Crab vegetables
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Crab vegetables are often used to process salads (salads) or to cook soup with meat, shrimp, … Besides, people also take advantage of this vegetable to treat boils, osteoarthritis pain, diabetes. , constipation and anemia. 

Crab vegetables
Crab crustacean is not only used for cooking but also for medicinal purposes
  • Other names: Simple, like herbaceous, single diamond, herbaceous diamond, herbaceous devil, button, …
  • Scientific name: Peperomia pellucida
  • Family: Pepper – Piperaceae

Description of crab claw vegetables

Crab crayfish is a plant that grows wild in wet areas around ponds, lakes, canals, walls, … People often use it to eat raw or process into delicious foods. In addition, crab claws are also used to treat some common diseases.

1. Characteristics of crab claw vegetables

Crab claw is a herbaceous plant that grows on cows and thrives in moist areas such as walls and ditches. Plants are 15-40cm tall with light green stems, darker green leaves, heart-shaped blades and often alternate. The leaves are 15 – 20mm long, the upper surface is shiny than the underside. The flowers grow in stalks forming clusters, about 2-3 times longer than leaves. The berry is spherical, about 0.5 to 0.7 mm in diameter and has a hard tip.

2. The image identifies the crab tree

image of vegetables, crabs
Pictures of vegetables, crabs
image of vegetables, crabs
Crab claws can grow on damp walls, strip of soil around canals, …
image of vegetables, crabs
Because of its many health effects, crabs are now more widely grown

3. Distribution

The crab claw tree is native to South America. Currently, this plant has been dispersed and widely planted in many countries. In our country, the more crabs grow wild in the humid and soft soil – concentrated in the southern provinces.

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4. Parts used

The whole crab tree is used to make vegetables and medicine.

5. How to harvest

When harvesting more crabs, should spit the whole tree to rinse with clean water to remove soil and sand. Then wash with diluted salt water, take out and drain and use as soon as possible. Leaving more crabs in the water for too long can cause the vegetables to become fragile and reduce their nutritional value.

6. Chemical composition

Although it is a wild plant, but crab crab contains diverse and plentiful nutrients. Including beta-carotene (precursor of vitamin A), iron, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, phosphorus, …

7. Preservation

Crab sprouts are often used fresh, almost not dried or dried. Therefore, vegetables should be stored in a cool place and used up during the day to avoid wilting and reducing nutritional value.

The effect of crab claws according to traditional medicine

Crab vegetables
Crab crustacean has a sour taste, welding properties, the effect of retention, nourishing blood, heat and detoxification

1. Temperament – Regression

Crab legs are sour, spicy, welded

2. Pharmacological effects

  • Crab crayfish has the effect of detoxifying heat, systemic, circulating, nourishing blood, diuretic and tonic.
  • People often use it to treat pimples, osteoarthritis pain caused by heat, itchy sores caused by heat, heat scraps, and dry mouth.
  • In China, people use the whole vegetable and crab plants to treat cancer to poisoning, reduce swelling and pain caused by falls, treat burns and scalds.
  • In Java, the crab claws are crushed to treat headaches, malaria, the juice from the leaves is used to treat abdominal pain

3. Usage – Dosage

Crab vegetables are used to eat raw, cook soup or used in medicine, topical. Since it has no toxicity and is rich in vitamins and minerals, there are no specific limitations when using this vegetable. However, to ensure effectiveness, it is necessary to use medicinal herbs in accordance with the recommended dosage.

Vegetable crab and the effect of modern medicine

Going beyond the scope of traditional medicine, crabs are now scientifically researched and recognized for their many health effects. The effects of crab vegetables have been recognized by modern medicine:

1. Provide abundant nutrition for the body

Crab claws are wild vegetables in wet areas. Although not cared for, this vegetable contains a high nutritional content. On average, 100g of crab greens provide the body with 24 calories, 5.2mg vitamin C, carotenoid 4.166UI, phosphorus 34mg, magia 62mg, iron 3.2mg, calcium 224mg, potassium 277mg, …

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Therefore, supplementing dishes from vegetables and crabs can provide all minerals and vitamins that the body needs. Compared with conventional vegetables, crab meat has higher nutritional value but low price, delicious taste and easy processing.

2. Enhance immunity

With rich mineral and vitamin content – especially vitamin C , crustaceans can improve the immune system and improve overall health. In addition, the nutritional components in this vegetable also promote metabolism, assist in clearing toxins and maintain a healthy and gentle body.

3. Support the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia

Crab leg is one of the few green vegetables that contain abundant iron content. As is known, iron is a trace element necessary for the production of red blood cells – blood cells have the role of storing oxygen and nutrients to nourish the body.

Therefore, you can add vegetables to your diet every day to improve anemia. Gradually, this vegetable is used mixed with salad with beef to supplement iron and stimulate the body to produce red blood cells.

4. Weight loss, weight control

Most green vegetables have the ability to control weight and limit sudden weight gain. Crab vegetables contain many nutrients but only provide 24 calories / 100g. Therefore, adding this vegetable to your diet can control weight, reduce excess fat storage and speed up metabolism.

Vegetable crabs and effects
Adding vegetables and crab to daily meals helps to control weight effectively

Crab vegetables contain high levels of fiber. Therefore, adding this vegetable to main meals can create a feeling of fullness, thereby reducing food intake during the day and supporting weight loss effectively.

6. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic

For a long time, people have used crab sticks to reduce swelling and pain of bones and joints. In some recent studies, scientists found that the ingredients in this vegetable have the ability to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis – mediators in inflammatory responses.

This study also showed that crabs are able to reduce fever relative to aspirin. However, this result is only preliminary, so it takes time for more research.

7. Crab vegetables have antibacterial effects

Axanthone glycoside and patuloside A in crab vegetables have been shown to have broad-spectrum antimicrobial effects. This is also the reason why topical remedies from crab crust can soothe the inflammation in pustules, effectively reduce itching and sores.

8. Slow down the aging process

Beta-caroteins and vitamin C are antioxidants found in crayfish. These ingredients have the ability to destroy free radicals, thereby slowing down the aging process and minimizing the risk of chronic diseases due to the effects of age.

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9. Support to reduce uric acid in blood

Crab vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals essential for health. These components are not only good for the immune system but also help the kidneys increase the elimination of toxins and uric acid. Experiments on rats showed that crab vegetables can reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood by 44%.

Experts evaluate that the effectiveness of this vegetable’s uric acid control is promising. Therefore, nowadays, crabs are being studied to replace Allopurinol.

10. Improve digestive function

Similar to other vegetables, crabs have the ability to regulate digestive activities, help improve constipation and poor eating. However, due to its coolness, crabs are not recommended for people with diarrhea, spasmodic colitis , …

Food – a remedy from vegetables and crabs

Vegetable crabs and effects
Crab vegetables are often used to process nutritious dishes

1. Remedy for heat scraps (dry throat, hoarseness, sore throat)

  • Preparation: Fresh vegetables and crab (just enough).
  • Directions: Take to wash, drain and chew, swallow water to soothe the throat. Or you can use 50 – 100g of sharp crabs drink daily until the disease subsides.

2. Crab salad with diabetes, constipation, dry mouth and thirst

  • Preparation: Vegetable crab 100g, fried frog meat 100g flour, lemon, vinegar, …
  • Directions: Rinse the crabs, drain and squeeze with vinegar lemon juice, then add frog meat and serve with rice.

3. Remedy for dysuria, peeing

  • Preparation: Crab vegetables 150 – 200g.
  • Implementation: Rinse, drain and eat raw or use decoction for drinking water.

4. Beef crabs salad for anemia, prevent anemia in women

  • Preparation: 100g crab crustaceans, beef, spices, lemon, …
  • Directions: Bring beef sliced, seasoned and stir fry for hunting. Then mix with vegetables and crab to eat regularly to supplement iron, improve anemia.

5. Remedy for whitlow (swelling of the finger, pus)

  • Preparation: Crab claw vegetables 100 – 150g.
  • Directions: Rinse the crabs, drain and sharpen for drinking water. Remove residue to cover pustules to quickly ripen acne.

6. Remedy for itchy pimples, dry skin and long-healed wounds

  • Preparation: Vegetable crab (just enough).
  • Implementation: Rinse vegetables, eat with dishes or squeeze drinking water, residue to cover skin Do this once a day until the skin is completely healed.

7. Remedy for back pain caused by muscle contraction (heat toxic to enter the kidney menstruation)

  • Preparation: Vegetables 50 – 100g.
  • Implementation: Rinse, sharpen drink. Use once a day until the pain in the back is completely relieved.

8. Remedy for constipation

  • Preparation: Vegetables 100 – 150g
  • Directions: Wash, drain and serve with main dishes. Should eat every day until defecation takes place smoothly.

Some notes when using vegetables as crab

Crab vegetables are both a nutritious food and a medicine with diverse functions. However, before taking these medicinal remedies, you should note the following issues:

  • People who are suffering from diarrhea due to a bad spleen and people with kidney stones should not use food – a remedy from the crab.
  • Pregnant women also need to be cautious when using vegetables.
  • In rare cases, crustaceans can cause allergies. So should stop using medicinal herbs if unusual manifestations such as skin urticaria, rash, itchy throat, …
  • To preserve the nutritional value in vegetables, crabs should be used raw instead of cooked. However, it is necessary to properly soak vegetables in order to limit stomach and intestinal infections.

Crab vegetables provide the body with a variety of nutrients and abundance. Therefore, you can add this vegetable to your daily diet to improve your health and maintain a good shape. However, if using crab claws for treatment, need medical consultation for specific advice.


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