Stuffy nose when sleeping
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Many people experience a stuffy nose while sleeping, causing poor sleep, seriously affecting the patient’s quality of life and health. With this disease, the patient should soon find ways to overcome the disease quickly.

Stuffy nose when sleeping
A stuffy nose when sleeping makes it difficult for the sick person to breathe.


Nasal stuffy sleep – Lots of people get it

The situation of stuffy nose while sleeping appears quite common today. According to statistics, the proportion of patients suffering from nasal congestion increases every year. This is a pathology that greatly affects human life, making the patient extremely uncomfortable, tired, weak body, dizziness, dizziness, nausea, …

Nasal congestion when sleeping is a condition in which the mucous membranes of 1 or 2 sides of the nose are stagnant and cannot escape. At that time, the patient had a stuffy nose and easily blocked the airways, especially when the patient was sleeping. If not controlled, the patient suffers from nasal congestion, which is very easy to seriously affect the nose area.

Many people are subjective to the stuffy nose when sleeping. Few people know that this disease can cause a lot of serious consequences. If the stuffy nose persists, the person will often breathe through the mouth. At this time, the air is not filtered, going down the lungs increases the risk of respiratory infections and dry mouth.

Besides, patients also suffer from sleep disturbances, leading to debilitating conditions and prolonged depression. Frequent congestion also causes a lack of oxygen to the brain. When the air pathway of the lungs is limited, it will reduce the amount of oxygen supplied to the body and cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, …

Cause stuffy nose when sleeping

A stuffy nose while sleeping is a symptom of many causes. With this disease, patients should be examined early to determine the exact cause of the disease. From there, the doctor gives the most appropriate treatment for the disease. Below are some of the most common causes of a stuffy nose while sleeping.

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1. Gastric reflux

Stuffy nose when sleeping
Nasal stuffy while sleeping due to acid reflux.

Some people have a stuffy nose while sleeping due to acid reflux disease. When suffering from this disease, the acidic fluids are refluxed, causing nasal congestion and difficulty breathing. Without control measures, patients will be very susceptible to sleep disturbances that affect the quality of daily life.

2. Allergy

Studies show that up to 74% of people are directly exposed to allergens in the bedroom such as dust, pollen, mold, fur, … When exposed to allergens, people The disease is often stuffy nose, sneezing constantly. This condition occurs often at night, causing the patient’s sleep to be flaky, not sleep deeply.

3. Using stimulants

Stimulants such as alcohol, beer, cigarettes, … cause negative effects on the health of patients. Inhalation of secondhand smoke increases the risk of chronic sinusitis. Ideally, people should not overdo these substances and avoid places with smoke to ensure their own health is safe.

4. Hormonal changes in the body

Women entering the menstrual period will be more likely to have a stuffy nose while sleeping because hormones in the body are changed suddenly. In addition, pregnant women will cause the levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body to increase rapidly, causing the tissue in the nose to increase rapidly, restricting air circulation and causing nasal congestion.

5. Sinusitis

Stuffy nose when sleeping
Sinusitis causes a stuffy nose to sleep.

This is one of the reasons why people suffer from a stuffy nose while sleeping. Patients with sinusitis causes swollen sinus cavities, increased mucus in the nose, causing a stuffy nose. The disease progresses worse at night, affecting the sleep of the patient.

6. Exposure to polluted environment

If exposed to a polluted environment, a lot of smoke and dust will put the patient at risk of a stuffy nose while sleeping. The air has a lot of dust and dirt that will increase the secretion of mucus in the nose. When the dirt is attached to the nose a lot, it will cause the lining of the nose to thicken and cause the patient to have a stuffy nose while sleeping.

7. Nasal polyps

This disease can cause a person with a stuffy nose while sleeping. The overgrowth of tissues inside the nasal passages is an obstacle that keeps the nose blocked at night. In addition, if the nose is deviated from the septum, the bone structure in the nose is not correct, the patient may suffer from birth defects and nasal obstruction.

8. Virus infection

Children are very susceptible to a stuffy nose when sleeping. With weak resistance, babies are susceptible to viral infections and their chances of getting infected are low. In particular, the child’s nasal passages are often narrow, so they are easily blocked. When you are infected with a virus or have a cold, more mucus in the nose causes a stuffy nose at night.

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How to overcome stuffy nose when sleeping

Nasal congestion while sleeping causes serious health effects on patients. Patients often lose sleep, are restless, have difficulty breathing, … With the disease of stuffy nose while sleeping, the patient should soon conduct treatment. To help the disease quickly heal, the patient needs to apply some simple remedies as follows.

1. Clean the nose

Stuffy nose when sleeping
Rinse the mucus inside the nasal cavity with normal saline.

The patient with a stuffy nose when sleeping should clean the nose area before going to bed. This will help the nose clear and more comfortable. Normal saline helps to remove fluid inside the sinuses. You can make your own saline or buy a saline solution at pharmacies to clean your nose at night before going to bed and wake up in the morning.

2. Adjust the room temperature

Keeping the room temperature at the same level can help manage congestion while sleeping. A cool, clean environment helps you fall asleep and sleep better. If you have a stuffy nose while sleeping, the temperature can be a little warmer. This method will help reduce nasal congestion, thin mucus inside the nose. Patients easily get a good night’s sleep, sleep more deeply.

3. Avoid contact with allergens

If you have a stuffy nose while sleeping, the patient should not be exposed to a polluted, smoggy environment. Besides, you should clean the bedroom, avoid dirt and other allergens affecting sleep. In addition, you need to limit your dog and cat farming and not contact them.

4. Use a humidifier

To add moisture in the air to help the nose clear and breathe easier, the patient can use a humidifier. This is a way to help soothe the nasal tissues and control the mucus inside the nose, easily pushing the mucus out. You should place a humidifier in the bedroom to reduce irritation of the respiratory tract mucosa.

5. Rub your breasts with essential oils

This can help improve cold symptoms and help the person sleep better. Patients can use tea tree oil, peppermint, eucalyptus, … to gently massage the chest. However, people whose skin is irritated to essential oils should not be used, to avoid affecting the skin. In particular, people with chest tightness, difficulty breathing, should not apply this treatment.

6. Sauna with tea tree oil

Stuffy nose when sleeping
A steam bath helps to reduce congestion while sleeping.

Using steam tea tree oil is also one of the most effective sleep control methods for congestion. Tea tree oil has very good anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Regular use of this remedy will help reduce swelling and congestion of the nose. In addition to tea tree oil, patients can use other ingredients such as lemon, lemongrass, mint, …

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7. Adjust your sleeping position properly

This is essential to help manage congestion while sleeping. Patients can use a high pillow to support the head while sleeping. This is a way to help the mucus drain and clear the nose. During the breathing process, the air inside the nose will help the patient feel comfortable, relax his mind, and sleep deeply.

8. Take a warm bath

Warm water works to help blood circulate in the body better. People with a stuffy nose when sleeping can use a shower with warm water or soak in a warm bath to help relax the body, reduce stress, and improve nasal congestion. The warm water will help loosen mucus and quickly push it out, clearing the airways.

9. Develop a reasonable diet

Actively supplement essential nutrients to enhance the body’s resistance. Patients with a stuffy nose while sleeping should avoid using foods that contain nasal irritants. At the same time, you should not drink alcohol, beer, smoke, … Besides, the patient should provide the body with green vegetables, fruits containing many vitamins.

10. Drink enough water

Stuffy nose when sleeping
Drinking water every day helps to reduce congestion while sleeping.

Getting enough 2 liters of water per day is essential for the patient to perform. If you have a stuffy nose when you sleep, you can supplement your body with juices, fruits and vegetables. Water will help thin mucus in the nose, reduce pressure in the sinuses, improve nasal irritation. The patient can use herbal teas to reduce congestion, and facilitate nasal ventilation.

11. Use a warm compress

To improve the stuffy nose when sleeping, the patient can use a warm compress. With the mechanism of opening the nasal passages from the outside, the warm compress will help the nose clear and more comfortable. You soak the towel in warm water and squeeze it out. Then, put the towel on your nose and forehead. This way will help reduce nose pain, dissolve mucus and the patient feels more comfortable and relaxed.

12. Take an antihistamine

The use of oral medications requires the guidance and direction of a specialist. Patients absolutely are not allowed to buy oral medications without consulting a doctor. Histamine is a hormone that plays an important role in allergic reactions. Using antihistamines will help reduce sneezing, congestion, and stuffy nose while sleeping for the patient.

Having a stuffy nose when sleeping – When should the patient see a doctor?

Not all patients with a stuffy nose while sleeping with the above remedies will recover. In fact, if the stuffy nose is in severe severity for a long time, the patient should soon conduct examination and treatment. This is how you can spot complications of the disease and treat it promptly. Patients should see a treating doctor in the following cases.

Stuffy nose when sleeping
Patients should see their doctor if they have a stuffy nose while sleeping.
  • Nasal congestion causes fatigue, weakness, and sleep disruption
  • Limit breathing due to a stuffy nose
  • Sleepy stuffy nose lasts for about 2 weeks
  • Nasal stuffy together with other symptoms such as bleeding, sinus pain, fever, yellow discharge with pus, …

The stuffy nose when sleeping does not cause many complications but seriously affects the health of the patient. The patient often suffers from prolonged insomnia leading to serious weakness of the body. If left untreated, patients with a stuffy nose while sleeping are more likely to block their airways due to excessive mucus secretion. Therefore, the patient should be cautious, early conducting treatment when there are signs of a stuffy nose at night.

Hope the above information will help you to better understand the situation of stuffy nose when sleeping. This is a sign of many dangerous diseases, so patients need to pay attention to their own health. Ideally, you should strictly follow the instructions of your doctor during the treatment process to quickly heal the disease. Absolutely not apply folk remedies that make the disease not cured but worse.


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