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Co Tranh is a wild plant that grows in all provinces in Vietnam. People often use Co Tranh to make food for cattle, keep cattle warm in cold season. But few people know that Co Tranh is a medicinal herb that can cure many different diseases such as kidney stones, liver detox, long-term cough treatment, urinary retention … Let’s find out more information about this plant in the article. write below.

Herbal herb is good for human health

What is thatch tree?

It is also known as Bach Mao, in science it is called Imperata cylindrica. This is a type of tree belonging to the Rice family, perennial with long roots and deep underground. The long narrow leaves of Co Tranh are vertical, quite stiff and have very sharp edges. The flowers are beautiful white, the cotton above is covered with soft hair and about 20cm long. 

Co Tranh’s roots are cylindrical and about 40 cm long. The roots are divided into several segments, each 1 – 3.5cm long, yellowish slightly ivory. Grass Tranh is a wild plant, we can see them in almost all provinces across the country.

Chemical composition of Co Tranh

The plant contains chemical ingredients that can cure many diseases for the body. Specifically, some substances such as: Organic acids, Cylindrin, Fermenol, Glucose, Arundoin …

Collecting, processing and preserving Co Tranh

Grass Tranh is used in many herbal remedies for various diseases. Plant parts such as flowers, leaves, and roots can all be used for healing:

Harvesting:  Co Tranh can be harvested all year, but it is usually harvested in two main seasons. The first one is around October-November and the second one is March-April.

Processing: For parts such as leaves and flowers can be used directly or dried to use gradually. The roots of the plant will be washed, then removed the outer layers and then dried to use as medicine.

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The grass roots are often dried for medicinal purposes
The grass roots are often dried for medicinal purposes

Storage:  After the medicinal herbs are processed you should put them in different bags or jars. Preserving Co Tranh in a dry, not wet place because it will affect the quality of medicinal herbs.

The use of Co Tranh

In Traditional Medicine, Co Tranh is used as a remedy for many different diseases. Here are some of the many uses of this plant:

Fast blood clotting:  According to research by scientists, the powder of the plant has the effect of making plasma calcium recover quickly. This makes the blood clot faster.

Diuretic effect: The  composition of Co Tranh contains a high amount of potassium salt. So when using water cooked from Co Tranh has a very good diuretic effect. 

Bacterial inhibition:  Research shows that the decoction from Co Tranh inhibits bacilli like Flexner and Sonnei. However, with Shigella bacillus is not effective.

The remedies with the grass Tranh

The Herbaceous plant has great uses. Therefore, it is used by Oriental medicine in many different remedies:

Treatment of urinary retention, difficulty urinating

Co Tranh helps treat dysuria effectively
Co Tranh helps treat dysuria effectively

Grass Tranh works to treat urinary retention extremely effectively. Users can use 1 of the 2 remedies below: 

Treatment 1 : 30g dried Co Tranh root with 25g Xa Tien History combined with 40g corn stubble and 5g black chrysanthemum. All ingredients are brought to cook with 750ml of water to get drinking water during the day. Using this remedy for about 10 days will improve dysuria.

Remedy 2: Use 50g of Co Tranh root in combination with cheeks, corn stubble, 10g each with 15g of lotus leaf and 8g of fish lettuce. All medicinal herbs take the color to drink 3 times a day. Use continuously for 5 days to get the best results.

Detoxify the liver, cool the body

Prepare about 50g of freshly cleaned fresh grass roots, then add 50g of fresh Bach Anh to the same 150g of cooked pork daily. Or you can use a remedy using 200g of Co Tranh boil with 700ml of water for about 10 minutes to get drinking water during the day. Drink continuously for a week.

Treatment of acute nephritis

Herbaceous plant is famous for its effects on cooling the liver and detoxifying the body. Prepare 200g dried grass roots to boil with 500ml until the remaining 150ml is fine. Use oral drugs 3 times a day, drink continuously for 1 month will see unexpected results.

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Grass Tranh combined with a number of other medicinal herbs also have a great cooling effect on the body. Using White Mao root with some herbs such as licorice, betel nut grass, black beans, oregano, each 10g, boil with 3 bowls of water until 1 bowl is empty. Use this water to drink after eating rice, use continuously for half a month.

Treatment of urinary tract infections

It is combined with other herbs that are effective in treating urinary tract infections

Co Tranh combined with a number of medicinal herbs can make an effective remedy for urinary tract infections. Prepare 10g dried White Mao root with Kim Ngan, Kim Tien Thao, cheeks, fish lettuce each 20g, combine Tang Diep and Huong Thu each 16g. All are washed and then boiled for drinking during the day.

Long-term cough treatment

If you are suffering from a long and persistent cough due to damage, you can use the following remedies: Prepare White Mao root, fresh ginger 20g each, combined with 10g of Licorice, 10g of Tran and 12g of Cat Canh. Then take all the medicinal herbs washed and bring to boil water to drink 2 times a day. Drink continuously for about 5 days you will see a marked decrease in coughing spells.

Cure jaundice

If the body has jaundice, yellow urine due to gas aggregation, you can use the following remedy with Co Tranh: Prepare 16g of Co Tranh root with Nhan Tran, Bach Nhieu, Xa Tran, each 12g combination. add Nam Hoang Ba 14g and 20g Dinh Lang. All bring to boil water to drink 2 times a day.

Treatment of dengue fever

Painting grass cure mild dengue fever

If you have mild dengue fever, you can use the following remedies: Prepare Dried Herbaceous Roots, Squid Grass, Gotu Kola 20g each combined with Tang Diep, Kinh Gioi 16g, black beans 24g bring yellow stars and 12g Orange Beautiful. All brought to boil to get water to drink 2 times a day.

You can use the following remedy. Use 50g of fresh grass with 20g of Don Ginseng, 10g of Don Bi and 30g of Lo Can. All brought to boil to get drinking water several times a day.

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Cures coughing up blood

If you experience coughing up blood due to heat scraps, you can use the following remedies: Prepare Biosphere, Ngan Hoa each 12g medicinal herbs combined with 16g of dried White Mao’s root, 20g of squid grass. Bring all to boil for drinking water 2 times a day.

Cure nosebleeds

Use 36g Co Tranh with 18g Chi Tu to bring color with 400ml until 100ml is empty. Drink while still hot at bedtime, use continuously for a week you will see effective. Or you can use a remedy using 80g fresh grass roots, bring to a boil for drinking water for 7 – 10 consecutive days.

Treat kidney stones

thatched grass
Treatment of kidney stones with grass

White Mao combined with some herbs can cure kidney stones very well. Use Co Tranh, Ma De Thao, Dinh Lang 20g each with 10g Moc Thong, Kim Tien Thao 10g. Bring all excellent ingredients to drink water 2 times a day. Use the drug continuously for 4-5 days.

Cure dry throat, dry mouth

Prepare roots of Co Tranh, Dinh Lang, and Hoai Son, 16g each. Add other herbs such as Cam Thao, Son Thu, Trach Ta 10g, Sa Sam, Khoi Tu 12g. All medicinal herbs bring to a boil for drinking water 2 times a day.

Treatment of acute nephritis

Co Tranh is a medicinal herb that is effective in treating acute nephritis. Use 250g of dried grass to boil for drinking water within a month. Or you can use the remedy using 10g of Bach Mao with Kim Ngan, Hoang Dang, and Kim Anh Tu, each of 10g. Bring them all to a boil with 600ml until the remaining 200ml is fine. Take medicine after eating for 1 consecutive month.

Help to cool down the body

The Herbaceous plant helps to cool the liver and cool down the body
The Herbaceous plant helps to cool the liver and cool down the body

Using this herbal remedy helps to improve shortness of breath due to hot lungs and effectively cool the body. Prepare 40g of fresh grass, then boil for water, drink after eating.

Cure blood in urine

If you are having hematuria due to urinary tract infections can use the following medicine. Use freshly baked ginger with Bach Mao tree to boil with 400ml of water until 100ml is fine. Drinking water while still hot, using continuously for about 10 days will completely heal.

Treatment of asthma

Use about 20g of fresh grass roots and bring to a boil. Drink water after eating and while still hot, use continuously for a week.

Stop bleeding

Use 125g White Mao with 125g of Clover. Bring everyone to boil to get drinking water. For people with nosebleeds or coughing up blood, this remedy is extremely effective. In cases of hemorrhage can use 125g white Mao tree combined with 63g more seaweeds cooked into drinking water during the day.

Some notes when using remedies with Co Tranh

When using thatched grass to note a few things

People allergic to the ingredients in the plant should not take these remedies. Pregnant women should not use Bach Mao either. Each person’s body will have a different location, so the use of drugs for each person is also different. 

If you experience symptoms such as abdominal pain or vomiting while using these remedies, discontinue use immediately. You should consult your doctor to get safety instructions for yourself.

The above article has provided some information about Co Tranh. Hope you have more useful information for yourself.


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