Dogmatil is used to treat what disease, is there any side effect, how is the price of the medicine …? Learn some basic information about this drug in the article below.
Table of Contents
What is Dogmatil?
Dogmatil is a sedative, antidepressant, and anxiety drug. The drug is often indicated in the prevention, control, improvement and treatment of psychological and neurological symptoms such as psychosis, psychological instability, depression, imbalance …
In addition, the drug is also used in the treatment of behavioral disorders in children and adults, supporting the treatment of insomnia …
One 50mg dogmatil tablet contains Sulpiride 50mg base, Lactose, Methyl cellulose, Talc, Magnesium stearate, Gelatin, Titanium dioxide (E171).
Do dogmatil have side effects?
In the process of using any medicine it can cause undesirable side effects.
Side effects on the endocrine and metabolic system
When taking dogmatil, you may experience unusual symptoms such as: weight gain, constipation, jaundice, feeling lack of energy, apathy, an increase / decrease in libido, men with enlarged breasts and lactation, amenorrhea women …
Side effects on the nervous system
In addition, if the drug is misused, the user may suffer from movement disorders such as curvature of the neck, eye rotation, stiffness of the jaw, convulsions … or cause drowsiness, or drowsiness, even hypotension …
When used in combination with anti-fibrillation medications, it can cause extrapyramidal syndrome. Special attention should be paid when suffering from this side effect, which is a syndrome expressing abnormal body movements such as Parkinson’s symptoms, dystonia, delayed movement disorder, restless standing, …
Thus, it is recommended for those who regularly drive, operate machinery or exercise a lot should not use dogmatil. People who lack sleep, insomnia also need to be instructed by a doctor when using the drug. Absolutely not arbitrarily buying and taking medicine.
If the patient has a high fever – one of the manifestations of a malignant syndrome of psychotropic drugs – immediately stop taking the drug and see a doctor.
Usage and dosage dogmatil
Although effective and immediate, but with any drug should carefully read the instructions before use and follow the instructions of your doctor about dosage.
When using this drug, absolutely do not drink alcohol and stimulants such as alcohol, tobacco, …
The drug is contraindicated in the following cases: children under 14 years old, patients with liver disease, kidney disease, severe blood disorders, some tumors, cancer or drunk people, slow reaction … or allergic to any ingredient of the drug.
Pregnant women should limit dogmatil use during pregnancy.
The drug is usually taken orally and absorbed for 4 to 5 hours.
For adults, the dose ranges from 100-200mg (2-4 tablets) per day in divided doses.
For children, a dose of 5-10mg / kg body weight / day is used to treat severe behavioral disorders.
Prices of drugs dogmatil
Dogmatil 50mg drug originating from France, produced by the company Sanofi Winthrop Industrie.
A box of 2 blisters x 15 hard capsules is sold with prices ranging from 130,000 to 350,000 VND.
Shelf life of the drug is 36 months from the date of manufacture.
Dogmatil is commonly used to treat mental disorders, neurological disorders, and memory disorders. In the process of using the drug can cause some undesirable side effects, if detecting one of the symptoms in the patient should stop using the drug and see a qualified doctor to consult for use.
Note: All the above information is for reference only, patients need to follow the instructions of their doctor, and at the same time, prevent unwanted effects during drug use.
- Dogmatil 50mg Sulpiride neuropathy
- Sulpiride 200mg Tablets – Summary of Product Characteristics
- Sulpiride for schizophrenia and Tourette’s syndrome
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Học vấn:
Tốt nghiệp hệ Bác sĩ đa khoa, Trường Đại học Y Hà Nội (2011)
Tốt nghiệp Thạc sỹ chuyên ngành Nội khoa, Trường Đại học Y Hà Nội (2013).
Qua trình làm việc và công tác:
2012 – 2014: Công tác tại Bệnh viện Bạch Mai.
2014 – Nay: Công tác tại bệnh viên ĐH y dược Hà Nội Khoa Nội tổng hợp-u hóa huyên ngành Nội Tiêu hóa.
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