Gout treatment with green papaya is a method that many people apply
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Gout treatment with green papaya is a folk trick that has been passed down since ancient times, and is still believed and applied today because it is safe, benign, simple but low-cost. If you are wondering if a green papaya can cure gout, how to do it, do not ignore the information in this article.

Gout treatment with green papaya is a method that many people apply
Gout treatment with green papaya is a method that many people apply

Green papaya fruit and gout cure

Learn about green papaya

 Papaya is also known as jasmine, moroccan, phan qua thuong, aloe hong, originated in tropical America, now popularly grown in many parts of the world. Papaya is straight, 3 – 7m high, with scarred shell of petiole, broad blade, alternate, pointed ovate lobe; The flowers are light white or light green, and the flowers are male, female and hermaphrodite. The fruit is egg-shaped, 20 – 30cm long, green after ripe and turns orange. 

According to traditional medicine, papaya has a sweet taste, welding properties, and a slightly dark smell. Has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, and supporting the elimination of uric acid from the bloodstream. In addition, the swing also has a laxative effect, tonic, liver detoxification, antibacterial, and pain relief caused by gout. It also helps to overcome inflammation, pain, and swelling in the bones and joints.

Benefits of treating gout of green papaya

Green papaya is believed to be useful for gout for a variety of reasons, and according to folklore, green papaya can overcome the soreness and inflammation caused by gout. In addition, green papaya can also support the treatment of other bone and joint diseases such as rheumatism, spine spine, degenerative spine, lumbar spine spine, chronic arthritis.

According to modern medicine research, papaya contains a lot of vitamin C, beta carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B2, yeast-causing acids and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron. Green papaya contains 90% water, the rest are nutritional ingredients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

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In which, green papaya contains a lot of latex, has high biological value, these latex are a mixture of protein-breakdown yeast, capable of breaking down meat, supporting digestion, and releasing amino acids. In India, a new variety of papaya has been successfully bred with a resin that is five times higher than a regular papaya, used as an injection for pain relief caused by nerves and for its supportive effects. treatment of bone and joint problems. 

Green papaya is a highly alkaline fruit that neutralizes uric acid accumulated in the body, thereby preventing the formation of urate salts, reducing gout pain. water should be able to reduce uric acid precipitation to urate salts and assist in excreting uric acid from the body.

In green papaya also contains an ingredient that is the enzyme papain. This enzyme can aid in digestion of protein greater than its molecules. When the papain enzyme in the body combines with the chymopapain enzyme, it will prevent and limit swelling, inflammation, and redness caused by gout.

How to cure gout with green papaya

It can be seen that green papaya is effective in supporting the treatment of gout. Green papaya not only helps to reduce the pain caused by gout but also provides nutrients for the body, is good for health and does not bring side effects. There are many ways to cure gout with papaya such as:

1. Use papaya and coconut water to treat gout

Green papaya and coconut water can help treat gut disease very well
Green papaya and coconut water can help treat gut disease very well

Coconut water is a familiar drink that both has a refreshing effect and has high therapeutic value. Coconut water is considered as a natural electrolyte that has the ability to balance metabolism, promote metabolism of the body. Coconut water has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, removes cholesterol that causes cardiovascular disease, reduces the concentration of lactic acid and uric acid in the blood. At the same time, coconut water also supports uric acid excretion from the body through excretion. When combined with green papaya, this duo will bring very good gout treatment effects.

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Ingredients: 1 papaya cake, 300g green tea leaves, 1 young coconut


  • The papaya is washed, halved, removed, seeded, kept intact, sliced ​​or chopped into small pieces
  • Wash green tea leaves, take out a small basket, drain
  • Fresh coconuts cut their mouths, pouring water into the bowl
  • Put the papaya in a pot, add 4 bowls of filtered water, boil, let it boil for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat
  • Put green tea in a pot to brake the papaya juice and let it sit for 30 minutes
  • Then put coconut water in the pot and stir well, take the water, remove the residue, pour into the jar to drink all day.

Should apply gout remedy with papaya and coconut water for 1 month to see the symptoms of gout improve.

2. Cure gout with green papaya and green tea leaves

Green papaya and green tea leaves are good for people with gut disease
Green papaya and green tea leaves are good for people with gut disease

Green tea has long been known for its powerful antioxidant effects, preventing cardiovascular disease, supporting diabetes treatment, maintaining blood pressure … Green tea leaves have a bitter taste, including substances such as Polyphenols, gallic acid have the ability to prevent inflammation in the joints, help assist in reducing pain and improving inflammation. When green tea leaves combine with green papaya to help reduce pain, fight inflammation safely and do not cause side effects for the body. 


Ingredients: 1 green papaya, 1.5 liters of water, 300g of green tea leaves


  • Green papaya, leave its skin, cut in half, remove seeds, and cut into small pieces
  • Green tea leaves soaked with diluted salt water, washed, and drained
  • Put the water in the pot, boil, put the papaya in the pot, boil for 5 minutes
  • Put green tea leaves in a pot, continue to cook, after 2 minutes, turn off the heat, cover, and sit for 20 minutes
  • Drain the water into the thermos bottle, remove the residue, and drink water instead of water daily. 
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3. Cure gout with a dish made from papaya

Besides applying juices from papaya to green tea leaves or young coconut you can use green papaya into everyday dishes to aid treatment. Green papaya is alkaline, helping to neutralize and eliminate uric acid from the bloodstream. You can use green papaya to process into a papaya salad, this dish is easy to make, does not cause boredom and does not affect your health.


Raw materials: 800G green papaya; 150g carrots; 150g roasted peanuts; 150g herbs including red basil, coriander, oregano; Other spices like garlic, sugar, lemon, chili, fish sauce.


  • Green papaya peeled, seeded, shredded, soaked with diluted salt water for 15 – 20 minutes to clean plastic
  • Carrots peeled, washed; Wash the herbs and drain, cut into short pieces
  • Rinse papaya with clean water, drain, squeeze out the water in papaya
  • Carrots shredded into thin, long, thin fibers; Put papaya and carrots in a large bowl
  • Add 1.5 teaspoons of fish sauce mixed with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, 2 teaspoons of sugar; Add peeled garlic and minced chili to the bowl, stir well
  • Put water in the papaya bowl, mix well, leave for 10-15 minutes to absorb spices, then add herbs and peanuts to enjoy.

Some notes when treating gout with green papaya

Do not use green papaya for pregnant women
Do not use green papaya for pregnant women

When applying the remedy for gout with green papaya, you should pay attention to the following issues:

  • Green papaya or other gout folk remedies are only suitable for mild cases of gout, not suitable for people with severe gout. Moreover, it must be persistent for a long time to see results, the effect depends on the location of each person.
  • For patients with gout in a severe stage, it should only be applied as a supportive method, if there is any unusual symptoms, it is necessary to quickly visit the medical facility for appropriate treatment regimens.
  • Do not use green papaya for people with digestive problems, especially pregnant women. In green papaya contains active ingredient papain, which can damage the fetus, affecting the health and life of the baby. 
  • Papaya should only be used with a sufficient dose, not when hungry to avoid intestinal cramps, to avoid abuse to avoid jaundice. 
  • Should drink enough 2.5 liters of water per day, combined with foods such as mustard greens, green beans, brown rice, cucumber … to support uric acid excretion from the body. It is necessary to formulate a strict diet, absolutely stay away from foods containing many purines to avoid affecting health.

Gout treatment with green papaya is a long-standing method, although it can aid in improving joint problems, it is not a substitute for specialist treatment. Before deciding whether to apply it or not, you should consult a specialist for answers. 


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