to the penis. Once consumed, citrullin is converted to argrinin – this is a precursor of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is the key ingredient that causes the blood vessels to expand to bring more blood flow to the penis.

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Every day drinking 1 glass of unsweetened watermelon juice is a good choice for men with erectile dysfunction. Besides, eating melon directly will also have the same effect.

5. Exercise helps to improve erections

Every day to spend at least 30-45 minutes to exercise is also one of the solutions to cure erectile dysfunction at home effectively. Exercise properly is the natural medicine to increase blood circulation. It also enhances immunity and controls stress well.

It is advisable to perform exercises that exert direct force on the PC muscle mass to make the penis more sensitive to sexual stimulation. Exercise kegel, squat with weights, or abdominal exercises are all good options for men with erectile dysfunction.

practice erectile dysfunction
Kegel exercises are especially good for strength of PC muscle mass

A healthy pelvic and PC muscle mass will help men better control their erection abilities. It also helps with ejaculation control and practice difficult sex positions.

6. Use ginger to treat erectile dysfunction at home

Ginger is considered to be a natural “viagra” very good for the sexual function of men. All thanks to the ingredients capable of stimulating the blood circulation to the object. Typically gingerol, shogaol, zingiberen …


  • Prepare 1 teaspoon of ginger powder with 1 teaspoon of raw honey
  • Add the two ingredients above to 150ml of warm water and stir
  • Drink at a frequency of 2-3 times per day
  • Need to maintain continuously 2 – 3 months to promote good effectiveness

7. Cure erectile dysfunction at home with almonds

Almonds are highly nutritious nuts with a wealth of health benefits. It is also commonly used as a natural aphrodisiac.

In addition to the abundant content of fat and vitamin E, almonds also contain many micronutrients such as magnesium, copper, and zinc … Thanks to that, it has the ability to promote the production of the male hormone testosterone.

At the same time this type of nuts also helps increase blood circulation to the penis during sexual stimulation. It also inhibits free radicals that affect male health and physiological function.

cure erectile dysfunction
Men should supplement with almonds to help promote blood flow down the penis


  • Prepare a pinch of almonds
  • Allow to soak in filtered water for a few hours
  • Eat directly 30 minutes before bedtime

Alternatively, use 1 teaspoon of almond powder mixed in 150ml of warm water. Drink 1 cup / day before bedtime.

8. Use lychee for erectile dysfunction at home

Litchi is a fruit that contains an enzyme capable of stimulating blood circulation to the penis faster and more. This fruit is also popularly used in traditional medicine with the effect of treating “yang yang” very effectively.

Moreover, the abundant magnesium content in litchi also aids in boosting testosterone production. At the same time, directly affects the quantity and quality of spermatozoa.

A large amount of vitamin C exists in lychee fruit also has antioxidant effects and promotes the repair of damage to cells in the body. Thanks to that, it has the ability to effectively support the control of the erection of the “little boy”.


  • Peel 1kg of fresh lychee fruit and place it in a glass jar.
  • Pour 1 liter of white wine and soak for at least 20 days.
  • Each time taking 20ml of lychee wine to drink directly.
  • Frequency 1 time / day after dinner.
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Treating erectile dysfunction at home is the solution that can respond well in many cases. At the same time, the risk of abuse of Western drugs is limited. However, if the disease progresses, you should immediately consult a doctor for in-depth treatment guidance.

Note when treating erectile dysfunction at home

The home remedies for erectile dysfunction are quite simple and safe, but not everyone can do it properly. Even if done wrong, it can affect your health, such as Kegel exercises. Drinking carrot juice seems very simple, but if you abuse this method, it also causes many consequences for the body such as vitamin A stagnation, causing yellow eyes and jaundice.

In addition, home remedies are only effective when the disease is in its onset. The reason is that the medicinal properties and effectiveness of the single ingredients are quite limited, taking a long time to work, which can worsen erectile dysfunction over time.

Therefore, when applying home remedies for erectile dysfunction but ineffective, men need to seek professional medical facilities for timely diagnosis and treatment.

With concerns about undesirable effects and the accompanying consequences when using western medicine, many men now choose to treat erectile dysfunction with Oriental medicine. But in the era of “upper golden and lower bran”, along with the “explosion” of clinics hiding the shadow of traditional medicine, selling poor quality drugs, incorrect diagnosis, you need to be very wise to choose. have a reputable address, bring obvious treatment effects with a reasonable cost.

Typically in Vietnam, Do Minh Duong is a pharmacy that has been trusted by millions of people for over 150 years of pursuing a career in healing and saving lives. Not only famous for his osteoarthritis remedies, urticaria …, Do Minh Duong has a special male remedy for esoteric erectile dysfunction, which has proven practical functions beyond expectations. Therefore, the remedy received special attention from the media and was favored with the column “Health” of a series of newspapers such as Legal Life, Reporter, Labor …

Herbalist Do Minh Tuan – the 5th heiress of the Do Minh family is a familiar name, often appearing in the press thanks to his dedication to the medical industry

One of the men who chose the drugstore remedy for erectile dysfunction is actor Le Ba Anh.

Sharing in the program “Live healthy every day” on national television VTV2, the actor said that the male remedy Do Minh Duong is like a magic potion “rejuvenating the old age”, not only helping him regain his sect strength but also improves health while improving fitness.

When treating erectile dysfunction at Do Minh Duong pharmacy, the patient will be prescribed all 3 small remedies, including:

  • Spring recovery ladder
  • Great restoration of the ocean
  • Renal tonic.

The remedy has been researched and handed down through the five generations of the Do Minh family’s physician, based on the principles of yin and yang balancing, healing, enhancing and enhancing the function of the internal organs (Mind, Can, Ty, and Kidney). Thanks to that, the patient’s health has been significantly improved, and the interest in pillows has gradually returned. Persistently using the drug for 2-3 months, erectile dysfunction will be completely eliminated.

As the 5th generation heir of the Do Minh family, physician Do Minh Tuan is not only the person directly visiting patients but also an expert in researching and developing and expanding medical remedies. Understanding the patient’s concerns before the information matrix of poorly reputed pharmacies, unknown herbs …, he is extremely concerned about the safety of medicinal herbs and always anxious to find ways to help patients More peace of mind in daily use. 

Because of that, Mr. Tuan has sought to actively source medicinal herbs used in remedies, including remedies for erectile dysfunction, by cultivating medicinal herbs according to scientific methods, meeting medical standards. quality of soil, water, plant varieties … At present, Do Minh Duong’s exclusive clean medicinal garden is located in Dong Hoa village, Dong Tam commune, Lac Thuy district, Hoa Binh and Nghia Trai provinces, Hung Yen province.

Good news, the hearts of the healers of the Do Minh family have attracted a large number of patients to seek treatment and almost all of the patients have received a positive response. This is a reliable place that men can trust and choose to cure erectile dysfunction when home remedies cannot help you regain the form in the eyes of your loved one.


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