complications from tonsillitis
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Complications caused by tonsillitis make many people extremely confused and worried. With this disease, patients should soon carry out timely examination and treatment to quickly recover health.

complications from tonsillitis
Tonsillitis causes a complex series of complications.


Complications from tonsillitis

Tonsillitis as tonsils swollen condition, flushed, causing burning pain, discomfort for patients. Most patients suffering from this disease are at high risk of high fever, rapid pain when swallowing, coughing fits, bad breath, … The main cause of this disease is due to the attack of bacteria. nasopharynx. If the conditions are favorable, they will quickly develop and seriously affect the health of the patient.

In fact, most patients with tonsillitis are young children. With weak resistance, babies are at high risk of disease. When suffering from this disease, if it is not treated promptly, the patient will be very susceptible to the following dangerous complications.

1. Difficulty swallowing

This is a local complication of tonsillitis. The sick person will have difficulty swallowing saliva and food. In particular, the patient still has difficulty talking because the tonsil mass is inflamed and compresses the throat. This affects the patient’s daily life and activities.

2. Surrounding inflammation

The surrounding organs such as throat, mouth, nose, … are quickly affected. The infection spreads, causing the patient to develop sinusitis, otitis media, pharyngitis, … If not controlled, the level of infection will get worse.

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3. Sleep Apnea Syndrome

The inflammation of the tonsils will cause the tonsils to rapidly swell, blocking the airways and making it difficult for the patient to sleep. In addition, the patient also showed signs of shortness of breath, tried to breathe, even stopped breathing temporarily. Patients are often impaired, distracted, risk of cerebral vascular accident, myocardial infarction.

4. Abscess – tonsillar abscess

Tonsil mass forms purulent fluid causing pressure – abscess around the tonsils. Patients often suffer from sore throats, itchy neck, dry lips, weakness, bad breath, … larynx, cavernous sinusitis, carotid artery damage, sepsis, …

5. Glomerulonephritis

complications from tonsillitis
Patients with tonsillitis may develop glomerulonephritis.

People with tonsillitis may experience complications of glomerulonephritis. At this time, group A Streptococcus bacteria developed rapidly, causing the patient to have low-grade fever, nausea, change in urine, kidney pain, severe abdominal pain, …

6. Inflammation of tonsillary tissue

The bacteria rapidly attack the tonsils, causing inflammation of the tonsils. The patient is constantly in pain in the throat, unable to move the jaw, swallowing pain, … Inflammation can spread inside the throat wall and can lead to cancer of the throat wall.

7. Rheumatic fever

This is one of the dangerous complications caused by tonsillitis. When the body’s immune system fights the attack of Group A Streptococcus bacteria, the patient will suffer from this disease. Patients often have high fever, chest pain, heart palpitations, tired body, aching joints, … even heart failure, open heart valves, …

Tonsillitis – When should I cut?

Prolonged tonsillitis will cause many complicated complications, affecting the quality of life of the patient. Ideally, when realizing that he or she has signs of this disease, the patient should soon conduct examination and treatment early. In fact, not all patients can have tonsillectomy. After the examination, depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor will prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

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complications from tonsillitis
Patients with tonsillitis should be examined early.

The patient is only allowed to remove tonsils in the following cases:

  • Tonsillitis causes dangerous complications such as otitis media, sinusitis, abscesses around the tonsils, glomerulonephritis, arthritis, rheumatism, …
  • Tonsillitis causes lung obstruction, difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing, affecting sleep, …
  • Recurrent tonsillitis 5-6 times / year.
  • Amidan is too large in size, interfere with eating and drinking, sleep apnea.
  • Tonsil blocks cause bad breath, swallowing, suspected malignancy.

In case of not cutting tonsils:

  • Patients with tonsillitis over 45 years old, bleeding a lot from sticky fibrous tonsils.
  • The patient has a weakened immune system.
  • People with cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, …

Advice when suffering from tonsillitis

Currently, the proportion of patients suffering from tonsillitis is increasing rapidly. It is very important to carry out treatment and control the disease. Patients should choose reputable and quality medical facilities for medical examination. Besides, when suffering from this disease, the patient needs to pay attention to the following issues to quickly heal.

complications from tonsillitis
Good oral hygiene helps control tonsillitis.
  • Clean the throat area with saline water to remove pathogenic bacteria.
  • Develop a reasonable diet, supplement the body with nutrients every day, especially foods high in vitamins.
  • Do not drink ice water, eat cold foods or irritating foods
  • Drink enough 2 liters of water per day, can provide the body with more juice
  • Sleep enough 8 hours / day, arrange a reasonable resting time
  • Do not talk too much or scream that affects the palate
  • Keep your neck warm when the weather turns cold
  • Wear a mask when going out, avoid direct contact with the environment with a lot of dust and pollution
  • Do not use stimulants such as alcohol, beer, or tobacco
  • Exercise with gentle exercises to increase the body’s resistance
  • Do not worry, too much stress can seriously affect the treatment of tonsillitis
  • Do not buy oral medications or apply folk remedies to treat tonsillitis without the appointment of a specialist.
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Above is the information to help you read more about complications caused by tonsillitis. With this disease, patients need to be cautious, not subjective. As soon as you find yourself showing any signs of illness, you should soon proceed to examination and treatment. At the same time, strictly follow the instructions of the specialist to quickly cure the disease.


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